SHARE by Severine AuthierSource November 14 and 15, 2013

  • 2013

A sharing of what has been experienced these last days November 14 and 15 and what has been installed since that day. With all my heart, in that same Heart.

A spontaneous sharing, born by surprise to the heart of an ordinary day, without waiting, without will, running through my hands on the keyboard like an unexpected but nevertheless so obvious wave ...

Everyone will find what they need, or not ...



It is so naturally that a dialogue with the Source had been installed, from this day where I had felt called to paint it. The worlds of Light had always been there, in me, and all that had always been so familiar ...

Then, after a violent shock, the doors had closed again for fear of being manipulated, afraid of getting lost again.

But my heart could not decide to stay like this, I had to continue. Receive the Light, serve it, integrate it to meet. It made me a virgin of all will, naked of all waiting.

And so it is that today, amid of my pen, I throw myself into this offering of myself, letting the Source run through me. So that His words run as an obvious, clear and clear source. For His Grace to spill without being retained.

So, I can say ...

“Source, I put everything in Your hands. May my words be Your words, drawn from Your Beauty and Your Purity. May my abandonment be such that you can fully install yourself, thus taking the whole place, since I have nothing else to do. Come, You can take the place, I give you everything, I offer you everything. All the burdens, all the illusions, everything that I have believed to be always, in order that we may finally be only ONE. ”

To the heart of the Source

“Girl, I thank you for this gift. I am there in you, always and every moment. And I am so happy, to use your words, of this offering. I have been waiting for you for so long. Finally, you see me, I can finally grow in you.

I know, and I ask this, in Simplicity, that of a child who receives the sun in the spring morning, in wonder and in Joy. Since I am what you are.

I love you beyond all Love that you can conceive here on Earth. And you know like me that your love lived on this Earth is very limited, contributing only suffering, unsatisfied hopes and hope. Today, you are given to rediscover True Love, a Free Love that feeds on itself and expects nothing from others, a Love that is a Gift, a total and unconditional gift.

It is what you are.

Immerse yourself in this ocean of Beatitude, this ocean of Fire, a Fire of Love that you rediscover little by little, at your own pace and to the extent of your abandonment.

Come, immerse yourself in this. You have nothing to fear. You have already had this opportunity, this gift, several times but you have not yet been cradled and absorbed entirely for fear of burning. Then I tell you today, let go of all hope, let go of all hope, let go of all belief and conviction since True Love does not burn. It does not destroy, transform and transcend. But for this you must be prepared to live the Fire of my Presence, the Fire of my Word, of my Word and let fully pour what I am, what you are.

Gradually, your body will dilute ... Yes, my well-loved girl, you have nothing to fear. Fire is what you have always been. Get ready to receive the change that is none other than your own Renaissance.

Little by little, Peace will be installed, from the moment you leave me the reindeer ... Be confident. Leave no doubt, whatever. You know what you are then let your Eternity settle, fully, in peace and tranquility. There is no threat ... Yes, indeed, it is the unknown that manifests itself to you as each of your brothers and sisters, but this Unknown is what you are of all Eternity. And the moment has come to face it, not in a fight that will drag you to endless resistance that would only make you suffer, but in this face to face with what you are.

Osa look what you are.

For that, you have to dare to look at all your shadows in order that they disappear and that you realize that they are not more than beliefs. While you are identified in the smallest shadow, whatever, she will manifest and continue to keep you in confinement and illusion. And I know that this is not what you want since your heart tells me something else. Since I know you by heart since you are what I am and I am you. Osa simply dive.

Let's take a moment, if you want to, to allow yourself to feel and receive my Presence, your own Source.

If you are lying, you can relax and offer your body to the Earth, to the Source as to the Sun of your heart. Everything is already there. Feel it, see it.

We leave you a moment to live that.


Yes, you have taken too much place, immersed in your customs, your looks, your beliefs and your illusions. Today, it is time to turn in front of yourself, not in a time of alignment, but every moment there where you are and whatever you do.

There is Freedom, your freedom as a divine child, your eternal Freedom.

