The Recalibration of the Crystalline Grid - 4-8-2012 - Kryon by Lee Carroll

  • 2012

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of the Magnetic Service.

My partner opens the communication and when passing from the spiritual intention to the action, a fusion occurs. The conduit of communications on this planet — channeling — is not very difficult to understand because it is not a possession. (Kryon's smile) It is a fusion between the Higher Self of the Human Being and that energy that communicates from "the other side of the Veil", as you call it. The prejudice of the Human Being tends to want to assign a personality to whatever is manifested, without understanding that it does not work that way.

I speak to you now through the mind of my partner. All your experiences with language and thought are incorporated so that I can project them at this time, as a set of thoughts that express what I want to show you. These become a linear language, your language, and it is transmitted to you. By allowing the process, energy is created. It is a quantum energy, because a multidimensional energy is also present here, which, while not audible, can be felt.

In a multidimensional sense, there is no time; Therefore, those who are listening or reading the message can give their intention to the process if they want to receive the energy, and it will be as recent for them as it is for you. That is why we repeat that long after this meeting is over, this message will be in the now for all who participate in the recording and transcription, as it is for you. And thanks to that we see the potentials of who they are. It is much more complex than it seems, dear, much more.

I want to give you information that will explain why you are here. If I could do it in a simplistic way, I would say that it is about Gaia, the energy of the Earth, and those that come from the Creative Source that you call God. They come to this planet life after life to give the potential that will completely change energy. That potential is usually achieved within 300, 000 years after sowing the seeds. What we call the seeds is what they received from the Pleiadians. It is the story of creation itself, that moment in which humanity was given the freedom to know darkness and light, and that moment in which they can affirm that there is a part of God in their own DNA.

Planet after planet has received this opportunity. You are in your childhood. The last time we sat together we discussed some of the human attributes that must be left behind so that they can go through change more easily. A short time later, we told you that the human race is very, very young and the Earth is very old. We told you that the Earth and the Galaxy are the same age; that there are other lives that have existed even in ascension, thousands of years before there were microorganisms on planet Earth. The timing is appropriate, because approximately 200, 000 years have passed since the seeds were sown and now they are entering this energy change. Now we will talk about the new and what is coming, because what is coming is different and esoteric. Human beings, it took them all this time to come to understand that there is the possibility of a higher consciousness for the planet. Not all of you, as Human Beings, will say this, but old souls will. There will be a slow movement towards a planet without war, they will slowly reach a wise agreement on how to proceed with respect to the environment. The addition of new inventions will increase humanity's ability to have fresh water whenever they want, and a sufficient mass of energy so that it is not lacking even in the harshest winters. These are some of the things we told you would come.

But let's talk about the esoteric, because that will also change. What is the OBJETIVE? You are not here to live life after life as an experiment. There is no experiment here. There is a plan. There is a system and the system makes this plan mature so that human nature itself changes, so that the DNA itself changes, not the chemistry they can measure, but the energy that creates what they call the Merkaba, the quantum part of the Human Being That shines in a dark place. The part of God that you are is beginning to activate, and in the process, Human Beings are beginning to think differently. That is promoted through the birth of Humans where young people replace the elderly, and now the new consciousness prevails over the old. And that is what is happening to them. It is approaching on December 21, which is the midpoint throughout the Earth as it passes successively from one time zone to another; The Solstice marks the midpoint of the 36-year alignment. The next 18 years will be critical. And that's where it becomes esoteric. What is the objective? What is the mechanism? How does it work?

That is why we want to review with you what the Crystalline Grid is. It is part of the way humanity communicates with Gaia and not necessarily in real time. Communication is cumulative and not linear. I will explain. We have talked about a grid on the planet that we could call crystalline. We have told you that it is not something you can see, but it exists. It is a multidimensional grid that covers every particle of dust on Earth; It's under their feet and wherever they walk. You could say it is a wrap that has memory.

Crystalline substances are the only substances that biological sciences know that may contain vibration. So the metaphor of the Crystalline Grid is that it is a grid that contains memory and energy. The energy that best retains, and for which it was designed, is the one generated by the Human Being with each action. The planet answers them. His actions make humanity's consciousness assimilated by the Grid day after day. Everything you do has energy. It seems that for thousands of years these energies that they have created have all been similar. So far, the same story, the same wars, the same government and the same greed have been repeated. And that's where the change begins. We are beginning to see the results in their daily lives. The children are changing, the governments are changing, the common Human Beings are waking up to the change that is before them, transforming the very essence of their way of life. The governments that have remained for a long time are falling, the leaders are in total denial, clinging to the end and determined to face death if necessary, and they do. They do not believe for a moment that this is really happening. Now it is very different. They and those who came before them and those who preceded them all exercised the same kind of control. There was stability in the old energy and that is changing. It is recorded on the Crystalline Grid, dear ones.

