The seven conditions of health and happiness by George Ohsawa

  • 2014
Table of contents hide 1 1.- Absence of fatigue. (5 points) 2 2– Good appetite. (5 points) 3 3.- Deep sleep. (5 points) 4 4.- Good memory. (10 points) 5 5.- Good mood. (10 points) 6 6.- Fast trial and execution. (10 points) 7 7.- Justice. (55 points) 8 The seven conditions of health and happiness

Before following our regime guidelines, you should examine your health status according to the following seven standards. Start by doing this self-consultation before starting the macrobiotic regimen. At the beginning of each month you will have more or less great progress depending on how strictly you have followed it. Try the test with your friends and you will be surprised to see that some who seem to be very well do not really have very good health.

1.- Absence of tiredness . (5 points)

You should not feel tired. If you catch a cold, it means that your constitution has been fatigued for many years. Even if you do not catch a cold more than once in ten years, it is a bad sign because it does not happen to animals, even in cold countries, with which the root of your evil is profound. If you say from time to time "it is too difficult" or "it is impossible" or "I am not in a position to do this or that", you are showing the degree of your weakness because, if you are truly fit, you should be able to overcome difficulties. after another with the same vigor as a dog chasing a rabbit. If you cannot face increasing difficulties, you are defeatist. You have to venture into the unknown, and the pleasure will be greater the greater the difficulty. This is the attitude that indicates the absence of fatigue, which is the true cause of all diseases and that can be cured very easily, without any medication, if you correctly follow the macrobiotic method of rejuvenation and longevity.

2 - Good appetite . (5 points)

If you cannot take any natural food with pleasure and with the greatest gratitude towards the Creator, it is that you lack appetite. If a simple piece of black bread or some brown rice seems very appetizing, you have a good appetite and a good stomach. A good appetite is health in itself, and it also involves sexual appetite. Sexual appetite and joyful satisfaction are one of the essential conditions of happiness. If a man or a woman has neither appetite nor sexual pleasure, they are alien to the law of life, to Yin-Yang. Violation of this law due to ignorance can only lead to illness or mental deficiencies. Puritans are impotent and therefore hate sexuality. Those who are bitter or unhappy, inside or out, will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

3.- Deep sleep . (5 points)

If you talk while you sleep or have dreams, you don't sleep well and your dream is not good. On the contrary, if you have enough with four to six hours of sleep, you sleep well. If you can't fall asleep three or four minutes after putting your head on the pillow in any circumstance and at any time of the day, your spirit is not completely free from fear. If you cannot wake up at the time you have set before bedtime, your dream is imperfect.

4.- Good memory . (10 points)

If you don't forget anything you see and hear, you have a good memory.

The ability to retain increases with age. We would be miserable if we lost the memory of those who have helped us. And, without a good memory in very diverse fields, we would be nothing more than computers. Without good memory we cannot have a healthy discernment and we can only be wrong.

Memory is the most important factor in our life and the basis of our personality. Yogis, Buddhists, Christians, have always had a good memory. Some even remember their previous lives.

Thanks to macrobiotics, you will develop memory to infinity.

You can see it in a diabetic who has lost it because of his illness: observing our regime, the patient will recover his memory quickly. And not only diabetics, but also neurastonians or the mentally deficient can recover their memory.

5 .- Good mood . (10 points)

Get rid of the anger! A man in good health, that is, without fear or disease, is pleasant and happy in all circumstances. Such a person will be happier and feel more enthusiastic the greater their difficulties. Your attitude, your voice, your behavior and even your critics should provoke the gratitude of all those around you. Each of your words should express your joy and your recognition as the song of the birds and the hum of the insects of the poem of Tagore. The stars, the sun, the mountains and the seas participate in our nature, how can we live without being happy? We should be like a child who receives a gift. If we are not, we do not have good health. A healthy man never gets angry.

How many friends do you have? A large and varied number of close friends is proof of a wide and deep understanding of the world. Parents and brothers and sisters do not count as friends. A friend is someone you love and admire and who feels the same towards you; Someone who is always willing to help you realize your dreams at any cost, even without being asked.

How many true friends do you have? If you have few, you are very exclusive or a sad criminal. You don't have enough good humor to make others happy. If you have more than two billion close friends, you can say that you are friends with all mankind, but even this is not enough if you count only humans, living or dead. We must love and admire all beings and all things, even a blade of grass or a grain of sand or a drop of water. That is the good mood. It must be said, and some succeed, that you have never met anyone whom you could not appreciate. If you can't make your wife and children close friends, it shows that you are very sick. If you are not always happy in any circumstance, you are like a blind man who sees nothing of the wonders of the world.

If you have the slightest complaint to make in the social, it is best that you retreat to your room like a snail in its shell and tell yourself your resentment. If you have no close friends, follow my advice and take a teaspoon of gomasio (3/4 of ground sesame and 1/4 of salt) to neutralize the acidity of your blood. You can check this procedure on your children: Stop giving them sugar, honey, chocolate, etc., which acidify the blood and, in a week or two, a very Yin child will become very Yang, that is, full of joy. The sesame oil contained in the gomasio prevents thirst by coating the salt, and it enters the bloodstream by canceling the excess acid. Do not forget that an excess of acid is a mortal danger!