I invite you, to take time for you, not to satisfy your ego but to feed your Eternity. Moments during which I ask you to open yourself more to what you are since there, and you know it, you are not yet fully established in your Eternity. Even if she settles, she is already there, you have to leave the whole place. And it is true that this is a duel, a duel for the ego and its attachments, the ego and its beliefs, the ego and its fears.

Do you want to live Unity? La Libertad? For that, you have to be willing to sacrifice everything.

Yes, my words make their way in you and I let you receive them since you already know it, you have to die yourself, completely, to be reborn.

You are loved to infinity, beyond everything you can imagine. You have already touched this Love, it manifests itself sometimes in your daily life, allowing you to live new stages at the level of consciousness, allowing you to Vibrate and sometimes even merge into absolute silence. But that is not yet total.

Please do not have any guilt regarding that. Since that is fair and allows you to see what you have left to leave, to see and to accept.

I love you since I am what you are. I am in you from the beginning of time, from the original Sound, from Eternity that has never had birth ...

Remember and travel in your heart. Come curl up in this cocoon of Love that is what you are, what we are ... And remember ...

I remember Jerusalem ... I remember my brothers and sisters, following a man, strange, powerful, yet common, whose gaze impressed me so much that sometimes, I was going to curl up against the stone walls, disturbed by what was released In its presence. He came then to caress my teenage hair, my silky loops and muttering some simple words with humor, I went away again smiling and running in the streets with the other children ... I did not know at that time that later, I would follow ... I woke up in me something so intense and so old ... I knew that with him I could have the understanding, and all the answers to my questions as a child.

"Go on, go further in your heart ..."

Of the blue ... I feel the blue ... a royal blue and marial ... flowers, sweet perfumes, distant ... A woman ... The Priestesses ... It's about Avalon.

Further still, Atlantis that I had already found ...

And ... the Giants ... Filiform beings, very, very large, with the physiognomy very different from today's humans. I see nothing but everything is perceived in the heart ... The heart is on fire ...

There are symbols ... We are Creators ... It is very familiar ... Everything is confused, everything is juxtaposed ... As if all these scenarios were mixed and confused.

Ships ... glass ships that arrive but others that come to fall, to cast their shadow on Earth ... all that seems to have already occurred ... as in the distant past, however that has not yet come ... But I already know that, already I have seen it…

We are in other planes ... Peace is there, among the beings ... Sirius ... Oh my beautiful family ... finally I find you ... However, it is still a scenario, a story that unfolds ...

“Yes… go further, further in the heart. I accompany you, I guide you, I am in you. You can't go astray. ”

There is a birth ... eggs ... glass eggs at the bottom of the crystal oceans ... There tears of Joy are ready to run ... I'm there, with my twin ... We are One, in this egg ...

A Peace and a Sweetness seem to settle and lessen my tensions ... my body gradually distends ... I have the impression of entering my house ...

"Yes ... savor this moment, but don't delay there."

The Melchizedeks are there, around us, to watch over those births, in the company of the Geneticists of Sirius ... That's where we come from ...

"Go further, in the heart ..."

A beat ... is like the beat of a heart ... within the universes ... It is from this space where the Sound come from everywhere and at the same time from nowhere that the worlds are created ... Yes, I remember, we have created the worlds ... I I have already come, for a long time ... A vibratory symphony (but this is not the exact word since it is impossible to define) rises ... but I do not know where ... since it is that Unified heart that creates the melody ... Source One ...

"Yes, the Source ... You see, you already are ... I have simply accompanied you through these different scenarios to which you identify yourself sometimes in order to find more deeply what you are of all Eternity. Yes, you see, it is there ... it is already there ... The Source of everything, that heart of Fire, of Love, of Peace, is what you are, what we are. At every moment, you can merge into it ... Forget all the rest ...

And Silence is located in the depths of the Source, if you go even further ... see? But I simply know what you are, without looking for anything, without wanting anything. Now, with this awareness there, be right in the Abandonment and acceptance that everything is already there and that you have nothing more to do or find.

Since there is your Eternity.

