The tender look of a young Mother, happened so long ago.

  • 2016

The tender look of a young Mother, happened so long ago

The tender look of a young Mother

The tender look of a young MOTHER

I would have sixteen, maybe less, but soon I would be Mother

His look, tender, sweet and gentle

He was very young, but his Soul, no

His heart was beating to the beat of a beautiful girl

He was very young, but his being, of course not

She was so beautiful, how beautiful her eyes

The sweetness of the purest Love sprouted from her being

I was so young

From his heart was sprouting, like a crystalline spring, divine sparks

Of the purest love

In his divine womb, the Cause of his Obedience and Humility

With joy and secret knowledge, his joy was a mixture of Love and pain

It is possible that I did not know

In his womb the Light of THAT time broke.

I thought

So long ago?

I thought you were born more than two thousand years ago

But it wasn't me who thought

I thought I knew you, but it wasn't like that

It wasn't me who thought

I thought you died on the hill

But it wasn't like that,

It wasn't me who thought

I thought and rethought if you had moved it

But it wasn't me who thought

I thought the sermon on the mount was deep

But it wasn't me who thought, because it's really very deep

I thought you were unattainable for my look

I thought you were unattainable for my mind

I thought you were too far

But it wasn't me who thought.

Now I think, you're not far from my sight

Now I think you're attainable

Now I think you live in me, and it was I who closed my eyes so as not to see you

Now I know you're in my mind

I think now, that you were born in me.

Now I know that we will be One Eternally

Master I want to love you forever


UCDM is not for everyone, just as Hinduism is not Buddhism or Catholicism. But like all courses in the world, they are to lead us to wake up, to fully remember our Divine origin, time and distance do not exist, but do not get confused, for the reality or apparent reality that we have created here, if they are real, they are so real that our separate mind is not able to separate them, much less ignore them, it becomes necessary to exercise mentally and of course have more than one or many experiences, which finally do the job of re-educating the mind, by using that term, each course has its own way of doing it, each Teacher in his time has created a course that in no way contradicts another, as well as time, are resources that have been placed within our reach to find the way back, some courses are more intensive, others are more subtle, UCDM, takes us with a masterful dynamic, very much in our current way of thinking and seeing the world.

If you wonder why I have started this little writing with these verses, it is because I wish to emphasize that each of the advanced ones, also called Masters, has put his Love and his commitment, Mary and Jesus, did it masterfully, I am not saying that Buddha or Ramakrishna they would not have done it also masterfully, it is nothing more than the effect of their History, that of Jesus and Mary, in our time it has been very forceful, of what I speak is not of religion, they have not come to found religions, they have come to show us that if there is a way, and that they have already traveled it, religion will already do its part to give way to the Truth for all, because this is the moment, there is nothing more to add, the Gospel changes lives and this is not a half truth, there are thousands of followers of Ramakrishna and his Gospel, there are thousands of followers of Buddha and his Gospel, ( from the late Latin evangelĭum, and this from the gr. εὐαγγέλιον euangélion; properly 'good n ueva2 ) Buddha brought the good news more than five thousand years ago, Jesus over two thousand years ago, Ramakrishna reinvigorated it no more than 100 years ago.

UCDM He is not more than 30 years old. It systematically leads us to understand the unity of creation, to feel true Children of God, to understand that we are the Image of his Divine Love, that we have never sinned, and that we have always been Holy and Impeccable, that another way could have been if those are the Attributes of the One who is our Creator Father.

The Saints, the Masters, the Initiates, are those who accepted it, made it their own and discovered its true Origin and reason for being here. We all have only one mission and it is to wake up, for each one who wakes Heaven snatches away, for each one who accepts it, Heaven draws closer, one will not remain alone without waking up, no one will go to the dreaded Hell, Our Father which is the Purest Love , he could never have created a place in any part of his mind or his creation, to calcine his children, this is absurd, the eyes of Christ can only see the Son, but as this is difficult to understand in this space time, then the courses appear, UCDM, does not explain that the Holy Spirit has already atoned for all the mistakes we make or have committed, the only thing missing is to accept that sin does not exist, that although it is true We are wounded, all this we see with the eyes of the body is nothing more than a projection of our insane minds, so says UCDM, but no more than that, all absolutely everyone, we must wake up and so the new world will resume its route, and give way to LOVE.

In the tender look of a Mother use the word humility, but here I must clarify that it is not the humility that the world speaks to us of, no, it is not that, she is a false humility, because she does not teach anything, rather she maintains enslaves the separated mind, making us think that we are little, that we are sinners, imperfect and unwanted, the world tells us that being humble in its own way will take us to Heaven, but UCDM, tells us that True humility consists in knowing that God is One with his Son, that his Son is impeccable and that accepting his greatness and ours is to be humble

I am sure that Mary, Mother and Teacher, clearly knew her mission and her knowledge was such that without hesitation I accept her Ministry.

In I thought, I want to comment that in approximately half of what I have written, I refer to the Ego. Well, as UCDM tells us, the ego talks a lot, asks a lot, but doesn't know anything.

There are two more lines that I must expand, when I say Now I think that you were born in Me, I am referring to the consciousness that we must Resume in the Unity of creation, which I reaffirm when I write Master, I want to love you forever, this is a clear expression of Unity in the Holy Spirit, To love the Master who is one with God is to Love God.

To do the Will of God is to become one with Him, To do the will of the Master is to become one with Him.

Author. Carlos EFR, editor of the great family of


Channeled by: Helen Schucman

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