The divine light that is in you

  • 2015


In the beginning, long, long time, eons of time, a part of the great All, the Great power of Nature, that principle we call Universal Consciousness, Supreme Being, Creator, God, etc. Being pure Light in manifestation, it was fragmented into infinite parts, into millions and millions of particles of consciousness, sparks of its light that expanded throughout everything we know as Universal Creation.

Each one of them was an individualized part of Him, separated, but always linked to the Great Everything from which it came out through an invisible thread that held it together with the great Divine Matrix.

And you, you are one of these units of light, not the person you think you are, yes, you are Spirit, you are a great Being of Light, eternal, indestructible, permanent, emanation and creation n of the Mother / Father God, with its same attributes and qualities.

Initially, these Essences of Light (Particles of Consciousness), remained in this state of separation, unconscious, for an eternity, always in perfect harmony. However, there came a time when responding to the projections of this great Universal Mind, the creation of material worlds was unavoidable in which these intelligences began to develop all their qualities and attributes while experiencing different experiences. and go acquiring new knowledge. Thus, after millions of years of its creation, this Earth was in a position to accommodate the first particles of consciousness that embodied in very primitive human bodies but fit for the environment they found.

This was the result of genetic work and operations carried out by already more advanced civilizations, in certain existing physical bodies, which adapted to the environmental needs of the planet.

Already in these bodies, and during the course of many eons, as we will see later, a previous preparation had been made until they reached the point where they were fit to be useful to the Divine plans on planet Earth.

At first without self-awareness, they were governed by the Law of Nature.

These bodies that we have later occupied one after the other in that great process called reincarnation, has a triple nature. It comprises our dense physical body, which is what we all can and can perceive; wrapped this one, for another more subtle etheric double that keeps it cohesive and gives it life; Then we have the emotional body, ruler of our emotions and the mental body, which differentiates us from other beings and allows us to respond to what the environment presents us.

And the mental body, the bearer of the "I" or Individualized Consciousness, works with these three bodies and activates, develops and transforms them. And so with these processes, different aspects of human nature -Soul and Spirit- are developed that are related to the Universe and whose development is linked to that of the Universe. (Will follow………)


The divine light that is in you

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