Rarely does one meet pleasant people, since almost all men and women are sick. They can't be blamed because they don't know how to get the good mood. If you are aware of the wonderful constitution of our universe, you will be full of joy and gratitude that you cannot stop sharing. Transmit good humor, smile and say in a pleasant voice the simple word "thank you" in all circumstances and as often as you can. In the West it is said “give and take”, but we say: “Give, give and give as much as you can”. You don't lose anything because you have received life and everything in this world for free. You are the only son or daughter of the infinite Universe that creates, encourages, destroys and reproduces what you need. If you know this, everything will come to you in abundance. If you fear losing your money or your property for the sake of giving, it is that you are sick and you are unhappy and your supreme discernment is partially or totally obscured. You do not see the grand Order of the Universe.

Spirit blindness is much more dangerous than physical blindness.

It must be cured as soon as possible to benefit from the magnificent order of nature. If you fear seeing yourself stripped of your assets, you are a victim of oblivion and have completely lost sight of the origin of your fortune and your life.

If you give a small or a large part of your fortune, it will not be in general following the Eastern maxim of "give and give", but following the principle of the theory of Western economists. This theory was only a means of justifying colonization and exploitation by the violence of peoples of color. In the East, what is given is a sacrifice, an expression of infinite gratitude and the understanding that one is freed from all his debts. Sacrifice means giving the maximum and the best of what you have. Sacrifice is an offering to eternal love, infinite freedom and absolute justice. The true sacrifice consists in giving with joy your own life or the omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent principle of your own life: The satori. It is a liberation.

Our Mother, the Earth, is given perpetually to nourish the grass, and the grass is given to nourish the animals. Animals give life to this world with their joy, and the only discordant note is given by man, who kills and destroys. Why does man not give himself to others? In nature, death is followed by a new life, so man in turn should be given to perform the most amazing miracle of creation and find infinite freedom, eternal happiness and absolute justice. Those who do not understand this are slaves, sick or foolish.

If you are happy in any circumstance, giving incessantly to others and particularly the greatest and best of this world, you will be happy and loved by all. You can do it if you follow my advice and find the new horizons of the country with which man dreams, for three hundred thousand years. My medicine is really like an Aladdin's lamp or a flying carpet. First of all, you must restore your health so that you get at least 60 points in the seven conditions of Health and Happiness.

6.- Speed ​​of judgment and execution . (10 points)

A person in good health should have the power to think, judge

and act correctly and quickly and elegantly. Speed ​​is the expression of freedom. People who are prompt and precise, such as those who are willing to call or challenge, are in good shape. They are distinguished by their ability to bring order to all aspects of their daily lives, which can be seen in the animal and plant kingdom. The beauty of form or action is the sign of the understanding of the Order of the Universe. Health and Happiness are equally manifestations of the Order of the Universe expressed in our daily lives, just like serenity. For the rest, life, health, divinity and eternity are one thing.

It is impossible to meet these conditions without observing the macrobiotic regimen that represents the essence of a simple and easy wisdom with more than five thousand years old. You will thus become the creator of your own life, your health and your happiness. You can heal not only your physical ills, but also your psychic deficiencies. If you know a better method, let me know and I will abandon this path to the happiness I have been following for 48 years to adopt yours.

7.- Justice . (55 points)

The seventh health condition is Justice. If this is not understood, what is known about macrobiotics becomes a sin! There is only one person in a thousand or a million who understands Justice, that's why unhappiness is so widespread.

Who is sick or unhappy is a liar who does not have the will to live Justice until the last consequences.

Not even Franklin or Gandhi knew Justice!

The Justice to which I refer is very simple: It is another name of the Order of the Universe. Therefore, he who lives by trusting Justice achieves eternal Happiness and infinite Freedom. Use it to cure

the illness? It's as easy as killing a bed bug with a hammer.

He who understands the Order of the Universe, who assimilates it and makes it his own and practices it, does not need to immerse himself in any other study. And the law is no problem. In the Far East the words Bontoki itu mean "all laws are unified into one." It is an expression that does not exist in the West, although it is sought in the dark everywhere. What is known about

The seventh health condition can be summarized as follows:

- Never lie to protect yourself.

- Be exact.

- Love everyone.

- Always look for difficulties, find them, fight them, solve them

and beat them with all your strength.

- Be happier and spread the light and happiness throughout the


- Never have doubts and transform misery into happiness.

The only training to achieve these conditions is to observe the macrobiotic. However, justice cannot be explained without writing a bulky book, and the same goes for health or freedom. For the moment, it is enough for me to say that everything in this world is invention or

illusion, and that there is nothing true but to love the One Principle with unstoppable love and to want to become a person who convinces everyone in this way. Otherwise, it is impossible to become.

by George Ohsawa

Written by Agnès Pérez, consultant and cook at the Ca L'Agnès Macrobiotic School (Cubelles-Barcelona).


The seven conditions of health and happiness

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