Those of you who perceive energy, still powerful on a battlefield after several hundred years, what do you feel? Do you feel emotion, isn't it? Maybe they feel sorry, some even release from death. Many things happen. The Crystalline Grid that is under your feet while they are on the battlefield knows everything. I was there and nothing prevented me from recording it. Everything you do is registered. But now I tell you that the ones that were recorded are the most emotional things. If there was an emotional event on the planet, people who visit the places where it happened can feel it. Most of the time it is about mass death, sometimes of joy, but it was motivated by an emotion, so you could say that this is the way to calibrate and measure.

In that soup of emotion is compassion. Compassion is the catalyst of enlightenment for planet Earth. We have told you before. Sometimes Humans only come to be part of an event that creates compassion. The whole Earth feels it and the whole Earth changes because of it. All of that goes to the Crystalline Grid. If you observe the cumulative emotional impact of the Crystalline Grid, you are observing Gaia's energy. Gaia carries the weight of her story on her shoulders. Now, this is what is changing. And this communication between humanity and Gaia is changing and this is what I want to show you and tell you.

As the dimensional perception of who they are changes, that is, as they incorporate more and more of the dimensionality of their Higher Self, the rules change. This change of rules is the catalyst for the ascension of the Earth in the future. However, there will be those who will say (even old souls and Lightworkers): "This cannot change due to ..." and will give you an assorted list of rules. They will mention overpopulation, pollution, and all the things they have experienced in the old energy and that today are a problem. Things that will not have any relevance tomorrow. How to explain this? If we have a population enlightened with more wisdom, they will find solutions that they did not believe possible. They don't know what they don't know. If they live on a black and white Earth and suddenly the children begin to arrive in color, (Kryon laughs) what will they think of them? Or you? Because they will see the things that you never saw. And you will see them as strangers and strangers. And it is what is happening. Earth itself begins to change the way it works because you are changing yourself. And I will tell you something else: your Crystalline Grid has accumulated and recorded all those events of humanity. Therefore, that is the energy on the planet and has been driven by feelings, emotions, death, love, bliss and compassion.

I'm going to talk to you now about something that is starting to change. As you change yourself, Gaia responds and begins to become multidimensional. The Crystalline Grid will change the way you remember things. The most important thing is that it will no longer be linear. And that means your beliefs are added to it. When they create a pile of things and pile one upon another, the weight increases. What is at the bottom was put first, what is above was put at the end; That is linear and will disappear suddenly. The Crystalline Grid begins to clear because it is now responding to light and darkness instead of responding to emotion. And here is what happens, Lightworkers. We have told you that you only need to wake up half of one percent of the planet to change the entire planet. We have told you that half of one percent of the planet are old souls. They are the ones in the room now. They are the ones who listen to us or read us. And you are those old souls that have the ability to impact the Crystalline Grid with much greater intensity than ever before. The Grid will see everything they do. And the old energy, no matter how emotional it is, will have no effect. That explains some of the radical attitudes that are beginning to be seen in the bastions of the old energy. I want my partner to explain it better.

The old energy of this planet is used to certain things, including the way the Crystalline Grid works. The old energy, which some call "darkness, " likes the Crystalline Grid to remember the negative things. That gives importance. But it will come to an end. So shall. There is an awareness and an old balance of darkness and light, and when they begin to change because the Lightworkers decide to rewrite it, darkness protests. All this is metaphorical for the energies of the planet. You will see that uncompromising people, contrary to common sense, will not believe that what is around them is changing and taking a huge turn, and they will take the old energy to the grave screaming and kicking. They may observe the same in government, politics, banking, insurance, mortgages, etc. Everyone is charged with the old energy and the way they do things. This is responsible for the economy, the current policy in this country and the problems of those on the other side of the ocean (Europe). These countries tried their best, in solidarity, to integrate disparate economies to avoid more wars; However, they have problems. The old energy will fight against these ideas and there will be those who will say they will not survive, but they will.

