Balneotherapy: A healing with Water

  • 2016
Table of contents hide 1 8 benefits of balneotherapy 2 Indications for balneotherapy 3 Chronic diseases that can be treated with this alternative therapy 4 What are the contraindications of this therapy? 5 What are the precautions to be taken?

One of the most important activities that take place in a traditional spa is balneotherapy, a natural approach to health and healing that uses hot spring water, gases, mud and climatic factors such as heat as therapeutic elements.

In addition to bathing, other modalities such as hydrotherapy, mud therapy, physiotherapy, massage, steam baths, physical exercises, water vapor inhalation, and drinking mineral water are often used as part of a complex therapy for both health and the preservation and treatment of diseases.

In the last four centuries, this science that relates to water has become a medical specialty in Europe and Japan, where special courses in this therapy are offered to doctors and nurses of the main medical schools. Doctors believe that hot springs facilitate healing in a number of diseases in important ways .

8 benefits of balneotherapy

1- Bathing in hot springs gradually increases body temperature, so it kills harmful germs and viruses.

2- The thermal bath increases the hydrostatic pressure in the body, increasing blood circulation and oxygenation of the cell. The increase in blood flow also helps dissolve and eliminate toxins from the body.

3- Hot springs increase the flow of oxygen-rich blood throughout the body, thereby improving the nutrition of vital organs and tissues.

4- The bath in hot springs increases the body's metabolism, including the stimulation of the secretions of the intestinal tract and the liver, helping digestion.

5- If you constantly repeat the hot bath especially during a period of 3 to 4 weeks, it will surely help you in the normalization of the functions of the endocrine glands, as well as the functioning of the autonomic nervous system of the body.

6- Small amounts of minerals are found in mud and water, such as calcium, magnesium, lithium, sulfur and carbon dioxide are absorbed by the body and provide healing effects to various organs of the body and system. These healing effects may include the stimulation of the immune system, leading to an immune increase, physical and mental relaxation, the production of endorphins among others.

7- Offers a mineral springs contain high amounts of negative ions, which can help promote the feeling of physical and psychological well - being.

8- The direct application of mineralized hot springs, especially those containing sulfur, can have a therapeutic effect on skin diseases, including psoriasis, dermatitis and fungal infections. Some mineral waters are also used to help heal wounds and other skin lesions.

Indications for balneotherapy

Hundreds of years have gone by in which this science has developed and has joined the medical one, where doctors have been able to identify the health conditions that can best be treated by this type of alternative healing therapy . The following list of indications for balneotherapy is based on the research of Dr. Yuko Agishi.

Chronic diseases that can be treated with this alternative therapy

  • Chronic Rheumatic Diseases
  • Functional recovery of the center and peripheral neuroparolysis.
  • Metabolic diseases, especially diabetes, obesity.
  • Chronic gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Mild chronic respiratory diseases.
  • Circulatory diseases, especially moderate or mild hypertension.
  • Peripheral circulatory diseases that affect the hands and feet.
  • Chronic skin diseases.
  • Psychosomatic and stress related diseases.
  • Diseases linked to the nervous system.
  • Vibration disorder, (a balance that affects middle ear disorder)
  • Sequela of conditions resulting from trauma.
  • Chronic gynecological diseases

What are the contraindications of this therapy?

If you have any disease or illnesses, or if you are pregnant, check with your doctor before using this type of therapy.

What are the precautions to be taken?

It is important to avoid bathing in a hot spring completely only and full attention should be paid to the elderly. Do not use a spa if you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs, especially if you are taking heart medication . You should not overheat, you should drink plenty of cold water and use private pools if you have a skin disease.

AUTHOR: JoT333, editor of the great family of

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