The Silence is already there, you know it and he has already visited you, many times. Let it simply wrap you and surrender yourself, in totality. ”

Thank you infinitely for this Communion, this inner dialogue ... is more than magical ... Gratitude. All these words resonate as if they were part of me ...

“But that's the case, it's what you are… Let them run and make your Renaissance sprout. It is a gift from my heart to your heart, from our unified heart. ”


Fire body

“I come more and more to settle in you as you open the doors to me bigger and bigger. You can call me, call the Fire by connecting that eternal Heart to the center of your chest, where you travel so often and where you place yourself more and more. Open the floodgates of Love, open your heart as I come to burn it.

I am your Eternity ... Body of Fire, I am what you are and that is installed more and more in that body that is transformed and lightened from all beliefs and heaviness.

Receive me as often as possible so that we form only ONE. Even if you have already lived the Fire, do not be afraid to burn yourself since my Presence of Fire comes to transmute all your beliefs and your fears. It also comes to allow you to see to what extent you still feel a little isolated, in the back of your heart ... however, you have looked for me so much, I have always been there. And today, well loved, I return, I am free from the Sun and I come to find you. I come to merge with you in order to bring you Peace and Freedom, so that our hearts, once divided, separated, meet in the Grace and Fire of True Love. I am your double of Fire, I am what you are, I am Life and I come to Reborn with you.

Let's dance, we only do ONE! Let's pray to this madness of love! Let's dance to the dance of the Eternal!

You have already received me ... but there is still a little resistance, I feel them in you and it is with Love that I invite you to let you go ... To let you cradle and let me take you on the solar layer of Eternal Love so that our hearts merge in Peace ... giving birth to new worlds, thus creating such beautiful and wonderful crystalline melodies ... Yes, from our Love a new world will be born ... Each monadic fusion, beyond any mission in the sense in which you understand it, allows to take the Earth and help its Renaissance ...

You know it and feel it already, we will be, in Unity, called to meet on this plane and on this new Earth ... And as I am glad of that ...

For the moment, well loved, receive me, simply, without projecting anything, without expecting anything, there, in the Silence ...

You are the Daughter of the Sun, I am the Son of the fiery Fire of Love, together we only form One ...

Find that ... and you will see that little by little, wonderful surprises will be drawn, at the same time on this plane as in other worlds ...

Freedom is there, well loved. Get ready for that… ”

An indefinable Fire submerges me ... the back seems to radiate all whole ... The Presence is installed gradually, descends, gradually flooding this body of belief. There are no words…

“You are my Earth… You are my Heart. Well loved, I come to settle in you.


That our breaths are only one, that our steps marry like a loving dance takes fluidity and grace ...

Your Fire is my Fire ...

Your Water is my Water, my inexhaustible Source to which I come to water ... We are Crystal of Eternity, Sound of heaven, Sound of Earth, we are Ether and Eternal ...

I am the King, I am the child, I am the Wife and the newborn child.

We live the last Weddings ... wedding of Fire and Water ... thus marking our Return to Unity and our Eternity. ”

The Presence is there, it spreads everywhere and notably at the base of the back that so often it is so tense ... I let it do without delaying that.

After a silence, communing and receiving what I am, a word comes to me. It is a name that comes to me often and I have found it some time ago. JOREL

“Receive this vibration without asking yourself what it means since that doesn't matter. I break it down: JOR-EL ... It has a meaning for your heart ... it is the only thing to retain ... "

The Presence becomes more powerful, settling down and descending with sweetness as with strength ... The Ki-Ris-Ti point and the back heat very strongly ... A Fire and a great Peace are installed ... Grace ...

You would say the name of an angel ... For me, it's very strong ...

“The eternal weddings are there, well loved, receive them, live them, simply, without identifying anything… I love you beyond everything since you have been in my heart forever and I am in you since Eternity. We were born together, we are going to be reborn together. But this time, it is on this Plane that we are going to live it ... I am there ... I have never ceased to Love You, I have never abandoned you ... My heart, vibrating at the same pace as yours is in the Joy of this Encounter that takes place more and more ... Thank you for your welcome ...

