The chakras and energy initiations.

The planet Earth has places considered: sagrados that correspond to the chakras and thanks to which the animals, plants, and humans that live here we can receive telluric currents that put us in communication n with the Spirit of the Earth. Starting with the lower one, the R Rdico relates us to the Earth and its Kundalini, it has four petals. Cosmic Center: Scorpio. The Baso, relates us to Venus, and governs the ethereal energy that maintains and forms our physical body. He has six paint them. Cosmic Center: Tang in Virgo. The Heptician, relates us to Mars, and the Astral World. Here is the source of magic, animal magnetism and its use, therapeutic knowledge of plants, travel in the astral world, etc. He has ten paint them. Cosmic Center: Alfa Centaury. The Navel, or Solar Plexus, related to the Moon, considered as a subchakra, controls the astral currents that pass to the Ethereal and Physical, and vice versa. Cosmic Center: our Solar System! Card aco, relates us to our Sun, center of Life, Divine Love, Faith, etc. He has twelve paint them. Cosmic Center: Leo. The Largenesis, relates us to Mercury and the 5-dimensional Mental World. Cosmic Knowledge, Cosmic Awareness. Nature's memory. He has sixteen paint them. Cosmic Center: Orion. The Frontal, related to J piter, the six-dimensional Bethic World, Divine Knowledge, the Divine Master. It controls the lower chakras, and the pituitary gland. It has ninety six petals. Cosmic Center: the Pleiades. The Coronary, related to Saturn and the seven-dimensional Atmic world. Our Divine Ego Entry and exit of the spiritual currents for all the chakras. It has 972 petals. Cosmic Center: Polaris.

It is assumed that each petal is like a receiving and transmitting antenna of certain qualities of the chakra to which they belong. For example: the Cardiac has twelve petals that correspond to the twelve signs of the zodiac, thanks to which we receive the full spectrum of the astrological and vital influences of those signs. Mystics and Esotericists can study each petal of each chakra to discover its secrets!

In the Mystery Schools, and in the Esoteric Lodges, the student learns the keys to awakening the consciousness of their chakras, and developing them further, which increases their awareness in the higher dimensions and in the Cosmic Centers.

The Initiations When after the cataclysms that change the face of the planet, we enter a new cycle with a new type of body, we need to adapt this body to the new world and its vibrations. This process of awakening and adaptation is called: Initiations. This has happened many times in the history of the Earth, and will continue to happen until the last human race has left the planet. This requires that the Divine Consciousness enter through the Coronary and lower the lower chakras at the same time that the personal Kundalini ascends to join with this Divine current. The union of both happens in a certain chakra that wakes up manifesting all its qualities. The root of the chakras is found in the spine, whose center has the medulla that allows both currents to circulate up and down. The chakra looks like a flower whose birth is in the spine and is projected to the surface of the etheric body and the others forming like a wheel or flower with petals that move in one direction or another, and are illuminated to some degree, depending on many circumstances. The place of the body where the Flower chakra appears gives the chakra its name, for example: the Heart, the Larynx, etc.

The First Initiation occurs in the Rhadic chakra, and awakens us to the physical consciousness of the planet, and gives us instinctive knowledge of dangers, and presence of other living beings. The instinct for the preservation of the species is active, sex wakes up, motherhood manifests itself, the struggle for life, food, etc. it's reality. This chakra gives great physical and instinctive as well as sexual vitality. The abuse of these energies has led to sexual degeneration to countless individuals who have had to suffer karma for many reincarnations!

The Second Initiation occurs in the Baso chakra, and it awakens us to the Etheric world from where we can use energies to heal our body, influence matter and plants, and know telluric energies. One can transmit etheric energy to plants, animals and humans in order to cure them, develop them, etc. The abuse of these energies can lead to certain states of madness similar to the "Delirium Tremens" suffered by some alcoholics.

The Third Initiation occurs in the Hepatic chakra, and awakens us to the lower Astral World, where magic can influence animals and people. We acquire medical knowledge to use plants to cure, and some knowledge of the influences of constellations on human destinies and nations. We learn to leave our body while it is in a trance and travel around the Earth. We can create semi-living entities called "elementals" that serve us as servants in this world, to do good or evil. This knowledge has been so abused by many humans, that at this time the Astral World is full of the passionate filth of humanity. The great dictators, the high dignitaries of the Churches, and the charismatic leaders of politics, have learned to use and abuse the energies of this chakra. The Divine Hierarchy is doing everything possible to clear this world before we can enter the next Cosmic Cycle. This of course produces the karma payment of all those who in one way or another have caused this state of affairs. The great floods, droughts, and earthquakes that have become so common in recent years, is part of the cleaning process!

