The Timelines of the Fifth Dimension and the Power of Your Inner Observer by DL Zeta (April 24, 2011)

  • 2011

Your inner observer is an aspect of our consciousness that is always present. However, it is only when we "wake up" that we are able to benefit from their wisdom and guidance. Learning to see the world through the eyes of our inner observer is essential to access the timelines of the fifth dimension.

Asleep consciousness goes through life every day bypassing the symbols and signs of the road and the intuitive thrusts. The person who is "asleep at the wheel", so to speak, has allowed herself to be too absorbed in the events of her life.

When this happens, life's events seem overwhelming and too important. We lose the proper perspective when we cannot step back and objectively see what is happening. Without the perspectives both closely and panoramicly, we cannot learn and benefit from our experiences. Instead, we find ourselves in an endless row of events in life, lost in the dream of our life without the benefit of perception and understanding.

Detachment is Trust in the Higher Order of the Universe

Detachment is the key that allows us to step back and see ourselves and the events of our lives through the eyes of our inner observer. Detachment is not indifference; rather it is trust in the higher order of the universe. When we can see life from a detached perspective, we can see that our life works according to certain frames. When we can step back and witness these plots, real events lose power over us. We can act on our decisions and guidance instead of feelings of slavery and addiction. When we fall asleep and become too absorbed in the dream of our lives, we are much more susceptible to enslaving and parasitic plots.

The person who feels victimized by others and by the events of his life can cultivate detachment to examine his beliefs, actions and tendencies. A thorough examination of where energy is flowing provides the vision to make choices in life. Each person has the power to become the master of their destiny instead of the victim. The price to dominate life instead of being dragged is vigil and sharing the journey of life with your inner observer.

Become aware of the plots or scripts of life

If we look at the plots of our life long enough we can see these timelines become active according to the beliefs we maintain about the nature of reality. These programs or scripts determine how the events of our life flow. If our scripts say we are losers, we will lose. If they say we are lovers, we will love.

As we move through life, still participating in the roles we have set for ourselves, we can also see the events through the eyes of our inner observer. Over time, our observer will raise awareness of the old scripts that operate in the background of our lives. Once we see these scripts, we can rewrite them and change the timelines that we are energizing and experiencing.

Life Happens - If We Are Sleeping

They may have seen stickers that say "Life Happens." This is a common belief of those who move through life asleep, without the awareness that they possess the ability to choose their life circumstances. The fact is that life happens in ways that they would not choose, if they are asleep to the possibilities that exist around them. When they fall asleep they lose contact with their inner observer, and the possibilities of life are lost in an overwhelming tide of events. Once they regain perspective through their powers of observation, they are awake and aware, and life unfolds in incredibly beautiful and unexpected ways.

Translation: Margarita López

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