Meditation of the Intra-terrestrial Solar Frequency // Salthad

  • 2012

The solar frequencies that are found in intra-earth cities and that some are unknown to us, are being guided for their opening in service to the solar consciousness and other consciences, for unity in love and frequency security.

Each intra-earth city connects with each country that encompasses our planet and these are all being convened for the service of this purpose of unity and energy cleaning.

The pillars of light, which we will activate will help synchronous anchoring of the energies of the country itself, so when these pillars are activated, they will connect with each other and together with the energy of our sun, we will be able to harmonize the low frequency energies, so that they can integrate unit.

These pillars will form a solar disk that, being connected between these 5 frequency points (pillars), will end up delivering the necessary energy balance, for the frequency stability of the area

Let us remember that unity is that which integrates us and calls us all to the same service of light, in help towards our nature, towards our humanity and towards our fauna that most of the time we forget it or leave it aside.

The inner mission of this solar activation is to achieve the global brotherhood among all the countries that make up our planet, thanks to the divinity this is already conspiring, needing only the necessary tool to start to start and this tool corresponds to the activation of these solar pillars of light for the universal unity in union with our sun and the great central sun.

Frequent Solar Meditation

Duration: 1hrs
Place: indicated by the 5 points of each country
Call: a minimum of 25 people are summoned, for each activation of each frequency point

* At the meeting place there should be an appropriate space for the circular formation of at least 25 people.
* Place the symbol (corresponding to each country) in the center of the human circle.

Sitting down we will begin to feel our nature around us, connecting with our inner and outer world, from the heart we will begin to feel every living being that is around us.

* Breathing slowly and deeply, trying to take as much oxygen as possible, without any pressure (15min)

Then, we will change the way we breathe, inhaling deeply and exhaling inside, bringing our oxygen to our heart (15min)

Feeling the heat inside us, we will hold hands and feel the energy of the symbol that is in the center of us and in turn with the intention we will visualize it with our eyes closed, coming towards us and always connecting from the heart.

Maintaining the same inner breathing rate (10min)
(Space for bowl music)

With the symbol in front of us, we will let go of our hands and put our left hand in our heart and our right hand will put it in front of the symbol and press it, feeling the energy of its frequency .

Maintaining the same inner breathing rate (10min)
(Space for bowl music)

Finally, when we feel the symbol for this certain time, we will take it energetically with our own right hand and bring the energy up, raising the hand with the energy of the yes. symbol in the direction of the sky, returning to our natural way of breathing, we will raise our head up and inhale and exhale the heat of our interior together with the energetic intensity of the symbol, sending our love to all living beings that are on our planet and to our nature (10min)

Then we will thank all the beings of light who accompanied us in this meditation, our mother earth and our mother water, giving each other as a circle a hug.

Salthad - Gonzalo Barrera.
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