Full Moon in Taurus - (November 17) with Mercury and Neptune in direct motion.

  • 2013

As expected with a return of Mercury, in the last 4 weeks I have found it very difficult to sit down to write. Although Mercury has been parked directly a week ago, it does not leave its shadow period until the 26th of this month.

As we all have checked the issues of communication, mobile phones, computers, procedures, in this case in particular when it has occurred in the sign of Scorpio, the payment of inheritance, unemployment, social security, mortgages, credit cards, etc., have been delayed. The best attitude at the moment is to make sure that everything planned, decided, arranged, signed, is read one and a thousand times before signing, the points discussed in detail. Check, check, check. Verified appointments, vehicle operation checked, etc. When we have agreed something with someone, check that we are both on the same page. That the other has understood what one has meant, not simply to assume it, since the safest thing is that it was not so, etc. In short, this is what we can do, which does not mean that we will completely nullify the effect of this imaginary motion of Mercury, seen from Earth. But like all Astrology, this is an imaginary mathematics, which works with almost the same certainty as pure and hard mathematics. Those of us who investigate and work with this type of mathematics and geometry, know and check it daily.

What we also learn from this Scorpio period is that at the angle of their opposition, that is, Taurus, is where the message to be discovered is. And this brings us to this mooning that we are already living and that in some way consulates and closes the cycle initiated by the eclipse of November 3, of which we all had the opportunity to feel its extraordinary power. What really happened? Scorpio opens the door to the darkness of our psyche, to our darkest motivations, to our need to survive and everything we must do for it. He confronted us with the small-great wars of power we have with others and the emotional state to which it leads. He has confronted us with our financial dependencies, with our deepest fears, with our doubts and fear of abandonment, not being able to survive for ourselves, with our emotional attachments that seek to curtail the other's freedom. It also evokes and confronts us with the consequences and responsibilities of the excess of Venus, that is, of letting ourselves be seduced by pleasure, gluttony, sensuality, etc. And what does Taurus's angle offer us? As I have said on several occasions, the cusp of house 8 (Scorpio) is called the "entrance to Hades" and the cusp of house 2 (Taurus) "exit of Hades." In other words, all the money to which we have access but which we have not earned with our own work takes us directly to Hades and that which we earn with our own effort, offers us the way out of this dark place. Taurus is a sign of Earth and Water Scorpio. Taurus is ruled by Venus and Scorpio by Mars and Pluto. Interestingly, for this Full Moon, Venus is in conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn. All this seems to remind us that just as Taurus's great materialism, his fear of change and the new, finds in Scorpio the lesson that an end or a death, which means a change, does not necessarily mean the end, but simply a opportunity to start and discover a new dimension of our psyche. It teaches us that without these changes and renovations we perish as we disconnect from evolution. Life goes on and as comfortable as we feel at a particular stage, it will come to an end, to give way to another, more renewed and more in tune with the rest of the world and evolution. In the same way, Taurus seems to offer Scorpio the lesson that the most important thing to survive and to be able to find stability in our lives is to develop our own value system, our creativity and, above all, our SELF ESTIMATE. We do not need the money of others, or seduce another to be able to value ourselves, we need to believe in ourselves and connect with what makes us special, since we all are, because no two people are alike, despite our similarity to others. That is what we do better than anyone and how we can translate it into a form of survival. I am thinking at the moment that “someone” has spent 142 million dollars on a painting by Francis Bacon, (this week, when in the Philippines they have neither water, nor means to feed the children, put a roof over their heads and to bury their dead What happens to us Something is completely out of balance And 43 million in a diamond !! With that money the lives of almost all Filipinos, who have suffered this unjust tragedy, could be solved Venus Venus Pluto in Capricorn? it is that the passage of Venus through Capricorn has activated the famous current quadrature between Uranus and Pluto, and Ceres, Mother Earth, next to Vest, complete the T-quadrande, opposing Uranus from Libra and forming the quadrature to Venus-Pluto. Once again we are brought to consciousness what must still change in this world and the need to find a balance, which allows us ALL to live better.

Jupiter in Cancer that in a certain way, is responsible for this amount of floods, tsunamis, that excess rainfall throughout the world, seems to remind us, the power of the feminine and of course Nature.

Neptune has parked directly on the 14th of this month, and Chiron will do it on the 19th. As in all the retrogrades of the planets they lead us to the reflection and awareness of the power of the archetype they represent. These two are in Pisces, therefore, according to where this sign falls on your astral chart, it will be where you are living these archetypes of disappointment, redemption, and opportunity to find the elements that help us heal these wounds. It is there where perhaps you have been disappointing about your abilities and where you have let your imagination fly without looking at reality. At the same time and contrary to it, it is also the place where your dreams can come true if they are brought to earth and consciousness.

Ceres and Vesta form a trine to the Moon for this mooning, reaffirming the power of the feminine in our lives. Perhaps an opportunity to find in our interior a healthy balance between masculine and feminine.

The message of this Full Moon in Taurus, seems to remind us that we must respect this duality within the psyche, and give expression to these two parts of our being, to have the possibility of offering security to ourselves and recover our self-esteem that surely has more than to do with our power to survive, in an honest and complete way, than with our ability to seduce the other to do it for us.

We must not forget that Venus, the ruler of this full Moon, was born from castration, from the decision of a son to cut with the paternal bond, to discover himself and thus be able to meet the Goddess of Beauty and Love.

Source: http://astrologiaarquetipica.wordpress.com/2013/11/15/luna-llena-en-tauro-17-de-noviembre-con-mercurio-y-neptuno-en-mocion-directa/

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