Let Your Will Message from the Arc ngel Uriel channeled by Jennifer Hoffman

  • 2011

August 8, 2011

Over many eons of time and within many lives, the nature of the Source has been misrepresented as being larger than humanity, so the Source is in control or in charge of what happens within the third dimension . This misunderstanding of the true nature of the Source / human relationship has allowed all humanity to greatly underestimate its power and the nature and purpose of its journey on earth. Therefore, the phrase "Thy Will Be Done" is also misused and is actually a reconnection prayer and not a recognition of human frailty.

You do not need permission from the Source in any aspect of your life, because each of you is here as a spark of divine light on a mission of healing and ascension. You participate in your ascension along with that of the Earth and the rest of the solar system, galaxy and universe. Everything is connected and everything around them is experiencing ascension at this time. When you ask "your will be done", you are creating space for the Source to enter your experience and share a superior energy with you. With this phrase they are, in fact, creating a space for heaven on earth.

"Your Will" does not mean that God is an added part of the situation, that you stand aside and allow God to operate without your participation. Nor does it mean that they put aside their power to allow the Source to take over. It means that you have chosen to allow your Divine light to be part of your material life at that moment. Open your heart to allow the Divine to share the experience with you, and instead of as creators, you are choosing to experience this moment with the Source as co-creators.

H indicates that they are willing to allow their reality to unfold in the perfection of the Divine Will. In this beautiful moment they resonate with and can create the best and highest result, which includes the family of humanity and the earth. They have become co-creators with the Source leaving aside their ego and will, along with all their limitations of the third dimension, and recognizing and giving voice to their divinity. And at that time their purpose of reconnecting life is fulfilled and they have created heaven on earth.

Copyright (C) 2004-2011 by Jennifer Hoffman and Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. All rights reserved. This material is protected by US copyright laws. and international and can be freely distributed in its entirety, as long as the author's name and the Uriel Heals website, www.urielheals.com are included.

Jennifer Hoffman's Spanish material can be found at http://www.templodelsol.com/

Translation: Margarita López

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