The Loss and Restitution of the Soul, by Alexiis

  • 2013


FEBRUARY 13, 2013

I want to share with you something that happened to me a few years ago, however incomprehensible, but thanks to a deep interior work I have been able to solve.

The loss of the soul is something that can happen to anyone and therefore I want to convey a little more information about it.

The soul is pure energy, it is our vital essence, our strength, our personal power. The soul is the principle of life: without soul there is no life. In the shamanic perspective, part of our vital essence can split and be lost in a non-ordinary reality. Shamans see disease as a loss of the soul or a decrease in essential spiritual energy.

A scare can cause the loss of a portion of the vital energy. Fright is an unpleasant event that causes a part of a person's soul to break loose and be lost.

The loss of the soul is like the loss of crucial parts that are lost due to trauma and, who has suffered the greatest trauma, is the child who lives inside us. When we experience trauma, especially in childhood, a part of our vital essence can be separated from us to survive the experience and to escape the pain and psychic impact of an unbearable experience.

The loss of the soul or a part of it can be caused by any traumatic experience. We do not know how this occurs; the truth is that a part of the soul's energy is fragmented by abandoning the person. When this happens, the person is incomplete and the part that left is lost in another reality or does not want to return.

By losing this fragment of energy the person loses his strength, his personal power and this means that he also loses his natural protection. Your vibrating shield will no longer be as effective as it should be. From the moment a part of the soul is gone, the person is weakened, devitalized, depressed and will be more vulnerable to diseases and the intrusion of energies, including lost souls and any type of spiritual entities.

It is important to understand here that the part that is gone is not in what we know as subconscious or unconscious. It is not simply a split or dissociated self. The fragment that left is simply not here. In the shamanic conception, the vital parts of the self that have dissociated may be trapped in an unusual reality or may have found more pleasant worlds where they wish to be or may have been lost in another dimension and do not know how to return.

Part of the healing consists in recovering those parts in the non-ordinary world and returning them to the true owner. Below I will give some indications of what you can try to do on a personal level.

The loss of the soul is the result of traumas such as sexual abuse, abuse and corporal punishment, loss of a loved one, abandonment or separation from parents, divorce, surgery, accidents, major illnesses, torture, kidnapping, death threats, abortion, experiences of war, addiction and failure or love frustration. The coma is an extreme example of soul loss and, sexual abuse, especially if it occurs in childhood, is one of the traumas that most often causes the loss of the soul.

A child cannot do anything to avoid it, cannot defend himself, cannot ask for help, cannot understand what is happening and, most of the time he has no one to tell him. The only recourse of the soul is to leave the body and not return to it for the simple reason that it is dangerous to be in that body.

If a person has been raped, even if it only happened once, it is almost certain that a part of him has left and has been lost in another dimension. Any situation that resembles a rape, even if it is not sexual abuse, involves the potential risk of losing a part of the soul.

As I mentioned, there may also be loss of the soul during pregnancy or at the time of birth. There are people who say that "I do not feel at all here, " or is "as if I do not belong to the earth" or "it is as if I were always absent." Without knowing it, they are intuitively expressing a more true reality than we believe.

At the same time, the loss of the soul represents the feeling of not being complete and empty. Shamans argue that the universe does not support emptiness and that that space created in a person's aura can be occupied by disease or other energies. It is also said that traumas produce something like black holes in the vibratory field of the affected person. It is not that they are true holes, but that is how the seer sees them in the aura of the person.

These holes work as if they were a vacuum pump, absorbing all kinds of energies with the sole purpose of filling the space created by the trauma. The unconscious tendency is to fill that space and the void with entertainment, drugs, alcohol, compulsive sex and of course, with lost souls.

Based on all this we can better understand how our vibratory field can be affected in its entirety, making us vulnerable to the activation of any energy from other dimensions. This includes not only lost souls, but also thoughts and psychic energies of living people, which in popular language is known as bad waves or bad vibes.

All traumatic experience not healed is the universal cause of the loss of the integrity of our protective vibratory field with the consequent vulnerability to the action of intrusive energies. This can occur both in childhood, in adolescence and in adulthood, but when the trauma occurs before the seventh year of life, it also implies the certain possibility that the soul will leave. of the body to avoid pain.

The exit and loss of the soul can occur at any time in life, but it is more frequent to occur in childhood because the incarnation has not yet been completed, which should be at seven years of age. As part of the energy has gone away and has not returned to the child's protection camp, it is weakened, suitable for the invasion of lost souls or other energies. intruders It's like leaving the house abandoned, an invitation for an intruder to occupy.

