The eight enclosures - by the group, channeled by Steve Rother

  • 2015
Table of contents hide 1 THE 8 ENCLOSURES 2 Enter the Precincts 3 CREATION ENVIRONMENT - First Precinct 4 THE ART OF CREATION 5 SUGGESTIONS: 6 FEAR ENVIRONMENT - Second precinct 7 FORGIVENESS - Third precinct 8 HEALTH ENCLOSURE - Fourth precinct 9 RESPONSIBILITY ENCLOSURE - Fifth precinct 10 ACTION ENVIRONMENT - Sixth precinct 11 HUMOR ENCLOSURE - Seventh precinct 12 ACCEPTANCE ENCLOSURE - Eighth precinct 13 The eight enclosures - by the group, channeled by Steve Rother

Regards, !

My dear friend Susana Peralta sent us a technique to express thoughts and desires, from the 5th Dimension to the 3rd Dimension, which was contributed by “The Group” that Steve Rother channels.

This technique is inspired by the channeling “The Sacred Enclosure”, which was originally sent in 2002 (we are sending it below).

Needless to say, it has not lost its validity.

We hope you find this text useful!


Mario Liani


Five years ago, on April 10, 2010, Steve and Barbara Rother arrived in Buenos Aires to give the Seminar on The 8 Enclosures ...

For many years (I think since 2003), I was already part of the Lightworker translator team, but in those two days a bond was forged with the Rother that is becoming stronger thanks to the Online Seminars and having the joy of helping to translate and distribute The Lighthouses of Light with that wonderful group of sister translators scattered all over the world ...

I feel honored and blessed to have been in person with such a loving and generous couple and to have met so many wonderful beings that have become my friends.

¡Espavo, my loves !!!

Susana Peralta


The Group warns us that in this new energy that entered on 12.12.12, work in the 8 enclosures must be done from the heart. When the Seminar was held in different parts of the world, the mind was still used more, although Steve and Barbara were present, we all felt a great love and a lot of emotion ...

Susana Peralta

These enclosures are inspired by the channeling The sacred precinct of The Group.

The Sacred Enclosures are the representation of a true space of the fifth Dimension. Choose a door and enter the space where the time interval is less than that of the third Dimension and thoughts become reality very quickly.

Before entering the Sacred Enclosures, we recommend that you read the suggestions for the use of the enclosures and what the Group says about creation.

Suggestions for the use of the Enclosures

These Eight Sacred Enclosures have an order to be used in the most effective way. Use them in the way you prefer or let us make the following suggestions.

Carefully establish your creation in the first enclosure. Remember that what you ask for will be received. Check your statement the next day and if you don't feel it complete, change the words of the creation. Take as much time as you need until you feel that you are ready. Please, no more than one creation per day. When you feel that your statement is ready, move on to the next enclosure.

Continue with the same order in each room until all eight are completed. In each room you will discover something to say about your creation. If the topic of the enclosure and the suggestions do not apply to your situation, simply write the same, and review it the next day. If when you check it you feel it is complete, go to the next room. Understand that when you write, you don't do it for others. This is between the Universe and t .

You can set in motion the improvement of your life in just eight days, however, this is not a race. We only ask you to remember one point: enjoying the trip is more important than arriving at the destination. Enjoy the ride!

Enter the Precincts

CREATION ROOM First Enclosure

Start the miracle and create your reality

Welcome to the Sacred Site of the Intention Expressed

It all starts here.

This space is a true representation of a space of the fifth Dimension. In this space the time interval is less than that of the third Dimension. In this space thoughts become reality very quickly.

1. Activate your Creation by writing it down. You don't write for others to read, this is between you and the Universe.

2. The next day, or when you can, review your statement. If you feel it is complete you can continue to the next enclosure. If you feel something is missing, write your statement again, until you feel it faithfully reflects your creation. The next day review it again.


There seems to be confusion about the words creation and co-creation. The Group says that now that we are in the fifth Dimension, we are creating instead of co-creating. This is because the spirit is integrating into each one of us. The process is the same, except that it carries more responsibility and, therefore, more power.

The manifestations you receive will always correspond to the vibrations you transmit. Here we give you a few practical suggestions regarding the art of the Creation of The Group, adapted from the book Re-Cuerden: a manual for human evolution.

The Group often reminds us that we are here to 'play the game'. We will complete the game when we re-remember our powers of manifestation and re-believe our version of Heaven on Earth. As we achieve this, we all win and move on to the next level of the game. It is time to start creating our reality instead of assuming one that has been created by others or by default.

The steps are the following:

Intention (Thought)
Spoken word

The intention and the spoken word will be carried out in this space. Then it will be up to you to participate in the Creation which requires third Dimension alignments. We are responsible for the actions on our side of the veil. Once this has been done, you can trust that it has already been set in motion.


Please, we recommend that you choose your words carefully since they will manifest as you write them.

Words like I WANT, DEBT, TREAT, NEVER, I CAN'T and WISH will bring you exactly the same vibration.

When you say "I want", in response you receive 'the same kind' of vibration, so you will continue to 'want' that something for a long time.

The Group says “asking for something is a declaration of scarcity”.

The Universe is not able to understand negatives. Therefore phrases such as "I will not do this" will be interpreted by the Universal Mind as "I ____ do this . "

The most powerful words to create are the words of gratitude. So did the teacher, Jesus, since he always thanked for the miracle just before he did it. "Thank you for the continued increase in my abundance" is a good suggestion. Please remember that it is easier to say where you want to go, and let the spirit find the shortest route.

Once the declaration has been made, let go of all the attachments you have connected to it. Sometimes they are so determined to open the door that they do not understand that it opens to the other side. They are frequently blocking the entrance. Get out of the way and be certain that it is already yours.

