The importance of consuming Organic Products (Ecological or Biological)

  • 2015

Organic products are healthier and more environmentally friendly . People live on what nature supplies us, animals, plants, air, water, etc. The balanced coexistence among all is broken when we consume the natural resources in a massive way, usually due to the increase in population or the misuse we make of them. Traditional methods of obtaining, storing and supplying food are not enough. Industrialization to feed the world population seeks to meet this need. Since with the increase of people, if we wanted to consume non-industrialized products, that is to say organic foods, it would be a very big challenge impossible to carry out as we are currently organized.

Recent studies indicate that the consumption of organic products in addition to healthy ones, also improve the taste and texture, being 100% natural foods.

What are organic products?

Organic or organic foods are those obtained from crops made with non-polluting techniques, careful with the environment and that do not use chemicals or pesticides among other harmful substances. They only use organic fertilizers and in relation to animals, they are prohibited from giving them hormones, antibiotics, etc. and their diet must be totally natural.

It is difficult to produce food completely without pesticides, because in soils they persist for a long time, even in very small quantities that can even come from nearby lands, but increasingly higher levels of quality and naturalness are achieved.

And more and more we show our concern and willingness to change for living conditions of some animals, which although they will end up being sacrificed, less cruel methods are sought.

There are many countries that do not have laws that regulate organic food and this deprives us as consumers of the sufficient guarantees that these products that we buy as organic, are really and also affects those who sell them sell something that is not organic .

It is difficult to change a lifestyle and not everyone is going to do it, this is a philosophy that seeks to relate to our environment in a different way. Each of us chooses the option that interests us most, to modify the diet, or not according to personal tastes or preferences and habits of life .

Advantages of Organic Products (Ecological or Biological)

Organic products do not exploit the earth until it is sterile and the collected products have a natural flavor, color and texture, so they keep all the vitamins.

Organic products compared to conventional products, have less water and more nutrients, also have more iron, magnesium, vitamin C and antioxidants and a better balance with essential amino acids .

The organic breeding of animals aims to optimize animal health and wellbeing, that's why the Ethical Farms appear, which seek to give a better quality of life to animals with an outdoor life, demasified, with a natural diet and less death cruel.

Conventional farm animals that are given antibiotics to prevent disease and facilitate their faster growth can cause us resistance to antibiotics because of their indirect consumption.

Conventional products maintain chemical residues even after washing, which:

  • They damage the endocrine system and the immune system .
  • In the long run they are carcinogenic.
  • They can produce abortions and reduce fertility.

There are more than 500 authorized additives that are used in the treatment of many foods, some are known to have harmful effects on our health, although they are not prohibited.

The consumption, production and consumption of organic foods depends on everyone.

  • Consumers who want a greater offer of these products, so that they have an impact on our good health.
  • Farmers who want to protect their own health and that of their workers, and improve the quality of their products, must be organic.
  • Governments that wish to improve the health of their population and reduce health care costs should encourage Organic Agriculture and commit to supply organic products.
  • Scientists must continue exploring the role of organic foods to promote human health and safety, and use new holistic methods for research.

Organic farmers take care of biodiversity and also use it. They look for traditional and suitable seeds and varieties, due to their greater resistance to diseases and climate, as well as plant and animal compositions that improve the cycles of nutrients and energy for their production. They also conserve natural areas in the fields themselves and their peripheries and by not using pesticides, species of flora and fauna return or appear as well as organisms that facilitate pollinations or pest predators.

Organic crops have an added cost for the natural loss of their products of a percentage of their reduced production, as well as organic farms that must compensate for it by increasing the sale price. This is the main reason why organic products are more expensive .

But there is already a progressive movement back to the principles. Modern life, with its stress and globalization, which creates large food areas and large companies that we do not know how they work and take out their production.

More and more we are claiming a more just, more ethical, more balanced world, let's fight for it.


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The importance of consuming Organic Products (Ecological or Biological)

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