Imagine, Create, Manifest by Geoffrey Hoppe

  • 2011

Translation: Héctor Santos Ramallo

December 16, 2010

One of the most important issues among the Shaumbra is How can I manifest my creations and ideas? This article was triggered by a recent discussion on this subject.

The process of creating awareness often begins with an inspired idea. You could be in the shower one day and suddenly in a gust of inspiration write a new song, build a better mousetrap, develop a new software solution, or open a unique restaurant. It could be an idea that helps humanity or solve a minor problem in your life. It could be something that has the potential to make you rich or bring fame, or just something that tickles your passion.

This inspiration is a decisive moment. It has come from its own "dream." In other words, you have been imagining and exploring this inspiration in other realms, in your own creation zone where most ideas come to light. Now he has opened his consciousness to his human reality to "remember" this idea. These moments are usually full of joy, flow, euphoria, optimism and ability to see the whole picture. The inspiration is so dynamic that you can almost taste and feel it.

The idea has been hovering in their creative realms waiting for the right opportunity to enter their conscious mind. In the creative realms, the idea was not taxed by dense limitations of 3D or human realities. The idea was like a free bird, not limited by time, financial resources, human processes or fear of rejection. It was just a bright, raw idea, waiting to be given birth.

What happens next is crucial: You can keep the idea out in non-physical realms, or you can choose to start the manifestation process. The ability to make a clear and conscious choice at this time is one of the most important factors in the manifestation. Most people, still elated by their vision, do not make that decision. Then the process of manifestation begins to be limited to the mental, and the idea moves back to the creative realm without having a real opportunity to become part of the experience of human reality.

Make a clear choice to motivate the manifestation of the idea, along with your passionate energy, in this physical reality. Now the energies associated with this can begin to collect other supporting energies in this area. In other words, you can start connecting with other people and resources that will help you in the process of bringing it to life. So many ideas never see the light of day because the creator keeps his energies on the dimensional planes instead of bringing them to Earth.

When I get to this stage I usually take out my notebook and start writing the ideas. I resist the temptation to get it mental or limited. Don't worry about where time or money will come from. Just let the idea expand on paper without even trying to organize the thoughts. I will write down keywords, drawings, and record my ideas randomly. Sometimes I will fill a dozen or more pages with scribbles and notes.

Then I put everything aside for a few days. This allows the idea to start incubation in this reality without touching my mind with it, or without delving into all the reasons why it cannot be done. When I return to the idea several days later, I have felt well the intuitive foundations of the potentials, and a better understanding of my own will and the desire to make it happen.

This is another important point of decision: Am I ready to commit to the project, or am I happy to let it return to the creative realms?

Assuming you decide to follow the idea, touch the original feeling again as when the first idea broke out. You will need to have this feeling firmly planted so you can figure in it later, when the rigors of 3D tend to grind the project.

Now is the time to manifest. Depending on the idea, you may need money, professional assistance, time and patience to write a book, help marketing ... the list goes on and on. It is easy to feel overwhelmed at that moment, wondering how to throw all that together. Instead of letting this block it, start eating the elephant one bite at a time. When you reach a dead end with an aspect of creation, focus on another. Go to the Internet and start researching. You will be surprised how your intuition is guided to the right websites. Start talking to people who can offer you a certain address, or meet other people who refer to this. Do not despair when the project seems to take twice as much time and cost, twice as much as what you anticipated. It usually does.

From personal experience I can say that almost all important projects will have setbacks. Nothing comes through the way we expect it to. Legal and accounting things surface. It is easier to let go of your hands in frustration at the time, and you even wonder if this was just a crazy idea. This is the time to return to the initial euphoria he felt when the first idea entered.

Bringing ideas to this reality is an art. Everyone is inspired in a moment, but few really go through the manifestation. His greatest fear is that this does not work, but a true Creator realizes that nothing really matters. The real joy is in the process of creation. Most people give up when they encounter some obstacles, but the true Creator realizes that obstacles are new opportunities just to hone their creative abilities.

I love creation, as it reminds me that, well, I am a creator. Nearly half of my ideas in my adult life have been successful, and the other half fell by the wayside. Most of the ideas involved other people at some point in the process, and others were simple ideas that could manifest themselves in mine. An idea came up during lunch one day with a client. I literally pointed on the back of a napkin. Today, that idea is a company with 300 employees that is the main provider of Internet and communication services to aircraft. Another idea, developed jointly with Joe Rumbolo and my wife Linda, is currently in the process of gestation and will take place in less than a month. It is, the Awakening zone, an international radio network for spiritual news and information.

There is absolutely nothing like the joy of creation! Understanding the basis of these principles removes a large part of fears and uncertainties. You will begin to realize that it has nothing to do with being smart or lucky. It has everything to do with allowing yourself to be a Creator.

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