The Bio-Crystalline Transformation of 2015! Archangel Metatron through J. Tyberonn

  • 2015
Greetings, Masters, I am Metatron, Angelic of the Light, and I greet each one with warmth and knowledge in a vector of unconditional love! This is 2015, Year Three of the new Earth, because in fact the New Earth was formulated logically, factually and frequently at the end of 2013, and began in its linear aspect of 2013. Thus we measure and count, in symbiotic consideration of the crystalline transformation and of the aspectual activation of the Crystalline Grid 144. (Trad's note: the original says at the end of 2013, but it could be a writing error, since Metatron has repeatedly talked about the beginning of the New Earth from portal 12- 12-12) Now, another precious moment brings us together; joining thoughts within the matrix of the unified field. Combining geometric patterns of thought with desire, with consciousness, so all things come together in this way. Because all thoughts, all things, all beings are crystal-electromagnetic representations of consciousness, of manifestation, of everything that has been and will be. He meets me in this session, Ra-Tyberonn of the Pleiades, Tyberonn of the Crystalline Service. Dear ones, the changes that take place on Earth respond to changes that take place in the Cosmos. All the celestial bodies, planets, stars and moons in their Galaxy are in a harmonic symphony, supporting the planetary ascension of the Earth. We have already told you that your religions have excluded science, and that science has omitted the spiritual. On the New Earth both must be united in a complete circle. So, dear humans, the following message abounds in elements of what you call spiritual and what you call scientific. We ask each of you to listen carefully, and please do not assume that the scientific parts are beyond your reach. Because what we say is also communicated in the 3rd. language, and all the contents of this message are encoded; in this way they are codified that even those who do not consider themselves academic or scientific, will understand exactly in their highest mind, on a spiritual level, what we inform them. Your scientists begin to recognize that there is an intelligent design in the Cosmos, and your religious leaders begin to recognize that you " are not alone ." There are visionary scholars and writers who open the way to reveal more about the true origins and history of mankind. We tell you that removing the shadows is equivalent to achieving clarity and wisdom. The Cosmos is transforming, Physics is expanding. You are discovering that the Laws of Physics, which you believed engraved in stone, are changing and expanding. That expansion is multidimensionality. And even more, Masters: you are discovering that thought, divine thought, is the creator of all that is ... and that you are part of that. Even the most traditional and staunch groups of scientific experts are invaded by a younger generation of more diligent, non-repressed researchers, who realize that there is intelligence in the Cosmos, in the changing order of Physics. Not only do you realize that you are not alone, but you recognize that the creation that surrounds you could not be the work of chance. There is a force that guides Physics, a conscious intelligence. We have already told you before that some of you who call "Angels" are supports of the "Laws of Physics" and we tell you now that everything in the Cosmos is conscious. The planets, stars, moons, and even what they call the void, everything is alive, conscious, awake and supporting humanity.

