The 7 principles of functional families

  • 2016

In systemic psychology the person-society interaction is deeply analyzed, so that people live immersed in the “experience”; It is in the constant experiential flow where all human beings interact. From systemic psychology, the problem of dysfunctionality or psychopathology is understood as a lack of adjustment: the solution is to seek a “creative adjustment” to the problem, which allows a person's functionality in that environment. Carl Rogers described the process of change experienced by people entering seven-stage therapy, ranging from fixity to fluency.

An effective way to study the family and its characteristics is to do it within the frame of reference of the theory of social systems. What distinguishes the family from other social systems are their unique functions, the quality of family loyalty and the climate of feelings that exist between them.

In 1961, Talcott Parsons in his book The Social System, was the first to systematically apply systems theory to society, to produce a new conceptualization of society, known as the functional school. Gregory Bateson pioneered the application of systemic thinking to family therapy, and also developed a cybernetic model of alcoholism.

We will analyze the family based on the three characteristics of any system: Position, relationship and limitation. Three principles constitute the underlying factors in the development of the system that respond to the law of evolution: limitation, compression, entropy, three other principles respond to the law of elevation: equifinality, expansion and liberation; and another that balances both laws: intelligence.


Position, relationship and limitation are the three characteristics of any system.

The holistic principle states that the part and the whole contain each other in a continuous, current, current process of communication and interrelation. A system grows and adapts through a process of differentiation. The units differ in their functions but it is necessary to coordinate the functions and integrate the parts for the optimal functioning of the system. New qualities emerge from the interrelation of the members.

An ideal family, consisting of eight members, three sons and three daughters, helps us understand the effective functioning of a family and the relationships between its members.










Eldest son



Eldest daughter



Mediator son



Mediating daughter



Youngest son

Support for


Youngest daughter

Support for


The boundaries within the family system distinguish the inner from the outer. It is the limits within the family that generate a feeling of belonging among its members. Hence, the limits of individual family members and family subsystems are of maximum significance. Thus, family therapy can be conceived as an intervention of the limits.

To the community.
B. Marital dyad
C. Male Subsystem
D. Female subsystem
E. Triad parents and son.
F. Children subsystem
G. Personality subsystem.
H. Temperament-character subsystem.


The structure of relationships is maintained and manifested through the processes of the family system: Communication, roles and norms.

Communication is the characteristic style of the members to interact internally and with their surroundings, which influences the behavior of their members.

Roles are used to order the structure of relationships within the family.

Rules or rules are defined to ensure that lives are lived up to the roles and stimuli and penalties are imposed to ensure that the standards are met. The norms are the observable expression of the values ​​of the family and / or society. The more congruent the communication, roles and values ​​of the family system, the more functional this is. For a family to exist, a minimum amount of congruence is required in its processes.

A family functions fully when each one occupies its rightful place. The father is hard and firm, the mother soft and flexible. It is normal for teenagers to question rules, change their mood and want to spend more time with their friends. We must take advantage of this stage to teach them limits, so that they are responsible and healthy adults. It is important that children learn to listen to parents and treat them with respect. If the fact of the children is ignored, they ignore the parents, answer with insolence or violate the rules of the home, this will affect the relationship with the family and with others.


Emotions, attitudes and virtues are shaping the family climate.

The virtues are the permanent modalities of healthy emotion. Love is the emotion of an attractive type that pleasantly unites two people. Hate is the emotion of the repulsive nature that painfully separates people. Virtue is the permanent mode of the emotional emotion directed towards a living being. Vice is the permanent mode of the emotion of hatred towards a living being.


Rites, beliefs and values ​​shape family culture.

Beliefs are a mental state of representational character, which together with motivational factors intervenes in the direction and control of voluntary behavior. Belief is an intermediate state between opinion and conviction that functions as a reason for action.

Rites are the celebration of beliefs (myths), which through symbols used in parties or ceremonies more or less solemn, convey the value of the sacred, in relation to the cycles.

Values are beliefs that are part of desirable ends or forms of behavior, that guide the selection or evaluation of behaviors, people and events, and that are ordered by their relative importance to issue a value judgment.

It is necessary to understand the concept of value from two points of view, as courage and as utility.

Values ​​are those desirable goals that serve as principles in the life of a person or a social institution. While the rules are defined by consensus, the principles are not negotiable. The values ​​are structured in two polarities: conservation (tradition and security) versus openness to change (autonomy and stimulation), self-promotion (power and achievement) versus self-transcendence (benevolence and universalism).

The heart to expand as a magnetic field creates a shield that protects the physical body of the human being. Three weapons will accompany the teenager in his fight to become courageous: The shield of strength, the sword of triumph and the infinite and eternal conquest of love. With them, nothing and no one will ever beat them. Virtue is realized as the uniform choice of good over evil. The discrimination of the meaning of human acts allows us to understand the virtues, discernment produces awareness of spiritual values: beauty, truth and goodness. Love is the synthesis of these three values.

Children are expected to choose higher ends. Such behavior is virtuous. The supreme virtue is to choose with the whole heart to do the will of the Father, guided by ethical principles.


Customs, rights and duties have been shaping the concept of human dignity.

Family gatherings are a space to stimulate and impose sanctions against household norms and the tasks of the members. The family reunion favors the creativity of the members in solving problems and making decisions. Parents can reinforce proper behavior by praising, providing encouragement, rewarding and privileging their children's effort to do things right. Children also need a penalty booster for their negative behaviors. When people's needs are satisfied, they are reinforced by the behavior since one feels good to belong to a group, to have power, to enjoy life and have independence.

It is necessary to show teenagers over and over again what the limits are through the way we act with the stimuli and the sanctions we give them.

When teenagers do something wrong they need to receive a penalty or consequence of their absence as soon as possible.


The educational community is responsible for ensuring the quality of home services, as well as health and education.

In the community we begin to experience social justice situations. It is just that which, being in harmony with the supreme law, brings happiness, and the unfair is that which, being in opposition to the supreme law, brings misery.

The entire community needs to support the promotion and development of positive youth.


Holistic principle.

Schemes, styles and habits shape the quality of life.

A proactive family foresees their future, this is analyzed based on threats and opportunities.

Health creates a protective shield against risk factors. The promotion of health oriented to the quality of life implies among other objectives: changing beliefs, changing attitudes and values ​​and improving decision making.

The lifestyle is all the strategic solutions that the family adopts to fulfill its global plans and objectives.

While teenagers strengthen their character, they encounter difficulties that often alarm and depress them. They are fought by desires that shake and shame them and despite their vigorous efforts to discard them, they continue to adhere and torment them. The effective force of a character is measured by the force of the will or by the vehemence of desire according to the level of human development.

Adolescents face risk situations that must be resolved effectively. The family must provide its members the opportunity to participate in the decision-making that directly affects them, as well as in the exercise of group control over those who try to control the family or any of its members. The best means to provide these participation and exercise of autonomy is a circular administration. The family council

While habits are superior reaction patterns, addictions are lower memory patterns, dependencies that bring great consequences.

The seven habits are:

  1. Balance love and knowledge.
  2. Set rules at home.
  3. Stimulate good behavior (difference between behavior and discipline).
  4. Decide in group.
  5. Establish links.
  6. Protect yourself from risks
  7. Establish community networks.

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