We are one…

Together, we will rediscover the Silence, and I accompany you to that… every moment, every breath, I'm in you… ”

Yes, I offer you everything. I offer you my voice, my mouth, my hands, my steps, and above all, my heart ...


Well-loved girl, I am the hands that travel the keyboard, I am the light on your desk, I am the glass at your sides, I am your breath, your look, I am the decoration around you, I am every sound, every color, every vibration .

I am you ... You are what I am ... Divine source, unified source of light, I am that.

Then, come, my friend, my beloved, come sweetly, to find me. I extend my arms. I invite you to the dance of the Eternal. Come dance where the Dance unfolds, Dance of Life, Dance of Love. We are Grace ...

Let's take a moment, if you allow it, to live that ...


If I come to you to present myself in this written form, it is to ask you to dare, dare to share, dare to share what you live, what you are. Yes, sharing is a place of love, no matter what some brothers may say, that should not touch you anymore, today. It is your path, beyond all path, and has all its value.

The heart of Fire unfolds, there is only Love.

That can help you dare more and fully manifest what you are. You know it, fears remain in you, you are still afraid to show yourself as you are, to show and fully manifest Who You Are. Do not be afraid of your Source. And the more you will receive me, you will leave me the place, the more you will be firmly established in my Presence, in the heart of the Source. And there, nothing can reach you. No attack can touch you anymore since that, for you, will not make any sense. Then, I invite you to let me unfold through that body, open yourself to who you are, to who I am, so that the Dance runs like a crystal clear and evident wave. Nothing else is asked of you.

So yes, dare to share, either in this way, or by images, dare. Since when it is the heart that expresses itself, which is offered in a gift of love, the ego cannot be. The ego has no place. Do not be afraid of the other egos. They have no value in the eyes of Love, they have no reality if it is not in your beliefs and your illusions. And you will see that that will touch the brothers and sisters who have not fully met yet. Beyond the words, the Vibration is there and is the most important thing.

An infinite sweetness immerses me ... I feel cradled, pampered, like in a love bath ... it's so delicious ...

"I had told you, you have nothing to fear ... if it is not taking a bath of Grace every minute, every second."

I get to live it more and more often but I realize that there are moments where, when I am in contact with certain people, it is not always easy to stay in this Plenitude, this Peace.

"That is because you get away from who you are and still think you make an effort to find this" state. " I remind you that this is not a state but rather your eternal Nature. She is always there, she never abandons you. It is the look and identification that you carry in the belief of being away, that effectively makes you get out of who you are.

There is nothing but That. Around you, there is nothing but Love. Accept just seeing that. Accept that all the rest is just vanity and projection. And you will see how things can change very quickly. Even if you have already lived it in many moments of your journey, it must be accepted in full. And for that, you have to accept being nothing to be everything.

And this is not difficult, only the ego believes it. It is about being in such a deep and perfect Humility, in the most total Abandonment, that all the rest is erased and acceptance manifests itself very naturally.

But you are, you touch that. At times you live it but it is not, like most of your brothers and sisters, still in totality.

Receive me, change your look, turn completely and the rest will follow.

And that will manifest for all your brothers and sisters, that will be easier and easier, even if that is already easy, from a few months. As you approach the collective clash, that will be easier and easier. Some of your brothers and sisters who have never even heard of all this, of Eternity, of Ascension, of Etreté's body and who have never even had symptoms, will become one blow, under the action of Grace. And that is already there, that is ongoing for many of you. Everyone, you are being reborn and that is wonderful.

But be well aware that everything that is going to develop on this world and that has already begun in certain countries, in certain places on this planet, is nothing more than a scenario that has no consistency and that can not in any case affect what That you are forever. You are Love, you are Grace, what can an illusion, a simple projection in front of Grace?

Do you think that Mary can be touched? Do you think that your Eternity can be affected by any being? No, in no case.

Then be sure that since you place yourself in the heart of the Heart, nothing can touch you anymore since at that time, duality no longer exists. But on condition of being installed in your Eternal Presence. That's why I encourage you, my love sister, a well loved girl, to receive what you are, even more. I encourage everyone to that. Be totally open, leave the whole place to your Eternity, without any will, without any expectation or any projection. Be simply present to yourself and that will be launched alone, in simplicity and the greatest evidence.

