The Powerful and Practical Energies of March By Lauren C. Gorgo

  • 2010

The landing

I am sure that I do not have to tell you that the magnitude of recent energy and global events has caused a stir on the planet, while its people rush to try to recover from the persistent changes in consciousness and altered states of reality.

With a single pull, the earth was violently shaken and pulled from an old groove, was raised to a higher vibration and propelled into the league of galactic citizens ... which, in the words of our star brothers, means that the earth is now officially a star nation participating in the upward spiral of universal and galactic evolution.

The result down here in the trenches was nothing short of catastrophic for many, however, this much-needed change laid the foundation for a monumental physical change.

With the remarkable increase in earthly calamities, it is increasingly easier to see that these energies that we have been consciously handling for the purpose of the evolution of our planet are beginning to land in the physical realms in increasingly violent ways.

Just as those who are in the process of releasing their expired contracts in service such as zahorí rods and grid anchors are on the cusp of major renovations in their lives, so is the earth, going through a radical transformation in the form of a Vibratory update to live up to the new higher frequencies. During this necessary process of physical detoxification, or healing crisis, the planet will continue to creak and moan constantly, moving and cracking, in an attempt to "shake off the fleas", which will result in the complete physical birth of a new world.

Where are we now?

1) Recovering from the shake.

2) Finding our new foothold.

3) Healing / changing / regenerating at the cellular level.

Even for those who are not particularly aware or sensitive to these energies, there is suddenly much to attend to in our personal lives and much that is in need of repair.

The relentless challenges we are and have been experiencing, no doubt, require us to connect fully with our mastery ... align ourselves with our sovereignty by surrendering to the discomfort of what it is, and at the same time rejecting the temptation to deviate from our path in complete despair. . Fortunately, our strength lies in our internal connection to the truth, that which always manages to somehow give us the strength to persevere ... even when we face great resistance and opposition to the creation of our new lives.

But our success will come. Every time we rise above the difficulties and continue with faith in our superior plan, greater awareness and new options flood us and destroy us with the waste of our badly created past destruction. And this is definitely not the time to settle for less than our desires ... on the contrary, it is time to cling to them, with white knuckles and everything, remembering that during the parts of the journey that flow, our dreams seem inevitable ... and during the parts of the journey that reflux, our dreams feel impossible ... but that the mastery is in keeping us connected with our truth through everything.

The energies of March

I've been hearing that March is going to offer us some powerful, but practical, energies to support us in collecting, finalizing, and preparing.

This month we will be meticulously molded to live up to our sacred and divine planes as we take root more of our soul energy in form, and this will require a new set of potentials and opportunities with which to work as we enter a higher spectrum of light. . This new set of potentials that will be granted to us will provide us with the new scenario, scenery, actors, props, and script that we have been writing ourselves during the last 7 years of intense spiritual initiation.

As these three energies begin to swirl over us during the month ... especially in the middle of the month ... we can see that things seem to be out of control, chaotic at best, with much to do and be done. You can feel a sense of hurry or trouble since suddenly there is much to achieve in such a short time. This sense of urgency or acceleration will be the result of the clash of energies ... the energy of the forward movement with many new tasks and projects that will finally be supported for its implementation ... while at the same time, the energy of completion of unresolved unresolved issues that they need to be finalized so that we can move towards the new and true. This will be a bit the scenario of a foot in both worlds, to which we are so accustomed, but only until we can complete all the pending issues of our past.


The collection phase actually started in February and therefore has already begun for many. This energy is here to help us gather information, concepts, inspired ideas, personal and professional connections, and most of what we need to start the new year astrol Logical with right foot. This phase is also introducing us to many new talents and hidden gifts that we did not know before that we had an awakening of the latent potential that we will find very useful in the pré Next days, months and years.

This is also a time to organize our ideas and plans on what we want to achieve in our new lives, while giving us the opportunity to start building the framework for our new earth structures, now that our foundation It is solidly established. In other words, the fun part is about to begin!

Laying the foundations was the hardest and most monotonous part. we had to break the existing foundations first, dig and dig up some rather large stones that were blocking our ability to take root properly, and we had to make sure to dig deep enough and wide enough to support our very large frame that It will cover the many great things that we will be able to achieve in our new lives, only this time we are using better materials, stronger and more sustainable.


As mentioned, March will also be a time of completion of many details, tie up loose ends and solve many persistent problems that were keeping us bound in the limitation. These completions are going to come in many forms, but most of them are going to offer us the opportunity to unblock, shake and let go, and to be able to move forward safely towards our vibratory destiny. As we finalize these details of our past, each of us will be catapulted to the next highest level of creation on our personal journey to uniqueness and we will be released to explore the many new realities that await our participation. Active.

These new realities have been maturing for many years and now that the time has come for the physical creations of the road counters to flourish in the new light, many will also be released from financial burdens. The release of economic difficulties for this group of souls will initiate a series of changes that alter their lives, which are derived from the free flow of the Source and will help balance the bio-field and release the vital force to complete the reconnection and restoration of physical form.


All the compilation, completion and completion this month, is also preparing us for the next equinox of 20-21 ... a time of fusion, integration and balance of our physical and spiritual self ... which is itself a preparation for our rebirth / resurrection during this sacred passage to the new astrological year (sun in Aries). During this important portal we have the ability to combine our feminine intuition, with our masculine logic to consciously determine our own realities. This time of preparation is about receiving all the facts, and applying our hard earned wisdom to create the life of our dreams… under our terms. This amounts to totally releasing what is finished and complete, while simultaneously opening ourselves to higher forms of creation ... with both feet on the ground ... and as we quickly move into new (unexplored) territories.

Physical / Emotional Symptoms

The extreme pull and push of the energies lately has been quite exhausting, and it is certainly worth mentioning ... especially the relentless low back pain / ailments for all that rooting, rooting, rooting. The spine in general should be pampered during these intense updates and discharges, as it may be sore from the top of the neck to the tip of the coccyx. It's not a good time. Sinusitis / pressure / headaches, dizziness and vertigo are also common, as well as a buzzing / vibration throughout the body and extreme fatigue, bloating / water retention, intestinal discomfort, sore / rickety joints, redness of the skin / rashes, itchy crown, chills and hot flashes, inability to warm up, voracious hunger that alternates with loss of appetite, insomnia along with deep sleep, and disturbing very vivid dreams, anxiety / agitation, tension in the neck and shoulders, depression, etc. Also during the massive earthquake in Chile, they may have noticed an unbearable burning in the stomach mouth disguised as heartburn, or in the middle of the back between the shoulder blades. This was the result of another massive opening of the heart that seemed to persist for days.

As always, these symptoms decrease over time, and are mostly the result of cell cleansing and detoxification, as our bodies adjust and stabilize at new frequencies.

So yes ... we are still reeling in and out of the new, cleaning old issues and considering the concept of making our craziest dreams come true. Stabilizing us is a clear priority at this time, so don't despair if your body needs a lot of rest for a while longer. Overall, I am hearing that from the equinox to the June solstice it will be a downhill ride in our vastly expanded realities. It may require some adjustments and tweaks to make everything look good, but compared to everything we've gone through, it will seem like "we died and went to heaven."

Wishing you a happy and productive March (in or out of bed;))


Copyright © 2009 - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article on condition that the content remains complete and intact, full credit is given to the author (s), and freely distributed. © 2006-9 Expect Miracles, Inc.

Thanks Margarita López !!!

March 2, 2010

Translation: Margarita López

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