Call for Servants on Earth by Ashtar Sheran

  • 2012

This call is for the SERVERS ON EARTH. This is Commander Ashtar Sheran.

The Divine Plan has to be retouched and this will be transmitted to you, because there is an acceleration of the solar system on its arrival at the Photon Belt. This presupposes that we must activate certain indications to Servers on Earth. For this reason we ask that from this moment stay very attentive to be in the moment in which they should be transmitted in connection.

Many of you are still fulfilling tasks in the awakening, but we tell you that just as we instructed you in a moment and collaborated with your awakening and there came a time when we announced that we would no longer do that task, so in the same way we ask you that they cease their activities in this regard.

All possible techniques of soul healing and physical healing have already been transmitted and put into practice. There are already many facilitators who are seeds of light with a great awakening. Many of you have collaborated on this, but right now you NEED them for another task that no longer has to do with humanity directly.

With this we want to tell you that your mission regarding instruction, awakening, healing, the gathering of groups in meditation, and so many other group tasks, especially teaching, leave them in the hands of those beings that have already been formed.

Only the servers will have their WORK groups, in the case that we indicate, because there is much to do for the ascension of Gaia, and this is what they will do from now on.

We reiterate that they are ATTENTION TO THE CONNECTION WITH US.

Iran will find their taskmates and we believe that with them it is very important that they be communicated for the common purpose of the work they will carry out in unity.

As we said we are urged to solve aspects that make the rise of Gaia.

The human ascension already know her very well on what depends and they know that basically it is about awakening the Light in them. Good with Gaia for the same. She has been formed and provided with Light by so many Light workers during all these years and the twins' contribution to the formation of the Maya or Luz network.

All this makes Gaia have her Light, but as well as those who are looking for a connection they must put some effort in getting elevated, for which there are respiratory exercises, leaving the mind still or focused on the connection sought and that produces a molecular activation at the level of The whole body and the brain, in the same way Gaia needs to lift its engines to start up When does Gaia start its engines ? ?

First activating your centers, just as you activate your farms. It has already provided LIGHT CENTERS that must be activated. These centrals are ENERGY points that when they enter into activity will give the necessary propulsion so that the planet can move to the corresponding place in this ascent.

Some energy centers are known to you, but many do not yet know where they are. These centers or vortices usually have CRYSTALS that various Cosmic Brothers have contributed and there are also the Solar Disks that must be located, since given their importance they have been properly concealed and guarded.

As you find these ascension possibilities, you will know why we will inform you what to do with them. For this reason, because your action at this time is to work on the ascension of Gaia is that we ask you for the greatest of the dedication. Try to be as lonely as possible or in relation to other Servant Brothers. Your human experience, we consider that it is over. At this moment, you need them dedicated to the Divine Plan, a plan that we cannot take entirely from the place where we are and for that reason it is that you have descended to Earth.

The Intraterrestrial Brothers, as it is to be assumed, are also working on the same with you, so it is not exclusive to relate to us who are in space, but that in all three planes one acts in the same direction.

We know brothers who have certain commitments to live on Earth, commitments that many of you have been cutting for about five years. Try to reduce what this dedication can be to be as fully dedicated to this task for Gaia.

Keep simplifying their lives. We are attentive to you so that you do not receive shocks, anguishes, shocks that may affect your connection ... And if you receive them, you are immediately taken care of by our medical teams.

It is very possible that they have days when they feel absent and also that hours of their day are erased, do not worry because we are working hard in unity. Also for this reason is that they should reduce their human labor action, feel dizzy and the effort to connect will produce a somewhat unpleasant effect.

Rest all you can, consciously or unconsciously will be on task for the planet. Eat frugal and especially vegetables and consume the necessary water.

We are entirely with you. Nothing has to be left without address, for that reason we ask you for total unity with us.

Brothers, let's work together for the rise of Gaia ... !!!

Call for Servants on Earth by Ashtar Sheran

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