The Fourth Initiation occurs in the Cardiac chakra and we awaken to Divine Love, to the power of Faith, knowledge of the Hierarchy that rules human destinies, we can heal with Faith, predict the future, perform miracles, etc. These noble qualities and the powers they grant have also been used and abused by the Initiates. We have all read the lives and miracles of the saints, and we also have knowledge of Black Wizards and the damage they have caused to humanity. As the world where this is manifested is the so-called: Emotional World, which is on the edge of the upper Astral and the lower Mental, many Initiates who passed over to the forces of Evil have been able to abuse this World and its faculties. This is the situation of today's humanity.

The Fifth Initiation occurs in the Laryngeal chakra, and it awakens us to the 5-dimensional Mental world, from where we can help the Divine Hierarchy to guide humanity. We can write the Bibles of the future, create sacred languages ​​that reflect cosmic wisdom, be the Avataras or Christs that create religions or philosophical systems that last thousands of years. We can plan and change the geography of the planet to provide certain human groups with a more appropriate place of growth. We can plan human destinies. We are aware that we exist in other systems of the Universe where we have a much more advanced development! This has been a reality for all the great creators of religions in our world, and it will be for the rest of us when we enter the coming Cycle.

The Sixth Initiation occurs in the Frontal chakra and awakens us completely in the six-dimensional Buddha world. We understand the true nature of the lower worlds and learn to disintegrate our physical body at will and integrate it into any other physical place. Once we can do this, we don't need to reincarnate more on a physical planet. Our evolution continues on planets where the fourth dimension is the lowest reality. Divine knowledge is the norm here, and it is impossible for us to even glimpse the excellence of this development!

The Individual Initiation
In ancient times when the Temples of Mysteries were still open, the person who wanted to be initiated had to go through several physical and psychological tests before being admitted. The horoscope was one of the requirements sine cua non to be considered. Then came tests of character, intelligence, purity of spirit, etc. The reason for all these tests was that the knowledge to be received by the Neophyte was so radical and conferred so much power, that the Hierophants had to be sure that the applicant was not going to become a black magician.

Today, we have no Temples of Mysteries, except for the Christian, Apostolic and Roman Catholic Church, which inherited from the Greeks and the Christ, the Minor and Major Mysteries. So people who want to get started in this knowledge, have to be lucky enough to find an Initiate who is willing to train them. Although nobody propagates that he has an Esoteric Lodge in which knowledge of Initiation is imparted, they exist in several countries, and cities. Many are legitimate, others are false; some teach spirituality, and others only magic and powers to abuse.

As in ancient times, in a true Esoteric Lodge, the individual's horoscope is required, a succinct biography of the individual describing the spiritual studies carried out and any spiritual experience he had. According to these data, the Teacher or Guide decides what kind of knowledge will be imparted to the neophyte. As the student learns to meditate, and discipline himself, and reports his experiences to his Teacher or Guide, he decides what exercises the nephritis needs. If the nephew stops meditating or reporting his experiences, he is automatically disqualified and receives no further instructions. The Teacher at his sole discretion, can dismiss the student, and there is no way to appeal! The student is also required, the vow of silence on the secrets of Initiation that he will receive. In ancient times, the violation of this vote automatically carried the death penalty. Today, we let karma take care of punishing the traitor!

The Initiation process consists mainly of activating the upper chakras, entering the divine light to the Hepatic chakra and then entering and clearing the burden of centuries of abuse, evils, and other transgressions. Every time the disciple cleans something in his astral, it appears in daily life to fight him. It is a difficult, dangerous process that requires the constant guidance of the Spiritual Ego to succeed in this battle! Here the Master cannot help him; the disciple is only faced with centuries of errors and evils, and his only help lies in letting his Spiritual Ego fight for him by cleaning his astral! Here you cannot abandon the battle, or you succeed, or you fall into the hands of the inner demon of the astral! Once the disciple enters his astral, it is to succeed! In many cases the disciple is banished from the Lodge, until its internal cleaning is finished! Do not believe that entering your astral is a child's game, there you will find all its defects in forms of demons with their own life and that they will try to eliminate them. We must have a lot of courage and purity of heart, in order to resist the demonic power of our astral.

If the disciple triumphs, and has transmuted his astral, he can open the lower chakras until he reaches that of the Redic, awaken the strength of the Kundalini, which is the Holy Spirit, and ascend this current to the coronary chakra. This provokes the response of the Divine Being who sends his Divine Consciousness until both meet in the appropriate chakra and the disciple becomes an Initiate. This means that the doors to the higher dimensions and their worlds open so you can study everything there. Since most of us have reached the fourth Initiation in the Heart, the next initiation is that of the Laren!

We recommend the study of the book: The Chakras by CW Leadbeater, and also The Double Ethereal, by Arturo E. Powell.

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