Aguila Azul Report - Looking in the mirror

  • 2014

The look in the mirror

This report tries to be a mirror of what every human may be feeling in these times of deep interior and exterior transformations.

There are many messages circulating of the highest spiritual frequencies, thorough astrological information and yet our everyday human has to find how to live in balance on the path of everyday life.

We are realistic and recognize the daily effort. In the midst of this confusion we look for the most coherent exit path we can find .

We look in the mirror, fixed in the eyes, in that image that appears. A sensation of weirdness arises, I don't recognize myself, who am I? What do I have to do today? I wonder why I keep doing the same. Everything doesn't matter. Oh! Do not! I get depressed? Every morning when I wake up I say: if I can get out of discouragement, I will start my life and face the challenges of the new day. Oh! Do not! This life has to make sense, this world is very beautiful to look at with these eyes.

I want to make changes in my life, but I don't know where to start, the resistance, the fears, the limitations assail me. I know I am in transition, I feel my energy circuits disconnected, this is already taking too long.

They say there are new energy patterns, DNA changes, waves of energy of different vibrations that activate our codes of light, but my physical body is costing me a lot more s than expected. It hurts even my soul. They speak to me of ascension in bodies of light, and I see more and more darkness and disorder.

I discover all that I have to heal in me and I realize that I have to start here, through my physical and emotional body. The light comes from the cosmos, as we are told, so that we can see everything we have to order within ourselves and around us. It is no longer time to accept what they tell me, I need to experience in me that light that guides me and guides me.

I look in the mirror again, they say that the soul is seen in people's eyes. I look at my eyes, I hold my gaze, I challenge myself: who are you? Who are you !! and go through the mirror

I travel to the depths of my being, S !, first is chaos, what do I do here?

This looks like birth, uncertainty, anxiety. I feel the throbbing of my heart, I approach the beat of life, another vision, another feeling of depth, I sink into me, an atom of light emerges, a seed of light between my hands

A seed of light in my hands, and a subtle voice echoes in the seed ... today you are this ... infinite power ... I am the essence of your being ... I am within you, look no further ...

The change you are looking for is within you. Open heart!

A feeling of returning home, hurt hearts, closed hearts, empty hearts, inside of us there is home.

I take a deep breath and ask for nutrition for the soul, energies of light and love to germinate the soul seed in me.

I take a deep breath and ask for a quantum awareness to create a reality full of love and harmony.

I take a deep breath and ask my Infinite Being to open the seed in my heart from the inside out.

I take a deep breath and ask the universe to flow the platinum light to my heart to open the seed of life in my heart. I want to feel the purpose of life in me. I want to heal my own soul wounds. I want to feel the support of the universe in this transcendent moment of evolution.

Finding the meaning in my life, I find the meaning of evolution.

The wisdom of the Spirit is manifested through the seed of the heart . I open myself to the light in me, I experience my own feelings, I transmute memories and emotions, until I reach peace of heart.

I feel and experience the energy of love inside me to start changing my cellular memories, I want to resolve the knots of my existence.

I want to open my eyes to get out of a false illusory ego, trapped in a deceptive world, watching the movies that want me to believe.

I want to open my heart to understand how to integrate all beings in this world without judgment, I want to experience compassion . I take a deep breath and ask to feel infinite compassion.

I relax, still my emotions as I can, everything is very fast, the spiral of evolution has become implacable, we do not understand everything that happens, however there is a sense. If I am in my center I can trust.

Now the Truth comes to me as an impact of certainties, without reasoning, my heart understands and I no longer question , I am.

I return from my depths, I cross the mirror again, I bring the seed of light into my hands. I am a spirit that chose to evolve in this historical moment of the human race. I accept my commitment, although today I don't remember it. I am infinitely .

I look in the mirror, my soul looks back at me, unfathomable, eternal, bright . Now I see myself, infinite points of light are reflected in the mirror, star seeds accompanying the way back home. I open my hands and my heart, I ask ... ... from the depths of my being, the revelation I need today.

Blue Eagle

Aguila Azul Report - Looking in the mirror

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