Children of the Sun - Planetary Grid Transmissions - Full Moon, Friday, December 12

A complete period of 24-hour transmission of the energy of the New Earth From the Crystalline Grid and Intentional Collective Consciousness Field.

With Unified Meditation and / or Ceremony for 4 hours worldwide:
Sydney 8 pm, Paris 8 pm, New York 9 pm, Buenos Aires 10 pm

Unified Planetary Approach:

Portal of the Full Moon: Collective quantum leap towards the new reality

Transmissions of the Grid of Light reaching all areas of the World.


Portal 12:12 of the Full Moon

The 12 harmonics tune to the frequency of the Christ Consciousness or, the Consciousness of the One. This harmonic co-creates from a resonance field that is the pristine union with the Divine . The next full moon, this Friday, December 12, provides us with great potential to experience a collective quantum leap into a new sustained reality through this resonance field.

The 12:12 full moon portal also gives us a great choice. What reality and what grid are you going to sustain while the world of the old paradigm quickly dissolves Children of the Sun is setting the intention of the grid this full moon for all the people who are part of this mission, this global platform and this family of souls so that they now experience an even greater leap in quantum reality.

For detailed information ...

Transformation Groups in Action

Due to the increasing need for planetary light transmissions and our human vehicles used as divine channels, our focus now changes only to world service. Now we make a complete transition to Phase II of the Planetary Grid Project. This implies a change from the “unified planetary approach” to the platform of our Transformation Groups. Each of the Transformation Groups carries a specific approach to transformation into the outside world.

(The Transformation Groups for Children of the Sun are in formation. We will announce the new groups soon.)

How to CREATE and Conduct a Transformation Group

For more information

To create a Grid Transmission Group with Children of the Sun,
please contact: Maria Wacka

Conscious Co-Creation in the Unified Field

The fact of focusing our consciousness and positive group of consciousness in the Unified Field; It is a way in which we can potentially help in changing that awareness, while remaining focused and in balance and the structures of power fall.

The Lunar Planetary Grid Transmissions offer an opportunity twice a month to join us in a group consciousness field with an expanded perception intent. This conscious union of our energies has a great influence on the manifestation of our intentions and the transmissions of light and unity consciousness.

Join our Platform in the World Service

Platform in Spanish:

Platform in English:

For New Participants ~
The Highest Purpose of the Planetary Grid Project:

Pure human intentionality is combined with a very advanced crystalline energy system that surrounds the entire planet. Referring to the Crystalline Grid, this new structure of the earth serves as a transitory bridge between the paradigms of consciousness.

The combined power of our intention through the field of the crystal lattice gracefully comes to each new moon and fills during a 24-hour transmission period. This is called the Planetary Grid Transmissions.

From this unified field of higher consciousness, participants can receive strong infusions of light that can accelerate cleanings, transformation, spiritual activation and progress.

Join us on this Full Moon in the Unified Field of Love.

Heart, Heart

Children of the Sun

Support Links:

World Time Calculator
(to make time calculations for Unified Meditation in your time zone)

The Planetary Grid Project - program details

Meet and join the Community of the Children of the Sun
Join the Community of the Children of the Sun in Spanish

Translation to Spanish. Alicia Virelli,

For more information consult:

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