Master Hilarion ~ Express your Truth

  • 2014


Time as you know it is in a state of flux and many times each of you feels that time has stopped and then quickly accelerated. They are arriving at a place where their bodily processes are being recalibrated more intensely so that their physical bodies can be transmuted, renewed and regenerated more comfortably, in alignment. with the energies of higher dimensions, in order to advance in its ascension process. This will help them absorb more light in their ethereal energy fields and, ultimately, this will affect all cells to regenerate the entire human operating system. . It is helpful to feel and express your intention at the beginning of each day to tune into the essence of totality and youthful perfection as you feel and wrap yourself with the violet flame. Spend as much time as you can by visualizing and wrapping your entire uric field with the violet flame. When you can see this in your mind's eye, keep this focus for as long as possible. This will greatly help with the healing process if you practice it daily. Take a moment to also visualize the Earth surrounded by the beautiful violet ray before completing this exercise.

In all things, express your truth. The time to reduce your light in order to please others is already past. Yes, expressing their truth may offend some who are accustomed to pleasing others in order to obtain their approval, but now it is important to maintain their integrity of being totally honest with themselves. When they are totally honest, there is no room for confusion or illusion and avoid the pitfalls that divert them from their service paths to light. Be complete with yourself! You don't have to be rude in this discipline - your words can be said with love and compassion for the other. Sometimes, the truth will come out with a furious burst of energy and it is important to understand that the speaker is under the influence of the transforming energy of the Kundalini that rises from his farm. zy and this energy is very powerful. That is why we recommend that everyone connect to Earth every day, as this will help them stay balanced and balanced. Going out and enjoying nature, while walking or hiking, will help you calm down and balance the uric field when there is excess energy that makes you feel tense and irritable.

Tuning in with the Earth under your feet will bring you stability in all areas of your life. When the energy levels inside you are very high, expressing your creative side through action can help keep them in tune with the energies of peace and harmony. a. Open yourself to writing, poetry, painting, channeling, music creation, singing and even humming. Allow your creative energy channels, in whatever form they adopt, to express themselves, and they will soon find themselves in a much happier and happier space. When they are in a cheerful space, creative ideas flow into their consciousness in an explosion of inspiration, expansion and pleasant synchronisms. Follow your inner guidance and intuition and make your life a wonderful adventure of discovery. The world is your oyster - find the precious pearl!

Those who have been on the spiritual path for a long time will begin to feel a sense of renewal, peace, harmony and joy. If you can keep your energy field free of the energies of others, you can sustain this state of well-being, regardless of what is happening around you. Keep your heart and mind open and focus on what you want to create and achieve. Having patience and faith that you are connected to the highest vibration that is safe for you in these times, maintaining an attitude of love and enjoying the journey through the universe, will help you manifest your dreams. Instead of trusting what others say, follow your own intuition and visceral feelings, as it is the guide that comes through your own soul. Whatever obstacle or challenge you face, know that it will be well resolved for you. Begin to accept the totality of what you are, as you are and you will see your life transformed in perfect and divine order.

Avoid getting caught in the appearances and distractions of external life, find the true substance, the true essence of what you want and accept that everything is in a state of divine order . Be clear about your own limits and where you end and others begin. Appropriate their emotions and allow others to possess theirs, since it is important to have a healthy sense of self-worth. Be proud of all your achievements and celebrate every little victory. Make conscious decisions that create and maintain balance in your lives and that also create the conditions and possibilities that lead to the fulfillment of your even better life.

Translated by Esther Abreu

Master Hilarion ~ Express your Truth

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