The matrix of this dimension

  • 2015

Here we are, always to support and stimulate your true understanding of who you are. We keep reminding you that you are energy and Light of pure consciousness. You are infinite and unlimited. These concepts and these ideas are being offered to you in many ways and from many sources. We are also messengers to ignite your awakening to your unlimited magnificence.

We also honor you in your physical form and realize that this has been your main focus. However, the time has come for you to recognize the truth of who you are as Beings of Light Consciousness who are inhabiting a matrix created by thought. You exist in a thought Universe.

Imagine for a moment that your reality may be a hologram of vibrations of thought and Light. We remind you of the quotation of one of your sages known as Albert Einstein: "Reality is merely an illusion, although it is a very persistent illusion . " So we truly understand your difficulty in sustaining this field of consciousness while everything around you feels so solid and "real."

Consider that if everything is vibration and frequency, as it is; and if your brain is programmed to translate these vibrations in a certain way, there is a real possibility that the limited programs, the limited information, the limited beliefs that have been encoded in your own DNA, are detrimental to your awakening. Your brain decodes and projects in the energy field, creating the illusion of your physical World from bad information and the limited beliefs that are passed from one generation to another.

Your media, your religions; and other forms of communication, continue to empower and strengthen these limitations. Consider that each of the Beings of your Planet is contributing to this illusion with its own limited beliefs and limiting programs . You can begin to see how this reality continues to be maintained in this dysfunctional circumstance.

When you take your first breath as a newborn baby, you commit to this energy matrix, with this hologram, or as we like to call it: This holo-game. You put a veil on your infinite knowledge to play in the reality of the third Dimension.

As a multidimensional Divine Being of Light Consciousness, you are here in this seemingly physical reality, to transform the poorly qualified energy. You, like everyone else, are here to bring Light, to express Light and to spread the Light.

Remember that your thoughts are a frequency, your thoughts are a vibration. Your words create in this holographic matrix. Your conscious vibrations interconnect with this quantum energy field. Even your Human Aura is a field of Light that is felt by others in all interactions. We have called these various vibrations emanating from your thoughts, your emotions, your beliefs and programs, your Energy Signature.

This Energy Signature is what we are inviting you to possess in a new conscious way . To begin to emerge from any programmed belief that you have acquired that could somehow be limiting. Start questioning these beliefs; investigate where you acquired them, what keeps them in place. Begin to recognize the trance state. Ask yourself if these limited beliefs could be sabotaging some aspect of your life, as well as your desire to support Humanity with life-sustaining actions to transform this Planet.

Remember that your physical form is made of atoms of energy and Light; these energy atoms are talking to each other all the time. Every aspect of your physical form is always in communication with the whole set. So ask yourself what your body's personal conversation is. What do you say to your physical body throughout the day?

Do you recognize their support and well-being? Do you constantly reaffirm your physical limitations? Do you listen to the various frequencies of the parts and pieces that make up your physical / energy body?

We invite you to consider that your body is a hologram of your thoughts, beliefs and programs. Still as solid as it feels, as solid as you experience it, is an array of Light particles, which interconnects and responds to other Light particles of various vibrations and frequencies.

Consider that your thoughts are the building blocks of the hologram. The Creator of Oneness is Divine Thought, you are part of this Oneness, you have always been and always will be. The spark of thought / Divine vibration in you is the creator of all your experience. This is a truth that can free you from any limitations. We will repeat this to you: The Divine Spark of thought / vibration in you is the creator of all your experience.

So start playing in the hologram, in a way this program is unlimited. Realize that you can change the site and the way you focus. Ask yourself: “Why could I create this in my personal hologram? Why could I support Creation on the Planet of problems and situations that are harmful to life? ”Become aware of your focus: Do you focus on problems? Or do you focus on the reality you want to experience?

This mental change is the work of a true Master of consciousness who understands that this reality, as solid as it feels, as pleasant as it is, as challenging as it can be, is truly an illusion created by the energetic thoughts of Light that interconnect with the matrix of this Dimension. Begin to play fully with this Universe of thought, allow yourself to commit to your true understanding and your true knowledge of your Multidimensional Self as an aspect of totality and Oneness, as a Divine Creator .

We have talked about thinking and creating outside the box of your limitation. We continue to inform you and stimulate you to recognize, know and possess your creative power as a Being of Divine Luminous Consciousness that you exist in all time frames and in all dimensions; And as this Being of Divine Luminous Consciousness you have allowed an aspect and an approach of yours to play and believe in this three-dimensional reality, because it is an adventure. Realize that you truly enter and exit this existence.

We understand that we have expanded just a little. However, we also understand that you, as pure energy, are quite expandable. We are always available to assist and support you in any way. We are only at the distance of a request, just like all other conscious Divine Beings. Remember: We are One.

The team.

Translated : Jairo Rodr guez R.

AUTHOR: Peggy Black


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