As an example, let's imagine an extreme case: the person has refused to be born; This means that part of your energy did not descend in the body at birth. Later, at the age of four, she was sexually abused. As a result of this fact, another part of his soul went out so as not to return and, at eight years old, his grandfather dies, which was his true emotional support in life. When the grandfather dies, he asks: `` Grandpa, take me with you, '' and there goes another part of the soul. Today, that person is fifty years old, his vibratory field is a strainer, where all kinds of energy come in and, despite the years that have passed, it is not complete. He is not here with all his presence and it is more than certain that, in addition to carrying lost souls with him, he also has difficulties in carrying out his projects for the simple reason of He doesn't have the energy to do it.

When talking about trauma, we should not ignore that unresolved traumatic experiences of past lives also leave an area of ​​weakness in the vibratory field. And, even when the soul is not gone, an unresolved trauma is as if one had an open wound on which the flies perch with the consequences that are easy to imagine.

Surgical interventions, especially if performed under general anesthesia, are also a propitious opportunity for lost souls to adhere and invade a person's vibratory field.

All surgical intervention of magnitude causes what is known as stress, shock or surgical trauma. The physical body responds to this trauma with physiological mechanisms of adaptation and compensation. When this response is launched, the organism consumes a large amount of vital energy, which implies that the natural protection of the person will be inevitably weakened. To this we must add that, as a result of general anesthesia, the soul is externalized, that is, it emerges from the body, but we can never know in advance what the magnitude of that detachment will be.

It may be mild and that the soul only floats a little above the body, while observing the operation and then return to it, but it may happen that the detachment is greater and that the soul passes to a non-ordinary reality from which You cannot return or you may not want to return. Upon opening the eyes the person regains consciousness, but there is a part of his essence that is not. This further aggravates the weakness of the vibratory field, which favors the entry of intrusive energies. Perhaps, while they were operating the person in question, in the operating room next door died another who takes the opportunity to get into the vibrating field of someone younger.

In particular, prolonged diseases create vulnerability in this regard, since they also cause a weakening of the vibratory field due to the consumption of vital energy. Any condition that involves the consumption of vital energy, and consequently, a decrease in the vibratory field of protection, will facilitate the entry of lost souls.

People's habits are another aspect to consider. In particular, addiction to tobacco, alcohol and narcotic drugs facilitates the invasion and action of intrusive energies. This type of its rancid is easily volatilized and in addition to impregnating our vibratory field, they end up damaging and weakening it. By simply adhering to a person's magnetic aura, lost souls and other entities can perceive and experience the effluvium emanating from the person who is smoking or using a drug. Let's say that every time a smoker is not alone, there is someone else there who takes advantage of the occasion.

The truth is that the smoker is smoked by entities that have adhered to their aura due to vibratory affinity. This is one of the reasons why it is so difficult to quit smoking, or to drink, since the entity that has joined encourages the person to continue doing so because he does not have the physical body suffers from the lack of tobacco or alcohol. It's not just about exercising the will, it's fighting with another will.

There are many other things that can present a gateway for disembodied beings, but it is not my intention to make this message a medical treatise. They are involved sexual relations without love, emotional vulnerability, karmic origin, pacts with the dark and finally, play with the board 'ouija' or the game of the cup.

Let's see now what possibilities we have for

"Restitution of the soul":

  1. It may be that the soul is very fragmented, broken into pieces, and we have to call back these bits of different moments of life, which were lost due to traumas, emotional conflicts, tremendous pains, childhood moments.
  2. Someone could have stolen your soul, like an animal, a wizard, a macumba, a shaman, your mom, your dad or another close person.
  3. In relation to the theft of the soul it may be that in a past life we ​​have taken something from them, or we kill them there, we hurt them, we take away something that belonged to them, without knowing it, then we barter with their soul, to Let us return ours.
  4. Barter is made in the form of promises not to do this or that, be more gentle, etc.
  5. For this, if one wishes to face it on their own, without the help of a professional, I recommend looking for a quiet place to do it, either lying down, or sitting, you can prepare it by lighting a zahumerio, a candle, having some flower and if one is a believer, the image of a Being of Light.
  6. We make several deep inspirations, and then if possible out loud, we call our soul back, and the way to do it is the search for a part of you that you have lost.
  7. You have to remember any moment in life that was difficult, in which you could have lost your soul.
  8. Now raise your hands and call your soul back, using all available willpower, call it back, in whatever circumstances it has been, always out loud. Then you have to repeat and repeat:



  1. Then when you come, you have to slowly lower them and place them inside your body, they have to breathe so that they penetrate your body, all down, to the tip of your heart. Everything ... is now forgiven and you have to forgive yourself too.
  2. Are you willing to breathe honesty and open your mouth for your soul to penetrate? It is the power of your will, a great ball of light appears, sometimes it falls from the ceiling like giant waves, sometimes it is peach colored, sometimes it has all the colors. Sometimes people's souls come from the most diverse places.

