The makers of divine changes are strengthened - Reformulating their true potentials. By Selacia

  • 2016

With planetary energies now that you are more supportive in taking action, do not be surprised if you feel safer to take measures that you could not take before. Tip: Be present, be positive and get rid of previous attempts to achieve goals. Now it's new!

In this article, I will address some of the challenges of being alive as a conscious being right now. As you know these are not normal times and each one of us is being called to connect with our I's full of extraordinary light.

The Awakening for the Makers of Divine Changes

It is vital that we increasingly incorporate what we have learned and what we know is true about our true power to create. Divine Change Makers like us all over this planet are waking up to the long hidden truths and rediscovering our quantum divine nature.

At this vital stage, our awakening must be more than ideas and words. We must embrace our own power and use it constructively to help change our world. No one is going to do this for us. We are the ones who lead by example here. We must find practical outings daily to use our gifts and conscience - applying what we know inside our hearts.

As I wrote recently, Julio is a foundational ground to further anchor his sincere heart desires in physical form. What they set in motion this month will be the much more expanded scenario of opportunities and progress in the coming weeks.

Sometimes, when the world is agitated there is a tendency to get distracted or just get off the path. Motivation can be difficult to achieve, or if it is there the dramas of the outside world can be so intense to process that personal actions are delayed.

Yes, we are a quantum but we still live within the time structures to schedule meetings and take care of business. And yes, we care about the atrocities of the world, such as those in Dallas, Orlando and countless other places. However, we must become experts in managing our energy and time so that our superior purposes are not overshadowed by the parade of world dramas.

Avoid the Wave of Fear

There is a wave of fear that moves through this world in these times of great changes. Avoid jumping on that wave by staying in your heart and using love in all situations. Love is more powerful than any atrocity they are witnessing now . It is the force that will set you and humanity free. If you are not sure where to put your faith at this time, focus on the power of love and the miracles it creates.

Do not allow world division and darkness to convince you that humanity is doomed. Raise your mind above the smoke and mirrors of the false illusion of remembering your divine nature and your true power to create a reality based on love .

Responding to Current Energies

The energies now support them more to take the positive actions they have wanted to take. At the same time, cosmic forces will stir up some challenges in the following areas. If you anticipate these trends, this can help you navigate the ups and downs of our current cycle.

Limits and Balance: the question here is whether you can maintain appropriate limits and balance while interacting with others. One way to evaluate this is to consider whether you go out of your way to tell others the truth, but withdraw from the equation. For most people, this is an act of juggling and especially for women who are conditioned to be the endless caregivers of others.

Neutrality: with the energies stirring a series of power and manipulation games, their challenge is to remain neutral and avoid reacting when others either project their own problems or use passive-aggressive ploys as a means of control. It is easier said than done of course, but your wise divine change-maker is developing mastery in this field.

Staying focused: While some energies that resemble a roller coaster are unveiled this week, they may face the challenge of finding and sustaining their center point. Upward emotional peaks can be followed by falls, especially if they feel that their needs are not being met or that they are not being heard. For best results, return to your center frequently and regroup - count to 10 or even 100 if necessary, before making the next move.

Consider the big picture of why you are alive now. Come back to that daily. Remember the limitless support you truly have as you walk the Earth. They are never alone or abandoned.

On an energy level, you walk with countless propitiatory beings - some in human or animal form, others from the spirit realms.

What you will discover over time is that, regardless of where you live, there are other divine Changemakers like you who have shared their long journey to reach this crucial juncture .

Someone will meet you all in a most surprising dance of celebration of the light that each of you contains.

AUTHOR: Selacia


TRANSLATION: Alicia Virelli


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