The Diamonds of the Master in the Portal from December 6 to 16

1st phase: Preparing to be a Diamond.

This phase of the restoration of codes inserted in the DNA of humanity corresponds to an unprecedented planetary synchrony, it is a new way of inserting wisdom without reflections of darkness. In these times in which the struggles of forces harass you, it is necessary to order and look for sites of imprisonment. Many of you are wise reflections of a Humanity in transition.

But the exchange that reaches your higher Self corresponds to a frequency of another order, it is a meeting frequency in the Diamond Portal opened for Humanity in November and that will reach its maximum reflection from December 6 to 16. The dates only change depending on the vortices in these impulses that will favor you in a time of great climatic and social changes.

The impulse is in itself an energetic modification of diamond crystals that are already associated with your body of light but that were delayed in its activation for eons of time. These diamond crystals are housed in power centers interfaces between your ascending model or ascending commodity and the diamond DNA that is being interpolated in this space-time interface.

It is a possibility that you are already experiencing and feeling it as a multidimensional experience and a vision multiplied in mirrors of light. Many of you are already seeing all the times, all the phases, as far as your frequency allows you to cross between times.

But there is that this Diamond energy also allows you to radiate to expand and seal previously unprotected power sites.

The telluric currents have been making great devastation in certain places of the planet and it is time that all those who are expanding their diamond energies can sustain this brightness without interference.

The energy that pulses from November 11 is a power energy transferred to this plane as the Foundation of an inter-restoration space called DIAMOND INTERFACE ENERGY. It is a pulsar that allows shots of diamond interspace light entering the frequency of Beings that are already willing to expand it.

What attitude do they have to assume to receive this frequency and those who already have it expand it? Simply releasing the frequencies of ancient pain, clearing the anger, transferring everything that means guilt and pain in its dimension.

Through this purification energy you will be able to enter the phase of restoring your pain patterns by simply receiving in your consciousness this interface: that of the vision of the diamond in your heart, in your center of power (high heart) and to enter in this way the frequency that sustains the energy of many beings on mission that are potentiating it with diamond reflexes.

These dates are waiting and sustaining, because many diamond beings will emit their pulsars to build and expand a diamond star on the coasts between South America and Africa to expand the first diamond frequency in the Atlantic Ocean.

Expansion meshes are true transformation matrix. Not only humans participate but thousands of diamond beings are expanding it from their irradiation centers interfaces between the earth and the cosmos.

Today there is a higher frequency instance and you must prepare yourself so that together you are within the power of the Diamond at the exact moment of your pulse.

To do this, you are invited to gather to expand this energy from wherever you are. Many beings are already carrying the energy of their diamonds in full effusion of solar pulses. This energy will feel at times like a face of sure government of its own entity, of its own Power transposed to this present. They will feel more strength to make decisions and you will not fluctuate in the polarities of the ego.

The energy to be transferred is an equilibrium energy of Love multiplied to the waters / Atlantic Ocean that will then be reflected in light goods to the earth. This energy is about to expand further south in the near future.

Lands like Antarctica will reflect new continents and many beings will find shelter in these areas. It is the New Children who will bring you this message: the Platinum and Diamond children who are entering this frequency and are being born today.

Even so I tell you that there are thousands of diamond beings already stationed in the portals of this replacement. These beings are children and adolescents who were attracted to this plane in star seeds to transform the earth into a multiplied Vision of the coming kingdom.

It is not a kingdom with an owner but with identity in the diamond heart of this humanity in coligazón with the diamond frequencies that you can visualize in your own environment.

Blind your eyes and view the earth as a powerful being that has many dimensional doors that you cannot see by reflection now.

What to do then? Becoming a Diamond is part of the force to co-create in the next times is to actually adopt the energy to transform the inner balance in this present and sustain this frequency without breaking the crystal.

Dear diamond beings, our frequency enters the diamond portal in a way not imagined before, you are creating enough force to expand the creation in your world and this creation corresponds to a force present between planes in this world. It is easier to say that you have the energy to change the frequency of this world by co-creating an interface of Peace and Bliss on earth.

The more beings rounded in diamond energy, the more possibilities of co-creating this force simultaneously for its expansion.

In another message you were told that the planetary replacement is already happening and is already embodied. Today we tell you that beyond the immense wave of information transfer of so many open channels in this plane, many more are being polarized to the exchange through their DNA this will allow more beings (adults and children) to express the truth of this event .

The frequencies are sustained from here to December and it is in the middle of the month that the Diamond energy is ahead of the December 21st solstice, this is because the earth allows this energy to descend. Gaia blesses you and opens his seed crystal to receive this thought form co-created by the diamond beings on earth.

Imagine a multiplied reflection, a diamond struck from the surface to the earth and from the crystal heart of Gaia to the cosmos.

You are the pure diamond energy that the universe gives you as the Ascension Portal, prepare your being for this event.

Create diamond restoration networks and calmly wait for the change, everyone will be ready in their places in a dimensional space of Gratitude and offering you are all Diamond Portals.

Channeled by María del Carmen Vila ©. Anikha in divine order and co-creation with the diamond energy for the New Earth.

Read the previous channels:

The Fiery Love Matrix .

11/11/11 Portal. Opening of Diamond Energy.


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