Please be aware that there is a time interval. Every manifestation has an interval as a safeguard. We still don't master our thoughts with mastery, so this is a necessary component of the game board. It is very similar to a computer when they start making changes that affect many parts. A window appears and says "Are you sure?" Such is the case with the time interval. It is there for our protection. Therefore, after your Creation is sent to the Universe, it is best to resist making changes, not even the slightest, since this frequently restarts the time interval. Repeat the creation aloud for a minimum of eight days. Then, release it with the certainty that it is already yours.

Please remind yourself that this is a wonderful game to be enjoyed. If you don't like your reality, have the courage to choose (and create) again. We truly honor the work you do here. Happy manifestations!

We only give you one warning: Get ready to receive what you have asked for! If at any time you don't like what you have created or your reality, choose again.

Wait for a miracle and we will help you create it!

FEAR ROOM - Second precinct

Identify and release fears

Welcome to the Sacred Enclosure of Fear

The Group says that Fear is just lack of information. First identify what your fears are, find out what information you lack. This gap - or lack of information - can be filled even with temporary information when the final result is unknown.

In this space, identify any fear that might be preventing your creation from being fulfilled. Once identified, complete the missing information.

We suggest that when you try to identify possible fears that are related to your creations, be meticulous, since we often overlook the obvious, such as the "fear of success."

Write your fears and review them again the next day. If you feel your statement is complete, move on to the next enclosure.


Release the resentment "To err is human ... to forgive is divine."

The Group says that forgiveness is a future gift. One establishes the energy of the future when it clears its own energy, this creates the same kind of energy in the future, hence the word “for-give” (“forgive” in English means to forgive and if we divide the word it is “for-give ”, Which we can translate as“ give in advance ”).

Keeping a grudge is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die. It is you who will run out of energy.

In this space we ask you to carefully observe any resentment you have or any opportunity to forgive. It could be something you should forgive others or yourself. Although it might seem that it has no relationship with your creation, it can steal your energy and make you feel extremely comfortable with it.

Write your declaration of forgiveness here. Then take this liberation to the outside world and apply it in every possible way. If upon returning to this site you feel that your statement is complete, you can continue to the next site. Take your time. This is important.

HEALING ROOM - Fourth enclosure

A space to heal

Welcome to the Sacred Healing Site

This is a sacred space that has been created so that you feel comfortable enough to heal yourself or to make a change. According to the Group, we must ask for healing. The 12 paradigms to facilitate with the new energy talk about healing and how to be a facilitator in the highest vibration of the New Planet Earth.

Here we offer you the opportunity to practice personal healing on the physical, emotional and spiritual levels. Here you can start your own healing process. Miracles happen daily. Why not create one right now?

Every day the number of healers who wake up grows, because the number of people requesting the healing of the fifth Dimension also increases. In this place you have the opportunity to heal yourself.

Wake up Master Healing and Master Healing!

AREA OF LIABILITY - Fifth precinct

The balance of personal power

Welcome to the Sacred Responsibility Site

According to the Group, Responsibility is what balances Personal Power. They say it's simple: if you want to increase your power, you must increase your level of responsibility. Now you have the opportunity to take full responsibility for all aspects of your reality. The Group states that we have all played to be heroes and victims. At some point we have played all those roles.

The victims do not exist. Start from where you are now. When you write your statement assume responsibility and then assume your power. Read your statement the next day to see if it is complete. If so, move on. If you don't consider it complete, continue working on it daily until you feel you have included everything.

In this space you assume your real power!


The miracle begins

Welcome to the Sacred Action Site

When should we create and when should we allow? The Group suggests that the line is the same line that separates our realities. To put it simply, if it is by your side of the veil, then it is yours. If you can do something to activate your creation, do it.

As you can see, it is not always easy. Many of those who start at The Creation Site do not get here. Congratulate yourself for getting here. There is the magic.

After activating the action, you have another important step that is what allows your creation to go to the next stage. It is an act of faith. After your actions have been activated, it is important that you do not stick to the result and release it.

In this sixth Sacred Enclosure we suggest you make a list of the specific actions that you must carry out to activate this creation to change your life. Commit to carry out the actions but do not wait until they are met to move on to the next venue. When you feel that your statement is complete, you can continue, you have already set things in motion in your daily life.

HUMOR ENCLOSURE Seventh enclosure

Adopt the perspective of the angels

Welcome to the Sacred Mood of Humor

The only reason why the angels fly is because they don't take themselves very seriously.

Humor is the natural perspective of the angels according to the Group. To learn to become the Human Angels of the New Planet Earth, we must learn to take with humor everything that enters our field. They suggest that the easiest way to balance the energy of any situation is to find a way to laugh at it.

Working is the combination of work and play.

In this space we ask you to see the humor in your journey so far. When the laughter arrives, the energy is balanced and it is time to move on to the next enclosure.


Allow and accept

Welcome to the Sacred Acceptance Enclosure

You have entered the last Sacred Enclosure.

The art of accepting gracefully is an attitude. Most Lightworkers have no difficulty in giving and activating energy. When the energy returns to them represented in their creations, a large majority does not know how to accept them. Becoming an acceptance expert is a quality that is learned.

In this space we ask you to commit to gracefully accept all creations in the way they reach you. Do it in writing, in the same way as the statements. See how the magic manifests in your life.

You have just completed the process of The Eight Sacred Enclosures of the Creation of the fifth Dimension. The Group tells you: "Welcome to Home"


Thank you for helping us expand the Light!

Translation and Edition: Voluntary Translator Team of


The eight enclosures - by the group, channeled by Steve Rother

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