The true story of the Christmas tree

  • 2016

Honoré de Balzac, a French novelist, said that there are two stories: the official, deceitful story, which is taught ad assumed Delphini, (for the use of the Dolphin) and the secret story, in which the true causes of events are found.

As we are about to enter Christmas dates, and to make a relaxed post this week, we will see two versions of the same story, which will let us see, as always, that there is something behind the scenes within the symbology and rituals that all We carry out on specified dates, without knowing well what it means what we do.

It is possible that in a few weeks, in many homes on the planet, the Christmas tree will be installed with the gifts underneath, and that we will celebrate all family celebrations and others during a few days of vacation, as we do every year. This custom of putting the Christmas tree, according to official history and tradition, is due to the fact that, in ancient times, the Germans were convinced that both the Earth and the Astros were hanging from a gigantic tree, the Divine Idrasil or Tree of the Universe, whose roots were in hell and its cup, in heaven. These, to celebrate the winter solstice - which occurs at this time in the Northern Hemisphere - decorated an oak with torches and danced around it.

According to legend, around 740, San Bonifacio - the evangelizer of Germany and England - knocked down that oak that represented the God Odin (hyperborean, ancestral cultures and traditions of native peoples and the origin of humanity) and replaced it with a pine, symbol of the eternal love of God (imposed by the Judeo-Christian religion). This tree was adorned with apples (which for Christians represent temptations) and candles (which symbolized the light of the world and divine grace). Being a perennial species, the pine is the symbol of eternal life and also, its triangle shape, represents the Holy Trinity, symbolism that we have already talked about in several articles on the use of the triangle to represent the three forces of Creation Then, in the Middle Ages, this custom expanded throughout the old world and later arrived in America.

The first Christmas tree

Decorated as we know it today, it was seen in Germany in 1605 and was used to set the holiday in a time of extreme cold. From that moment, its diffusion began: it arrived in Spain in 1870, in Finland in 1800, and in Windsor Castle - in England - it was first seen in 1841.

This story, which is part of the framework of illusion and the decoration of what things really mean, has its esoteric counterpart to those who have begun in the correct meaning of a certain symbology present in our lives.

What is this other story of the Christmas tree?

Perhaps some of you already know that amanita muscaria fungi usually grow in coniferous forests, which live in symbiosis with them. A part of the Amanitas family are fungi that contain psychoactive chemicals and have a long history of use in Asia and northern Europe. In Siberia, for example, these fungi are consumed by the shamans of some tribes to enter altered states of consciousness, to project themselves to other planes and dimensions, to "see" the hidden world, to communicate with other entities and energies, etc. .

Because of this, the gifts at the foot of the tree that are placed under the Christmas pine, refer to the fungi that are born next to their roots. Each one is a “surprise”, because the shaman or the person who consumed them, does not know a priori where the trip that the mushrooms will give him will take him. In addition, thanks to these “gifts”, shamans, medicine men, adepts and initiates of all ancestral traditions, accessed experiences and upon awakening of the consciousness that brought them closer to “enlightenment”, this being the meaning of the lights that they adorn the tree, which has been reached through the consumption of entheogens, in this case fungi, considered sacred and a source of knowledge by all the ancient peoples of the earth; used for millennia by shamans as medicine.

In other words, the pine tree serves as a distractor for the profane, because the true "Tree of Knowledge" is the fungus that grows at its feet and is reserved only for the initiated.

a hug,
David Top

AUTHOR: David Top


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