The New Earth in the 4th. and 5th. Dimension, by maestro Jesús Sananda

  • 2011

For some, the reality of the "new Earth" (in 4th and 5th Dimension) will not appear as dramatic change at all, but rather as a feeling of being "at home." There are many incarnated beings on Earth in these times from other planets and dimensions, as you know well. Being in a state of joy, unconditional love and an ever expanding flow of abundance is your natural state as divine beings. For some, having come here and experiencing a denser plane of reality was a choice, and somehow a sacrifice that you made in service to what has been called "Father / Mother" or the All That Is.

Like his Buddha, I propose an "intermediate path, " one that is balanced between all extremes. One can rise very high with Spirit, so to speak, just as one can also become intoxicated by Love. In these times, it is wise to remain present in the moment and respond to the issues and reality that is before you. This is an answer to your initial question, as the whole concept of "change" has become rather exaggerated. If you could get out of this "game" you would see that everything is fine and is developing with the Divine consciousness. In truth, you are creating aspects of it as you proceed. Some of you are going to create a magical existence full of wonder and innocence like those of a child. Others will have a beautiful experience, something different. Just as there are many aspects and dimensions of you as being, there will be no such thing as a "universal size" for everyone, can you see this?

This is something unprecedented in all creation. There have been growth changes in other galaxies and other planets, but they have not been the same as what is currently happening in your Gaia. This is why it is so important to keep one's thoughts and actions positive, and stay away from fear as much as possible. It is the same for a newborn who is vulnerable to energy and the environment in which it emerges, can you see this? You are bringing to light yourself and a new Gaia; back to its original form of perfection, sustainability and beauty, and in all its glory.

In Service & Light, I am Sananda.

///////////////////////// Channeling: Rev. Irma Kaye Sawyer. Sept. 16 2011

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