The Crystal Transformation

You know that there are magnetic portals on planet Earth that collect the massive energies of the Sun; There are also crystalline portals that capture the crystalline coherence of plasma emissions and light waves. All the forces that alter the crystalline and electromagnetic fields of the earth also change yours. The Saturn system is generating an accelerated coherence in the Ascension of the Earth, because in fact the planetary ascension can truly be defined as an expansion of the earth's dimensional matrix towards fields m High crystalline resonance. Thus, the crystalline grid is receiving the crystalline codes from the Saturn system. The current revival (for the purpose) of the Saturn system is once again playing an important role in the changes of the planet, specifically in environmental alterations and energy transformations which will encode the crystalline grid as well as the crystalline-solar disk within the Crystal Vortices of Arkansas and Brazil. This is in symbiotic synergy with the biological changes of the human body towards an opalescent silicon-crystal base. Silicon is the only element capable of replacing carbon, because only carbon and silicon have the valence points (and other attributes) necessary to sustain human biology. In fact, this was a conjecture first proposed by Dr. Carl Sagan, and by the way he was an extraordinary visionary, a sacred scientist! Thus, its physical biology is changing, and mankind is now in the process of transitioning from a current carbon-based biology to a silicon-based biology. Edgar Cayce spoke, in his many readings, about a new type of human body that would emerge (after 1998) in the 21st century, and he was absolutely right, it was correct! (The Crystalline Transformation can be considered the sixth, if the hybrid purifications of the first Atlantean genetics are considered as the fifth physical format). (Editor's Note: Taken from the article by John Van Auken: The Four Suns or Mayan-Aztec Ages and the Fifth Age of the Movement correspond quite well with the four (bodily) creations followed by a major change that Edgar Cayce describes when he reads the Akashic records, he thus numbers the order of these ages: 1 and 2 in Mu, the Ancestral Land; the 3 in Atl ntida; the 4 in Eden, and the 5 is the change indicated in the history of No In each of the first four periods, Cayce identifies a new body type or raza ra z, as he calls them.Then, the period of No was the movement being that would result in a new, fifth type of body or race. z that would appear in the first centuries of our new millennium today.) And, dear humans, that is happening now. And it is a correlation of crystalline physics, that the drivers of human biological change will initially be encoded in the massive crystalline deposits on earth. A long time ago, the ancient Mystery Schools of Atlantis contained a section of high adherents of the benevolent scientific priests of the Law of One (Atla-Ra), who programmed the crystals with frequencies of light and sound. The crystals emitted a field of hertzian vibration at a beneficial end. They were used to balance the human field, improve health, heal diseases and wake up to higher dimensions. Some could also open an interdimensional channel to other "worlds" and especially to the Divine Being . These were very special formats of optically clear quartz, formatted with concave and convex facets in such a way that it allowed them to receive and condense light and sound waves with spectacular utility. They were called Phi Master Crystals. These wise specialists and the crystal specialists of the Schools of Mystery of Atla Ra were based on what they now call Arkansas and Brazil. Some of the crystals so intertwined are still under those floors. Therefore, it is also logical that the Crystal Vortices of Arkansas and Brazil serve as epicenters of biological change, facilitating changes in DNA for the transition of human biology from the carbon base to the silicon base. And, Dear Ones, quartz has a silicon base; Quartz crystals are receptors and transmitters of silicon dioxide. In 2012, the Crystalline Grid was fully activated and has taken priority. The magnetic grid has decreased, so to speak, designated for the 1st to 3rd dimensions, while the Crystalline Grid operates fully in the 5th to 12th dimensions. Kryon of the Magnetic Service channeled in 2002 that there was evidence of the presence of Atlantis in Arkansas. Our channeler, James Tyberonn attended the conference of that prolific channel ... and the message served Tyberonn of the Crystalline Service as a trigger to begin his work seriously. James Tyberonn was born and raised in Arkansas, and later lived 7 years among the crystals of Brazil. This was by design, since both Brazil and Arkansas were Atlanteans ... and Tyberonn was in Atlantis as a scientific priest of the benevolent Law of One, of the Atla-Ra. His residence in Arkansas and Brazil awakened his knowledge, and the crystalline codes are now within him, and certainly within many of you of the Law of One. Because of his crystalline deposits, Arkansas has been logically and absolutely an Atlantean colony. The crystals were seeded, programmed and coded. Huge cracks beneath the surface of Arkansas still remain ancient structures of the Atlantean era, yet to be discovered. They include a network of incredible tunnels, remnants of a laboratory complex and what could be called a hyperdimensional transport station. The latter are still maintained by the Syrian-Pleiadian Alliance. There are also old housing structures below the Arkansas crystals, which are still inhabited by the so-called " blue skin race ." For the reasons explained, the crystalline transition of the planet and humanity will initially be received first in coded waves. plasmic and photonic, in the crystalline regions of the Earth, coming from the Saturn system. For those in the northern, more populous hemisphere, the initial and primordial reception will take place in the Crystalline Vortex of the Ark, the sacred ark called ARKansas, for a multitude of reasons. Arkansas is embellished with a unique geology; it contains quartz crystals, magnetite deposits, kimberlite tubes with diamonds (the only diamond deposits in the lower 48 states), and unique, truly incredible, living water systems, rare living waters, unique hot springs ... waters that They contain traces of radio on a benevolent level. The geometric vector is added; The location of Arkansas crystal deposits is perfectly centered, optimally located in stellar and planetary alignments for distribution to populated regions of the earth. More than two thirds of humanity lives above the equator; slightly less than a third live below the equator. Then, Arkansas and Brazil combine synergistically to receive, and be the points of transmission and distribution of the crystalline transformations that are occurring for both Earth and humanity. And, teachers, the transformations are just beginning. Because humanity's transition to a new crystalline body will occur in