The Breath by Héctor Díaz

  • 2015


Since the earliest times the vital importance of breathing has been known. This seems to be something obvious, within the reach and knowledge of everyone, including current science, it is not so, when in any school (western) is taught to breathe.

In schools we learn that the human body lives thanks to two components, which nourish our cells and provide energy to the body to function: 1- Food. The nutrients that we introduce into the body are of great importance. 2- Breathing, fruit and spark of all cellular metabolic processes.

The human being is nourished by Everything. Emotions can feed us, give us vitality, or take it away from us; Our thoughts can give us a strong and calm body, or a mere burden, weak, full of pain and complaints, all depending on where it is oriented. The ancient Eastern scriptures tell us about solar prana (life energy from the Sun), earth prana, plant prana, animal prana

The human being is born, lives and lives, in an immense garden where he can grow like the leaves that stretch and open to the light, with each experience, with each experience; leading to your cells not only chemical components, nor biological reactions to stand on your feet, but an infinite shelf that never empties, and from which you can take, whenever you learn How to do it. The cases of people who ceased their physical feeding exist and are documented; they existed and they exist, people who know how to do it.

If you blow a body with oxygen, will it live forever? Obviously not.

Breathing is much more than inhaling air and expelling debris from carbon dioxide. The air conveys the essence of life, it is the vehicle of vital prana. Life is prana, there is nothing more than that. And health, and existence depend on prana. With prana you can undertake all the creative actions that awaken in you; Without prana you will not find more than absence of health, and deterioration.

Have you ever related to your breathing?

How many moments a day do you breathe consciously?

An ancestral science says: “Begin to breathe consciously and you will have all the answers. Breathe consciously: inhale consciously, exhale consciously and you will get all the answers. If you breathe unconsciously, you live unconsciously. If you breathe superficially, you live a superficial life, you are superficial ... To breathe deeply is to live a life with depth. ”

Breathing deeply in a situation of tension can provide us with enough height to contemplate possibilities for that situation that previously escaped us. Mental energy is controlled by breathing; Emotions can be modulated by breathing and lived with depth and humility. Breathing consciously, makes you conscious.

What will an expert singer tell you about voice modulation? Everything is to breathe.

Why are your largest organs in the body the lungs?

Life gives us a gift at birth: the breath of life. Our union with life is breathing; sit down, close your eyes and breathe consciously; honor the gift of existence and remember that in those same writings to which we referred to it is said that the human being is "the one who lives by the grace of prana".

We put all our attention on all the mundane issues around us: getting things, work, competing, family, money, getting things (yes, it is repeated, but we have not yet heard), patiently wait for the weekend to arrive have a break?, partner, success ... how many times of your day have you paid attention to what gives you life? How many times have you paid attention to your breathing?

Life is from moment to moment, from moment to moment, from breath to breath. An ancient and beautiful story states that the Soul, when incarnated, receives a specific number of breaths. When that number is reached, when the quota is fulfilled, so to speak, the Soul withdraws and leaves the body. Living and dying is a matter of breaths.

“Breathing is life, and life is breathing. There is no difference between the two ”

Yogi Bhajan

This is an invitation from life itself to turn your eyes inward and awake to your own wisdom ... Breathe long, slowly and deeply ... Now ... Whatever you do ... you are doing what you are doing ... breathe ...

Author: Héctor Díaz


The Breath by Héctor Díaz

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