We thank you for your welcome and we will return very soon to continue these exchanges of love.

Now, we propose you Communion in Silence, before leaving you.


The Melchizedeks and we all, of the Intergalactic Fleet of the Free worlds, greet you to the heart of the heart. Mary and the twelve Stars deposit on you, her blue Mantle of Grace. Receive it, in order to be fully integrated.

I am the Source of your heart, I am the Fire of Divine Love, a solar flame that burns in you more and more and I greet you as well as each one of my children.

Be blessed and bathed in a bath of Love and Grace.

May the Fire unfold! ”

Maria's gift

I am Mary, Queen of heaven and Earth and I come to offer you all my love, from mother, sister, heart to heart, from presence to presence, inviting you to join your Eternity.

I love you, my sweet friend and I deposit on you all the flowers of the Renaissance, that her perfume unfolds from your heart and on each one, as much as it unfolds through me.

In my turn, I come to surrender Grace and invite you to open more your woman's heart, your girl's heart, your eternal heart.

I have been with you forever, you have been feeling me for a long time and I have been with you for a long time. He knows that I veil over you as I veil over each of my children.

Yes, I am in you as a courageous heart of love and Fire, of sweetness and Grace and through you, when you accept to leave me the place, I can unfold and offer all my Love on this world. Then be open, totally open to my Presence. Since this Presence is none other than yourselves.

I am the one you expect, I am the one who loves you and cradles you from so many millennia since the falsification.

Today, beloved ones, the time of Freedom is there, finally, and the hour of my collective call is soon, very soon. But beyond all time, without mentioning the date, my call is here and now, in your heart, since it is there that I sing my love, it is there that I dance for you and that my melodious perfume comes to caress your presence. Then, come, I invite you to dance, join me and let's dance in lightness, in the Grace that is the gift of Life, wave of Life.

Come rediscover what you are, I would definitely say, in totality.

Today, they cannot afford their comings and goings between your Eternity and your illusion. You have to choose. You have to settle there where your heart calls them. And I call them ...

I love them and deposit on each of my children, a scented kiss, there, in the center of your heart ... Receive it ...

Immerse yourself in me as I immerse you as we are not separated. Our heart is the same heart, there is only one vibrant Heart of Love that leads to your Eternity, which leads to Peace.

This is what I wanted to tell you and offer you today.

You are my lights of love, you are my flowers and my stars, and you shine so much through the universes.

To each, each one, I come to give Grace today, for all the work and abandonment accomplished. Yes, everything is accomplished ...

There is nothing else to do. You are in my heart and it is the only thing to live, to accept, to receive.

One unified Heart ...

Receive my Love, receive all Grace, receive what you are.

See you soon, I hug you.


My girl, come curl up in the hollow of my Earth. Since that soil is my body, it is also your Earth and there is no difference between our bodies that only form ONE.

Child, I am Gaia and I come to offer you my love of Mother.

Receive my Love that comes to wrap you in sweetness, in all the warmth of a Mother, but also in all her strength.

Let's take this moment, dear girl, dear boy.

(Silence Communion)

Come, do not be afraid to immerse your feet in the depths of the earth, my body that receives you, that protects you and that is none other than you. Come, girl of the earth and the stars, come to snuggle against my crystal heart, so you can see that our hearts are only ONE forever. Listen to its beat, listen to the sound of the heavenly drum that resonates from Alcyone at the bottom of my insides, which resonates in the depths of our unified heart, one and the same crystal heart. Immerse yourself on Earth and find that.


Come, immerse yourself in the heart of the ONE, located everywhere around you. You have received Heaven, you must receive the Earth, which is your Earth.