this way, through Arkansas and Brazil as initial and primary receivers and transmitters of these codes. These two power nodes receive with greater power because quartz is an extraordinary crystalline receiver and transmitter. Arkansas and Brazil will receive, and then retransmit the crystal codes to the other areas of the planet, in a manner very similar to what happened on 12-12-12. Certainly later in this message we will give you the secondary distribution points; remember that the two primary (Arkansas and Minas Gerais in Brazil) retransmit the secondary and tertiary, so that everything you call power nodes, sacred sites, vortex portals and grid points will receive, in fact, and then distribute The transformation codes. We have already told you that the ley lines, the axialtonal lines and the currents in the mountains are rising to a transformation towards the crystalline nature from the tandem of mega eclipses of April 2015. This is what Tyberonn called the Colorado Update, but this Transformative update is certainly global. (Note: Reference - Metatron Channeling through Tyberonn in 2014 - The Colorado Update) Now, in the last quarter of 2015, another set of mega eclipses will occur, and extreme coding programming will take place between the Autumn Equinox and the Winter Solstice of the Northern Hemisphere. In November two coded energy amplifiers occur: the Taurids of the South and the Leonids, " Shooting Stars " Meteors, both generated by Comets, and both carry crystalline codes of bio-transformation ... both initiate the discharges. These are followed by an additional amplification by the Geminids and Ursids at the December Solstice. We will add briefly that folklore is full of tales about the special effects of such astronomical events, such as " Make a wish to a star " and "Catch a shooting star." The life force that these phenomena generate is wide, and these energies bathe the planet with a wave of coded life force energy, of units of crystalline consciousness, called Adamantine Essence or Akash. Thus, these will amplify the Crystal Strata of Arkansas and Brazil ... that is certainly the reason to schedule the event for which we have directed the channel, in the mega Crystal Vortex Portal of Sacred Arkansas. We tell you that there are massive crystals under the floors of Arkansas, some of an incredible size. And these Master crystals were encoded by the Atla-Ra atlantes, the benevolent scientific priests. These Master Crystals are waking up and are now active, after about twelve thousand years of programmed latency. So, Arkansas and Brazil are not only the largest vectors of Earth's Quartz Crystal, but Arkansas and Brazil each contain what could be called “ Master Crystals ” planted, coded and placed specifically within a geological matrix very singular. In this process there is science, there is a pure logic, a master design happening, and it can be understood absolutely, it makes sense! It makes sense to you, because many, in fact 90% of those on Earth today, were in Atlantis. At that time they understood the mechanics and the amazing attributes of the crystals. You have certainly been here before, and it resonates ... it feels right, right? That is why many people in the Northern Hemisphere will be attracted to Arkansas, and those from the South to Brazil ... to go on pilgrimage to receive the codes of transformation. Because being within the hertzian fields of these energies, within the resonance of these living crystals, being within the coded crystalline energies and frequencies, they will receive the codes directly, in a way that accelerates the transformation of DNA . This happens both individually and collectively, because many of you, attracted there, are carriers of these codes. The Masters of Arcturian Crystals of the Law of One Although the incredible underground crystals of Arkansas were asleep for more than 14, 000 years, we tell you that they have awakened ... and within the next 23 years this energy will emerge synergistically with the planned code transformations . And, Masters, after 2038, Arkansas will be recognized worldwide for its exceptional and brilliant crystalline energy. Many souls of Atla-Ra teachers and certainly Masters of the Syrian-Pleiadian Alliance will choose with full purpose to reincarnate in the Crystal Vortices of Arkansas and Brazil; In fact they have already begun to do so. They are from the Law of One, Masters of Arcturian Crystals ; and Arkansas and Brazil attract thousands. They are specialists in Crystalline Technology and will understand from their birth the importance of both regions, and will prosper in them, and will play leadership roles in the proper use of these potent energies of the Crystal Vortices of Arkansas and Brazil. By the 21st century, magnificent Crystal Temples will have been built around the Pinnacle Mountain Crystal Solar Disc, and at the Temples Crystals locations on Mount Magi, Wilhelmina, Hot Springs and Eureka Springs. While three centuries may seem like a very long time, since its non-linear aspect is only a flash. Certainly, tens of thousands of you, of the Law of One, including the channeler, will be reincarnated specifically in that period, about 15 generations from now. In doing so, the frequency of these two regions will change dramatically, be transformed benevolently, and they will be recognized for their precise specialized energies. The Arkansas-Brazil Synergy and the Brazilian Crystal Vortex We now wish to mention the importance of the Brazilian Crystal Vortex located near Sao Tomas de Letres, in Minas Gerais. It is certainly as important for the southern hemisphere of the planet as Arkansas is for the northern part. Both represent the most powerful crystalline frequency of the earth. Both contain huge crystalline deposits. The reason for considering the most influential Arkansas Crystalline Vortex is that two thirds of the territories and two thirds of humanity are in regions above the equator, the northern hemisphere. But keep in mind that the two Crystalline Vertices, Arkansas and Brazil, are correlated in a turn / counter-turn mode, and necessarily compensate for the distribution of the telluric portion of the crystal frequency Because these are unquestionably the two most important Crystal Centers on Earth, and this energy is incredibly powerful and magnificently conscious. At this point in our message we supply the symmetry, because again we tell you, and we emphasize, that the Saturn system plays important roles in the crystalline coding of 2015 and onwards, until 2038 The codes are received from Tula, the Great Central Sun, from there to Arcturus, and sent to the Saturn system by way of Japeto and distributed to the solar system and to Earth, and therefore to humanity. End of the first part. The Second Part of this message will be offered in the next issue of the Earth-Keeper Chronicles. Translation: M. Cristina C ffaro Source:

The Bio-Crystalline Transformation of 2015! Arc ngel Metatr na through J. Tyberonn

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