FREE ONLINE COURSE Invitation: “Knowing Human Design”, 5th and last edition - 2019

  • 2019

For the first time in the history of mankind, NOW we have the opportunity to know why we are as we are and why we are not as we would have liked to be.




Invitation to a unique opportunity that will change your life forever

This is a unique opportunity to get started in Human Design. During the time in which the Course takes place, you will have direct and live access to an outstanding Trainer in Human Design and Founder of the RED HUMAN DESIGN AWARENESS Academy: Lía Cazzola .

By signing up you receive all the information to access the course. If you cannot participate live, do not worry that the classes are recorded and you can see them in your time. You just have to sign up to receive access to them. I sign up >>>

Human Design or "The Science of Differentiation" opens the doors to the potential of self-love. Finding that love for oneself also means finding an even greater love, a love for life, and through the understanding of oneself.

Now begins this wonderful path of self-transformation by Lia Cazzola, a recognized professional with years of experience in professional individual analysis and as a teacher of students from all over the world of Spanish-speaking .

This is an invitation to a unique opportunity that could change your life forever.

By signing up you will receive all the information to access the platform to complete the course. If you cannot attend live classes, do not worry because all classes are recorded and you can watch them later, at your own pace.

You can ask questions when something is not entirely clear to you and interact during the live classes and in the Facebook group that has been created so that all participants can express their doubts.

What will you achieve and learn in this course?

• The origin of Human Design, how it is calculated and what it is for.
• Recognize what place the mind has to occupy in our lives and how to align ourselves with our Spirit.
• How to deprogram the socio-cultural codes that have been conditioning us so much, replacing them with new convictions aligned with our Being.
• You will learn to recognize All the elements of a Chart / Chart
• Where we see the gifts or characteristics of our soul and where those of our trans-generational.
• How to know if someone is a sender or receiver.
• Where to see your fundamental essence.
• How to recognize your learning or exploration zones.

“Meeting Human Design has allowed me to enrich myself with a tool of self-knowledge honoring my individuality and that of those around me, learning to recognize reliable energy centers and learning.” María Marta Sancho Campana, Argentina

Knowing Human Design 1st part

(from September to December 2018) ─ 19 classes recorded and available on the platform.


1st KEY: The 5 Bioenergetic Types and their Strategies:
• How to interact at auric level with others.
• How to align our aura with the All.
• We will address the 4 auras in humanity. You will have the possibility to know yours and those around you.
• Each aura has a different dynamic, and therefore a different way to act and relate.
• You will learn the characteristics of each aura, as well as the Behavioral Strategy of each one, in order to flow instead of encountering resistance from the environment.

Knowing Human Design Part 2

(as of March 12, 2019) ─ Every Tuesday at 14:00 ARG / 18:00 ESP


2nd KEY: The 7 Authorities:
How to make decisions aligned with your being.

How does this 2nd Key help us?

This key is essential to live your life with consistency, and especially for those who do not know or are afraid to make decisions in their life.

What problems do you solve once you incorporate this strategy into your life?
You start to be the owner of your decisions, you stop doubting yourself and you start to gain confidence.

Soon those sensations like frustration will begin to disappear, caused by not making the right decisions and not doing what you would really like to do.

What changes occur when you know what your authority strategy is?
Everyone has a correct way to access that place of self-confidence, you just have to know how to get there and learn how to use it.

Using this strategy in your daily life, will provide you with a life free of doubts and confusion at the time of deciding, a life full of confidence in yourself, and above all, without relying on others to take the direction. No you want.

I love having found and that Human Design has found me. I learn each class, I discover new ways to understand myself and understand others. It is a step by step expansion process and a cutting-edge tool. Silvina de Laurente Esquel, Argentina

3rd KEY: The 6 lines and the 12 Profiles:
What is the role that gives you a sense of purpose?
There are 12 profiles or roles, which will determine how you relate to life, for which role you are better designed and what is your role in humanity.

Discover what is the role / role that you have come to play in this incarnation and aligns you with your Mission.

How does this 3 Key help us?
Fundamentally to know what our Role in life is and what we are here for.

What problems does it solve once you start discovering what your Role / Profile is?
Until now, we had no way of knowing what was the role for which we are better prepared, with the consequent devaluation and de-empowerment, since by not fulfilling this role it is nothing Easy to give the best version of oneself.

By not knowing your Role you cannot enhance and develop it, and you also spend your life fulfilling borrowed or self-imposed roles. Consequently you do not love yourself, you spend your life searching and your energy wears out, emotionally you run out and suffer conflicts and problems especially in the bonds and relationships.

What changes can you expect when you know and work from your Role?
The first thing is that you begin to have a feeling of being in your purpose fulfilling your role and giving your best, this brings you joy and empowerment.

You will begin to feel that now you can fulfill a true service for the whole, have and develop a life with purpose and, where my place in life is valuable and important for others.

Keep in mind that knowing your role, the best one you came for, is going to allow you to live true love with yourself. Knowing how you have been designed to selflessly deliver energy to others knowing, in addition, to set limits when necessary.

From now on emotional conflicts will no longer interfere with your day, this is because, you will be learned to manage them from that other place where you can best develop as a Human Being.

“I have been passionate about the study of human design since the first reading was made. After studying, I took some time thinking about whether to dedicate myself to expanding its benefits to other people; I did not dare. Fears ... Not being ... But yes, it was time to make known what has helped me so much. Carmen Calderón Huelva, Spain

INFORMATIVE NOTE: The objective of this Course is to give you the opportunity to get started in this wonderful tool. But nevertheless…

─ It is not contemplated as a training or preparation course to provide a service.

─ It is a presentation of the tool, in a simple and deep way, so that it is understandable and understandable by those who did not know it until now.

─ Although the statements or themes are similar to those of the initial levels of Vocational Training, their content is basic and sufficient for you to begin to experience it.



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