After having finished this treatment I suggest expressing gratitude for what has been achieved either through a prayer or using the words that are born from the heart to welcome back the lost soul.

I hope this brief information will be useful to you, I already mentioned it at the beginning, I have lived it and I have managed to recover my soul and be whole again. It was hard but it was worth it since, having broken my soul or lost it, one remains as if it were a robot, or I felt it as a total emptiness, and little by little I became empowered, first in everyday life and then also in the spiritual part

I comment only that I have received from Past Life Therapist with Dr. José Luis Cabouli, whose last book is called "Therapy of Spiritual Possession", in which he also addresses this topic. Unfortunately the book is sold out and I don't know if another edition will come out.

As always sharing my experiences, I also share what I have lived and learned here. Apart from sending this text to my readers, I will publish it in the different blogs. With love, Alexiis

and all the other series of blogs.


Alexiis, April 5, 2011

Given the great interest that my message of “The Loss and Restitution of the Soul” has received, I will go a little further and comment on how the lost souls can affect us.

Although we speak of possession as one of the effects that lost souls cause in a living person, I have to clarify that there is no real possession of the physical body. No one gets into the body of another person, although this may be the apparent sensation.

We can mention here the difference between a medium and a channeler: in the case of the medium, the soul of the being of light or darkness that you want to manifest is introduced into the body of the medium, while the soul itself is sideways or leaves until he can return to his rightful place. The channeler does not allow the entry of another soul into your body and receives messages in the form of energy packages that your mind has to translate into spoken words or in written form.

What can happen in the most serious cases, is that the lost soul controls the mind and will of the person. It is then that it may seem that the subject is possessed, but what is really happening is that his consciousness has been displaced due to the psychic force of the invading entity, and instead of the person, another consciousness is manifesting. When the person returns to his own conscience he has no memory of what has happened.

For those of us in contact with a person suffering from this invasion, the impression is as if the individual were really possessed, but a spiritual entity does not need to get inside the body of a person to influence it. It is enough to adhere to its vibratory field.

In addition, the lost soul does not need to be present in its full form to exert its influence. It is enough that a fragment of lost soul energy enters a person's vibratory field to cause disorders in it.

This would explain why the same lost soul can act on several people at the same time.

It seems that after detaching from the body there is a part of the soul that reaches the Light while fragments of its energy can be trapped in the physical body or in the Earth's atmosphere. (Note: For this reason when I do Past Life Therapy I always have to be aware that no part of the soul has been trapped in the physical body). Somehow this is what happens when the loss of the soul takes place. A part separates while the person is still alive with the rest of their energy. (See previous message about loss and restitution of the soul).

For greater understanding, what is normally referred to as a 'ghost' is a dissociated fragment of a personality that has been separated from the rest and remains imprisoned in an eternal present while the integrated components continue their normal process of evolution.

A lost soul is a fragment of energy that has separated from its superior principle while it continues its evolution. Let's say in passing that a ghost is a lost soul, only that tradition associates it as restricted or anchored more to a place than to a person.

So it is possible that a person is incarnated in their physical body while part of the energy of their soul is still trapped in another reality. In fact, an important aspect of Past Life Therapies work is to recover and integrate those energy fragments that have been trapped in traumatic experiences of past lives or this life. (Note: This is what happened to me and that is why I am talking about my own experience).

Now, a fragment of a soul preserves all the properties and memory of the personality from which it dissociated itself, since it behaves analogously to a hologram where a piece contains and can reproduce all the information of the original unit. This means that this dissociated fragment preserves not only the memory, but also the emotions, fears, beliefs and inclinations of the personality from which it comes, acting and behaving as if it were the same.

Many of you will have read or heard about Kirlian photographs, where in the person's aura you can perceive the intrusive energies, which generate their own energy field, so it is possible to attract them to their field of influence to other foreign particles, which would explain why once a lost soul has invaded a person's aura, the entry of new entities is facilitated.

When these intrusive particles or energies are present in a person's aura, they absorb vital energy as if they fed directly from the vibratory field of the person in which they live. They can even take energy from the person even if they are outside the vibratory field of the person.

So all intrusive energy, whatever it is, whoever it is, is like a parasite that feeds on the energy of a living being. This is the reason why clinically there is a lack of energy and fatigue, or chronic fatigue. Plain and simple, these are energy vampires.

