5 signs that your guardian angel is near you

  • 2017

Have you ever felt the presence of your guardian angel near you? Angels are the closest celestial beings of human beings and are responsible for protecting and guiding us in the best way. When they are on our side, we can feel them through very subtle signals.

Next we will tell you the signs that can show that your guardian angel is near you.

Signs showing that your guardian angel is near

Angels are non-physical beings that have different vibrations from ours, because of this we can feel their presence through different very light signals. Some people are more sensitive than others and can perceive these signals more easily.

The 5 signs or signs described below are some of the most common experiences reported by people around the world.

1.- Changes in temperature in the environment:

The angels of vibration can change the movement of air molecules, decreasing them (making the environment cooler) or accelerating them (making the environment warmer). When the environment unexpectedly changes the temperature or you feel a sudden cold or heat, it may be the presence of your angel near you.

2.- Voice calling by name:

Our guardian angel knows our name, and many times for us to feel them, they can call us with a sweet and gentle tone of voice to reach our ears. You know the feeling and have sometimes said: "I think someone has called me!" Then when he asks people around him, they say they haven't called him or heard anything. Only you listen to your guardian angel when you call.

3.- Feel as if you are being followed or accompanied:

We often feel a presence by our side, accompanying us. When we stop, his presence calms us, as if the presence of a loved one were close. If we move, it seems that someone follows us wherever we move. This feeling should try not to accompany it with fears, and feel safe and secure because it is our guardian angel.

4.- Color brightness:

If you see any colored light near you or around you, do not be alarmed. Often, our angels try to produce sparks of light that generate the change in the vibration of the air, which can be seen surrounded by a colored light, most reports speak of a blue or yellow light . Don't be afraid, it's just your guardian angel trying to protect you.

5.- Communication through dreams:

This is the most common way to perceive the presence of our guardian angel. You wake up lighter, quieter, and even if you don't remember the dream, it seems that the way forward or the decision you have to make becomes clearer, more evident. We feel more secure and sensitive, because we have been advised by our guardian angels during sleep.

Here is a video of a meditation so you can connect in a calm, relaxed and peaceful way with your guardian angel. We hope and enjoy it.

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