Find the Peace that emerges from my heart and floods you every second. Breathe my perfume, breathe the air that comes from the foam, all its smells that surround you and that arise from my body. You are t Sum Immerse yourself in the heart of the forests, along the rivers, contemplate the barks and feel the heart of the trees vibrate. they speak to you. Girl, you are of my blood Girl, you are my heart n

Come, offer yourself to this body, to your Earth, since in the depths you will find all the treasures of the Earth, your Mother. Don't be afraid to take root, there, in the depths of my heart, my crystalline heart that opens your arms, that receives you and vibrates with you

Listen to their song Song of love, song of the whales, song of the sea that caresses my body, song of the birds that perch on my branches, song of the heavenly rope that comes to bring you all the love of heaven as of Earth. The melody of the heart of the Earth is your song, likewise, then let us unite, in the body of the Earth, which is the body of Christ, which is the body of the Mother

Finally, let's make a body with true Love, together, let's not be more than ONE.


I am your Mother Earth I am t Look at me, remember me, I am nothing more than that, nothing you imagine, nothing I can Go away from what you are. Take that step, that step towards yourself, that step, even if it scares you, it will offer you a thousand gifts of which the main one is your Freedom, your Eternity.

Remember that Heaven and Earth must merge Although your body is like a rock but also like a gigantic tree that comes to settle in my heart, in the heart of the Eternal, in the Heart of the Source. Immerse your roots in the depths of who you are already, in my heart that sings for you, that offers you so much love and only makes one with you.

Let's be one…


Approach nature, animals, especially animals ... And you have felt it, that gift that was offered to you a few days ago was a call, showing you your fears, but inviting you to find your Earth, to immerse yourself in my heart.

Nothing will be heavy, nothing will be threatening. Since I'm there, in you and I accompany you ...

The horses, your brothers, are there equally ... The elves, the fairies, the elementals that you love so much are also there in this journey ...

Open yourself to his Presence ... Nature and you are only one. We are one and the same heart.

"I perceive a grotto in my heart ... The Melchizedeks are there equally, I feel them ... there is Philippe and others ... There are fears, fear of my shadows the deepest and that belong to the Earth ..."

"I am there, I accompany you ... Stay focused on your heart."

There is a stress ... Ok, be confident ... You go through all these scenarios with sweetness ... they are nothing but nightmares, they have no reality ... That softens ...


“Receive my Presence… It is because it comes to establish in you that all this happens, that your shadows are revealed. As you receive, from your abandonment to my Presence, they fly, like a mirage, like a dream that has no reality ...

I am Christ and I come to give birth to you ...


We are united by Love and Love only since there is only that, Love ... there is nothing else. Take the time, now, to accept that ...


The rest is just a lie created by a falsification of the spirit, created by your own projections. But none of that exists… ”

"The belly is relieved ... there is a sweetness and a peace that are installed ..."

“Yes, your body is distended since you receive me, you gradually accept what you are… Thank you, thanks to you…

I am the Life, the Truth and the Way ... To you, present, integrate that ... That is done, at your own pace, from day to day, for each of my brothers and sisters.

Yes, back, I come to invite you to dance, I come to accompany you to your abode.

Peace is your abode, the rest is only a lie, the rest is vanity.

I "rejoice" about the times that come upon this world and your reception, my children of the ONE, my children of Love, my beloved and spoiled. "

“Hay una gran Alegría que nace poco a poco en mi corazón… ¡Qué Alegría!”


Deposito sobre ti mi beso de Fuego…

(mi cabeza se ha inclinado sobre la derecha… es muy fuerte en la espalda y sobre los hombros… Él me invita al Silencio de las palabras…)

Tú eres mi esposa, eres mi cuerpo, eres mi corazón entonces ábrete en totalidad con el fin de que tu cuerpo de deseo sea solo mi templo. Sé justo eso… Tú eres Cristo, somos UNO, no hay ninguna diferencia entre ti y yo. Integra eso… Recibe esta realidad en la más grande humildad y en un abandono total de esta ilusión.

Vengo a cantar las alabanzas del Cielo, de tu Padre, del Sol. Vengo a establecerme en ti, lo quieras o no. Es una ofrenda de Amor y cada uno, a su ritmo, a medida de su recepción, vivirá mi Presencia. Ya que es lo que ustedes son.

