Metatron - about life in the Omniverse

  • 2016

(fragment of a pipe)

“The Cosmos is literally full of life. Humanity also exists on other planets and spheres; however few of you are truly prepared or able to recognize this in the present. Although you, humans, also exist simultaneously in other worlds, humans in 3D physicality cannot consistently interpret the frequencies of the other realms with lucid clarity through the physical brain alone. The mind, which is the inner counterpart of the brain, can sometimes perceive the much larger dimensions of any given reality outside its terrestrial plane, through a crystal-electric explosion of intuition or sudden understanding that cannot be adequately described at the level verbal. The crystal-electric impulses that can be perceived with your 3D system are only a tiny fraction of the vast worlds and reality systems in the Cosmos. Your 3D physical reality system on the Earth Plane doesn't even come close to that breadth of scope or that complexity, compared to many others. The dimensions given to the narrow spectrum of physical matter hardly suggest the prolific varieties of the highest non-physical dimensions. You still don't recognize the nature of the non-physical in your own Galaxy, much less in the Cosmos. We tell you that Universes can exist within a molecule, and that other versions of the Earth validly coexist where you are now sitting reading these words. ”

Archangel Metatron through J. Tyberonn.

The following fragments were extracted from an article written by John Van Auken of the ARE (Association for Research and Lighting). John will be one of the main speakers in Denver.

The question of aliens will be discussed at our Event in Colorado, both from a scientific and spiritual perspective.

It's amazing; We have readings by Edgar Cayce (NT famous seer) that hold landings of visitors from other planets:

“The entity was among the priestesses of the Mayan experience. (When and) right in front of those who were visiting (the earth) from other worlds or planets. ”(1616-1)

In another reading given in 1938, he revealed to a man that this man had lived a previous life in Atlantis and had been involved in an exchange with aliens and recorded visits:

"In Atlantis, then, the entity was the guardian of the portals as well as (recorder) of the messages that were received from the visit of those towns of outermost spheres ."

Edgar Cayce referred to Atlantis as a fact, not as a legend. And in this reading of life (mentioned above) Cayce clearly enunciated that at the time in question, there were aliens in the “outer spheres”, who had visited the land, and who had communicated (in Atlantis and the Yucatan Maya ) to through " portals ".

"Over time, man can come to unite with the people of the universe, ruler of any of the various spheres through which the soul passes in its experiences." (281-6)

People of the spheres of the universe? It is possible that these "peoples of the universe" that Cayce speaks of are more four-dimensional than three-dimensional, more mind than matter, making it difficult for them to maintain a presence in our reality, and also difficult to communicate with us. Maybe they can only appear or take a form for short periods. Perhaps the form they adopt is not well structured in atoms of matter but rather as forms of thought.

Perhaps this explains why so many UFOs transgress the laws of matter, such as when they bend at right angles to Mach 10 speed, a feat that would destroy any really material object into pieces. This would also explain why radars not driven by crew never "see" UFOs, only crew radars see them. UFOs may be more in consciousness than in matter. As humanity's consciousness expands, we will surely discover what the real truth is.

In 1925, Cayce was directly asked if any planet in our solar system, other than Earth, was inhabited by human beings or animal life of some kind.

During the trance, Cayce replied:

"Do not; not in the present; only on planet earth do we find man as flesh and blood… ”

Notice that he said "in the present" ; He did not deny the possibility directly. By including the expression "in the present" Cayce seems to have implied that human and / or animal life had existed on some planet at some point in the past. And we draw that conclusion because in other readings he does refer to the life that occurs in other realms and planets. (Maybe Mars?) He made other statements on this topic that addressed the issue more clearly.

Cayce also indicated that certain places on earth are more gifted than others, in terms of their energy radiation and their alignments ... and therefore certain specific areas are much more capable of "cosmic" interaction . It would seem to refer to stellar portals. In several readings he gave directives to establish the headquarters of the Association for Research and Lighting in Virginia Beach, due to a higher concentration of cosmic connection, telluric radiation and electrical forces, which would allow a "wider scope" and a best manifestation of the "Universal Forces . "

NASA and the Aliens

Fragments of an Article in MUFON (Mutual UFO Network)

The History Channel conductor on Ancient Aliens, Giorgio Tsoukakos, and the Advisory Guests on Ancient Aliens William Hernry, Roberth Schoch and Scott Wolter (of America Unearthed) will perform in Denver.

If the astronauts who went to the moon had found some evidence of an extraterrestrial presence there, would they not have spoken?

One of them already did. The Apollo 14 astronaut, scientist and nominee for the 2005 Nobel Peace Prize, Dr. Edgar Mitchell the sixth man to walk on the moon states that extraterrestrial civilizations do exist.

The moon could very well be used by aliens. The evidence, which is overwhelming, is that it is hidden. Aliens are a fact. Not only are they here, but they have been here for quite a long time. Edgar Mitchell

What counts here is the preponderance of the evidence. There seems to be more than one kind of visitor here, based on all the evidence I know, and several of them are investigating our people in their own way, their motivations are somewhat different, according to Whatever the species we are talking about. Some seem to be here to help us and seem to say: Hey, you are about to destroy yourself and your civilization with your way of doing things, and others are n studying, maybe just watching us. If they were willing to harm us, we would no longer exist; They are very advanced at all levels. Edgar Mitchell

Reports (from various sources) have also strongly indicated that both Neil Armstrong and Edwin Buzz Aldrin saw UFOs shortly after their historic moon landing with Apollo 11. Maurice Chatelain Jefe former chief of Communication Systems at NASA confirmed that Armstrong really reported seeing two UFOs on the edge of a crater.

The meeting was common knowledge in the private circles of the Pentagon and NASA, but no one was allowed to talk about it. M. Chatelain NASA

According to our information, the meeting was reported immediately after the landing of the module. Neil Armstrong sent the message to Mission Control about two large, mysterious objects that watched them after having landed near the lunar module. The message was considered top secret and NASA censored it.

As a second source of confirmation, former NASA employee Otto Binder warns that both NASA and Russia (and some independent facilities that received VHF and eluded NASA's transmission outputs) received and recorded the following exchange:

NASA: What is there? Mission Control calling Apollo 11

APOLO : Those Beb s are immense, Lord! Come on! Oh my God! You will not believe it! I am telling you that there are other spaceships out there, lined up on the opposite side of the crater's edge! They are on the moon watching us! ”

In an interview shortly before his death, Edgar Mitchell said he had spoken to several NASA astronauts (he didn't want to give the names) that clearly and undeniably observed sophisticated spacecraft. He added that he had also spoken with high-ranking military personnel, reliable colleagues, who had been in direct contact with extraterrestrial humanoids on military bases.

AUTHOR: James Tyberonn


TRANSLATION: M. Cristina Cáffaro


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