You will say: "Kryon, you only speak in metaphors." I don't want to do it. I just try to give you the basics. Let's say it this way: there was once a measurement scale called Earth, which measured everything in lead and nowadays measures it in gold. The Crystalline Grid is beginning to wake up and respond to light instead of responding to emotions. There may be a battle and you will not see it, you are not interested. Gaia herself won't mind, she won't answer. Do you know what happens? When no one pays attention to war, he soon loses his reason for being. Only the things that make a difference, that illuminate the planet, can go to the Crystalline Grid and be measured differently. The Grid will not see the darkness, will not see the emotion. Things that had a greater impact on human nature in the past and that you could remember more than anything, such as death, sadness, homicide, etc. They will no longer matter. Oh, they will still be there, but they won't want to find out, dear ones. Prepare for that. The day will come when they will look for the news and expect to see the good news channel. (Smile) And when they are told that something awful happened, they will turn it off because it is not consistent with the magnificence of God within. Do you understand what I say? It's contagious! (Kryon laughs). Human nature itself will change and drama will no longer be the key that drives Earth.

That is the new news. It is the difference in the way they communicate with the planet. A total and complete difference. And that is what I wanted to tell you. What will they do with this? What will they do next? I will show you the depth of this. In this room there are people with dilemmas and they don't know what to do with them. They are waiting for synchronicity, the intuitive answers we will talk about tomorrow. I just told my partner what we will do tomorrow, he loves that. (Smile) And by working with the Spirit, dear ones, they balance themselves. That means that no matter how unbalanced they are, in three days, a spiritual activator will create a chemical self-equilibrium to roll it back. They are self-balancing. It is what an old soul does.

When they begin to solve the problem they came with today, be it a health problem, a relationship, or a purpose of life, they will create light. This is a metaphor. When they use the multidimensional source inside them — the Creator's source — to solve their problems, they create energy. The solution creates light. It is a light generator that is with you solving your problems. This light is immediately recognized by the Crystalline Grid, the light enters the grid and changes the planet progressively, as it never did before. When you leave this place and make decisions that will enrich your life and that of those around you, you will create peace wherever you go. They are creating light and the planet knows and sees it. This, dear Human Beings, should make you proud. That's what they came for. That is your goal. No matter what they thought they were supposed to do, everything they do is related to that.

We have told you before that we Humans sometimes give them things to do to keep them busy. And you think that is your goal. (Kryon laughs). His goal is to exist and love God. That is your goal. And in the process, they get married and have children, there is grief and there is death. In the process there are books to write, friends who come and go. And none of these things is an objective. All are opportunities to create light, see? You are old souls and you know you can do it because you are self-balancing. You know that God is within you, you know it instinctively when you arrive. They know they always have help. Intuitively they know their biological seed and the love of those who came first. All these inherent things in you create a Human Being that can do what no other can do at this time. And they sit in front of me, and they are listening and reading. This room is full of you. And they wonder why we wash their feet and come to honor them? Here are people whose colors we could see last night, even before the doors opened and the lights went on. The room is ready for tomorrow and the pastor will feel it. (Kryon laughs) When you get on the platform, you'll know that God's love in your church is even more powerful, thanks to what the Lightworkers did the day before. Because the Crystalline Grid under their feet changes when they sit in this room and they recognize who they are, they recognize what the purpose of their lives and the goal of creating light at each step.

Start to change, dear ones, it is what a multidimensional planet in ascension does. It will take a long time, but now they have created a scale where there was none before. They begin to build a bridge where none existed. They are not afraid of what will come next, because there are energies that want to push them back without having any idea of ​​the amount of light that can propel them forward. They are blind to the light. They scream and kick and go to their own death in total denial. But you are old souls and have seen that before. It is a routine they have felt many times, but never on planet Earth. We know they are cryptic words, but they will remain so for the moment.

Dear ones, everything is fine. Take a look at your life and say: Everything is fine. Can you believe that there is a purpose in your life? It doesn't matter if they are young or old, because they will soon exchange positions. (Kryon laughs) It's what they do. And they won't miss the end, I can assure you. Everyone is coming back. It's what we see now, dear family, and we've seen it before. It is a routine that you have experienced before, but never on planet Earth. And so is the situation. And so it is.



Kryon channeled live by Lee Carroll

Portland, Maine

August 4, 2012

English Title: The Recalibration of the Crystalline Grid

Audio transcription and translation: Susana Peralta

Edition: Gilda Tangtam

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