At the same time, the interference they cause translates into countless physical, mental and emotional symptoms in the affected person. Just as they are able to influence the thoughts and behaviors of the person in whose energy field they have been located. So that instead of a spirit that possesses, we have a particle or an intrusive energy field that causes energy alterations in the vibratory field of the person involved.

From the moment in which a lost soul has adhered to the vibratory field of a person, it begins to exert its influence on it, but we must not forget that this influence can be experienced even when the entity is outside the aura of the person. It is likely that initially the lost soul adheres to the aura of a living person and that the invasion process takes time. The more an intrusive energy penetrates the vibratory field of a person, the greater its influence on it.

Most lost souls do not cause this influence on purpose, at least initially. Frequently, influence and its effects occur without the lost soul even having a notion of what is happening. The mere presence of a lost soul in our vibratory field will produce undesirable effects on us. It is as if it caused a short circuit in our energy dynamics.

Once the lost soul has been installed in a person's aura, he begins to have sensations, emotions, thoughts and behaviors or attitudes that do not belong to him. Some people realize that something strange is happening or they know it, but they don't say it for fear of being taken insane.

Some of the symptoms that manifest are:

  • Sometimes I hear like a voice inside me that tells me things.
  • It's as if something inside of me forces me to do things that I don't want to do.
  • Sometimes I have thoughts that are not mine.
  • There are times when they tell me that I look like another person.
  • There is something inside (or outside) of me that prevents me from doing everything I set out to do.
  • Sometimes I feel like there is another will inside me.

As often the adhesion of the lost soul usually happens in childhood, the person grows and develops with a way of being that he thinks is his own, but in reality it is not entirely his. If the invasion of the aura occurs in adult life, the difference between before and after may be clearer. When this is the case, a specific fact or moment from which the change in the mood or behavior of the person can usually be identified.

It could have been an accident, a surgical intervention, a rape or a great emotional pain or just a courtesy visit to a hospitalized acquaintance.

Traumas, sensations, emotions and beliefs do not end or resolve because one dies. When we leave this life, we take our story elsewhere. No one becomes wise or teacher by the mere fact of dying. Moreover, when the lost soul remains in the physical plane, it also preserves the pain that the physical body had, because it has been left with that impression.

This topic is so broad that I could write pages and pages, which is not my intention, but everything that precedes us again emphasizes the importance of the work that as Lightworkers we do with the rescue of souls, since It is our intention to help the soul to rise towards the light and not to be hanging around in the plane of the third dimension.

Likewise, when a relative of ours transcends, it is always convenient to do a job that I call "Help to those who pass from Plane", invoking the help of Archangel Michael, lighting a white candle and doing it for 7 days. With this act of love we facilitate to our loved one the ascension to the light. Below I transmit the text I usually use for these circumstances.

I hope all this information is useful and I say goodbye with all my love, Alexiis


NOTE: This is a kind of help for the person who has transcended, to help the soul find the way to the light. If you want you can also light a white candle per day, of course letting it finish burning, so it is not convenient to use very large candles. The meaning is to provide light to the soul.

When a student of the spiritual path learns that someone has gone through what is called "death, " he must immediately put himself on a level of meditation and ask for the help of the Archangel Michael and his Servants of Light, making the following invocation:

“In the name of my Beloved Presence of God“ I AM ”, I invoke the Archangel Michael, his Servants of Blue Light, the Beloved Master Astrea, to attend this being… ………………. (name and surname) that, recently, has gone flat, in the change called "death."

Cut, cut, cut off all human creation, undesirable habits, destructive forces, egregores, inharmonious conditions that try to disturb it, replacing all that with the purity and perfection that corresponds to every human being.

I ask you, Archangel Michael, to protect and take care of this Being so that it passes quickly through the effluvia of the Earth's atmosphere. Cut the magnetic ties that bind you to the material world, so that he / she can get rid of your passions, your appetites and quickly ascend to the Planes of Light, where you must continue your evolution.

May your powerful force keep it every hour! Guide it and keep it sealed in your brand new Light! Take away from him any evil influence, embodied or disembodied, any entity that is not in harmony with good and perfection. Serene your soul, your mind and give peace to your heart! Relieve your load if possible!

I ask you, Archangel Michael, to raise your Blue Flame sword and quickly cut, cut, cut everything negative in each cell, atom, in the lower vehicles that make up your being. That he / she feels it and accepts it with intensity, because it is now offered the liberation of what is not the Light, and Faith is what determines the result.

"I AM" faith by the power of my Great Presence.

I thank you, Archangel Michael, and the Beings of Light who have attended ………… .. (name and surname). I bless the glorious power of Archangel Michael and decree that everything is done in Love and Perfection.

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