Dependent Origination in Buddhism

  • 2016

In Buddhist philosophy, the "Dependent Origination" explains the natural condition of the emergence and cessation of mental and physical phenomena, the causal mechanism of suffering and happiness, the central theme of the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path.

Dependent Origination is complementary to The Four Seals, fundamental principles of Buddhism:

1.- All the conditioned phenomena are temporary and transitory.

Anicca: the reality of Impermanence.

The wave does not have to look for water because she is water. We cannot date a true date of the birth and death of the cloud: it happens the cloud is transformed into rain, hail or fog. There is always expansion. A cloud continues or prolongs the ocean, the river and the heat of the sun as well as rain continues or prolongs the cloud.

2.- All contaminated phenomena are, by nature, suffering.

Dukkha: the Reality of Suffering, anxiety-producer.

Although the external matter can act as the cause of certain sensations of pain or pleasure, the main cause that determines that we feel happiness or suffering resides within us, they are our own negative emotions and the actions we perform based on them.

3.- Every phenomenon is empty of its own existence.

Anatta: Emptiness, insubstantiality, the lack of inherent existence or impersonality, All the energy of the universe is neutral, timeless and lacks dimensions. Our nature is the nature of non-discrimination, non-birth, non-death, non-being and non-being.

To realize the emptiness of our mind, we understand that it is baseless, uprooted and has a luminous nature: the inherent radiation of the naturally luminous mind. (Mipham Rinpoche)

This is not mine, it's not me, that's not my soul

Emptiness does not mean that nothing exists, but that nothing exists in itself, but only as part of a universal network of beings. The yo does not exist independently of the world: we integrate an open system that is constantly connected and in interrelation with the environment and with the living beings (minerals, vegetables and animals) of which We depend and with whom we share the world. There are no limits between ego and non-ego, person and non-person, being alive and non-living, vital period and non-vital period. You are me; I am you, we inter-are. WE ARE ALL ONE. One in All, All in One. No part is separated from the All. Everything is no-two. All one and one all.

We are expression of the same life. We are a single energy that flows, without beginning or origin or end. We are partakers of a continuous and dynamic process of change, in which we have always existed in one way or another. Nothing is born or created or originated. Nothing dies or is destroyed or lost. The universe does not have a beginning that can be discovered in time: there is no primordial point, there is no initial moment of creation. Through the remote and ineffable past the cosmic systems arise, evolve, and then disintegrate, followed by new cosmic systems subject to the same law of growth and disintegration. Buddhism calls this INTERDEPENDENCE and is represented in the symbol of the INFINITY KNOT. Any entity that is subject to examination is not an isolated occurrence, but part of a network of conditionally arising processes that can be terminated by understanding and eliminating the cause that gives it existence.

To exist we all depend on other things: nothing is set apart or isolated, or separate. Everything is one. Everything is no-two. No part is separated from the All. When a flower blooms, it does so in dependence with the entire universe and at the same time the universe exists in dependence on the flower.

We are connected to the unified field of consciousness. We are in a state of quantum entanglement. Every thought, every feeling, every word, every action and every belief is projected on the atomic substance of physical matter and all this is then manifested in our physical reality. As my gift of life flows through me, it picks up the vibrations of my consciousness and expresses those vibrations visibly, in experience, in circumstances.

AUTHOR: María Gracia, editor of the great family of

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