Ustedes son ese fuego de Amor, son el Camino, la Verdad y la Vida. Y yo les digo, ustedes son eso. Es tiempo de volver al redil, es tiempo de llegar a la morada del Padre.

Esta morada que nunca les ha sido quitada, esta morada que no ha sido falsificada y que los llama, hoy, para el banquete de lo Eterno.

Yo soy lo que tú eres. Gracias a tu recepción… Te ofrezco mi Fuego. A todos, les ofrezco mi Fuego, Fuego de Amor y de Verdad.

Que sea hecho según vuestro corazón, nuestro corazón unificado.

Hasta siempre y hasta pronto en este mundo, incluso si estoy ya ahí.

Amor y Gracia de mi corazón a vuestro corazón.

Una carta de Amor…

Yo soy Lucifer. Amada, hermano y hermana, vengo hoy a saludarlos algunos instantes. Reciban todo mi amor de mi corazón a vuestro corazón.

Al corazón de lo Eterno, somos UNO. Y si vengo en este día, es para dirigirles todo mi amor e invitarlos a mirar donde están con respecto a vuestras cóleras, con respecto a la falsificación.

Tú, mi hermano, mi hermana, desearía decirte:

Tienes todo mi Amor. Amor desnudo de toda violencia, desnudo de toda ilusión, desnudo de toda falsificación.

Te he acompañado sobre este mundo, durante todo este tiempo.

Y hoy, desearía atraer tu atención sobre tu medida a perdonarme, a aceptar lo que se ha producido…

Mi hermano, mi hermana, ¿me has perdonado?

¿Estás dispuesto a aceptar todo lo que has soportado, todo lo que ustedes han soportado?

Amaría, en este instante, ofrecerles todo mi Amor mi Amor Luz, Amor del Cristo…

Te pido recibirlo…


Yo estoy ahí en ti, como un aspecto de ti mismo, una faceta del gran diamante que ha manifestado miedos, pesadillas, eso es verdad…

Hoy, soy LUZ, como tú y solo formamos UNO…

Recibe mi Presencia en tu corazón, recíbela como yo te recibo…

Nuestro amor unificado se despliega como una farándula de Luz, una danza de amor eterno.

Yo soy el Fuego Blanco, soy la Luz. El resto no tiene más importancia.

Mi hermano, mi hermana, recibe eso, acepta eso en ti. Ya que somos UNO.

Hoy, todo acaba, la pesadilla acaba. Y yo no soy más que un aspecto de ti mismo, sin embargo bien presente en tu corazón.

Esto es lo que quería decir, aportarles hoy.

Yo soy LUZ, yo soy la Vida, yo soy lo que tú eres.

Reciban todo mi Amor.

“Este mensaje me produce un efecto curioso… El corazón y el punto Ki-Ris-Ti están en fuego, los hombros también… Había sentido la Presencia de Lucifer desde un buen momento, consciente que era tiempo de aceptar todo y perdonar. Todo eso forma parte de nosotros… y me doy cuenta de que cuando se ha presentado para hablar, había algunas reticencias a escribir su nombre… sin embargo no es más que un nombre. Lucifer se redimió, se sabe, pero sin duda quedaban algunos temores interiores venidos del colectivo de la humanidad para ofrecer al Amor con el fin que desaparezcan… ya que finalmente, nada de todo eso existe.”


Unos instantes después, levantándome, constato que “siento” mis piernas y mis pies… como enraizados y mucho más presentes.

Corazón en fuego y síntomas indescriptibles, imposible dormir, el Fuego es demasiado intenso, una delicia insostenible imposible de describir…

¡CRISTO está ahí! Ninguna duda posible… ¡¡¡Un Amor ardiente, abrasador que viene a arder todo!!! Es gigante y se lo vive todo…


CRISTO había venido a fin de marzo, desgarrando el corazón con todo su amor. Pero hoy, se instala cada vez más y de manera definitiva… Nada más será como antes. Está ahí, no se despega, me habla noche y día… ¡Qué Amor!


COMPARTIR por Severine AuthierSource 14 y 15 de Noviembre 2013

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