Generalities of the Pyramids

Since ancient times, there is a pyramid that has admired the world: the Great Pyramid of Cheops, called by the Egyptians "Al Ahraum, " that is, The Light. It was considered by the Greeks one of the seven wonders of the world. Its height is 148 meters and the square of its height is exactly equal to the surface of each of its faces. This height multiplied by 109 is equal to the average distance from Earth to the Sun, distance that could only be calculated at the beginning of the 20th century. The total perimeter of the base is 931.22 meters. If we divide this number by twice its height, which when it was built was 148, 208 meters, we will be surprised by the finding of the result: Pi = 3.1416.1

The Great Pyramid is oriented exactly on the magnetic North-South axis of the Earth and the corridor that ascends from the interior is directed exactly to the Polar Star, that is, parallel to that axis.

The rediscovery of the extraordinary properties of the pyramidal form is due to the French radietesist Antoine Bovis who managed to reproduce in his laboratory the mummification of small dead animals and introduced into small pyramids made to scale the Great Pyramid of Cheops. During his investigations in the pyramids of Egypt, Bovis observed that the animals casually introduced into the pyramids and died there, were mummified spontaneously by the mere fact of remaining the corpse inside the pyramid. This motivated him to initiate experiments in his laboratory using miniature replicas of the Great Pyramid and orienting them properly according to the Earth's magnetic axis.

The findings of the French scientist, stimulated the research of other students of the pyramids in various countries such as the United States, Germany, the former USSR and France, finding interesting properties of the pyramids on the organic and inorganic environment.

In Cuba, at the end of the 80s, interest in this scientific novelty began to be shown, and experiences with this type of energy were carried out in isolation. In Cárdenas, Matanzas, the first investigations began in 1990 and consolidated its systematization in 1993 within the Management Group of the Cuban Pyramidal Energy Society.2

The mysterious properties of the pyramidal form are now well known to the general public. Through experimentation it has been discovered that the pyramidal form has extraordinary effects on the organic environment. It was found that it modifies meat and other foods by inhibiting putrefaction, which improves the taste of food and cigarettes, which ages wines and other beverages, increases the life span of small animals, improves the growth rate of plants, increases the state of meditation, etc.3

Curious properties of pyramidal energy have also been observed in the inorganic environment: it keeps razors without dulling, preserves welding rods better, recovers broken computer disks, etc.

A curious story is the discovery by Czechoslovakian Karel Drbal of the properties of pyramidal energy on razors, as Emilio Salas states in his book The Power of the Pyramids 4:

“After World War II, while Drbal carried out his experiences with the pyramid, he remembered a curious experience of his military service. One of the jokes that were spent was to leave the razor of the companion "graceful" on the windowsill, exposed overnight to the lunar rays. The next day, the victim left the skin in strips when trying to shave, since the edge had disappeared as if by magic. According to Drbal, the polarized light of the Moon has the property of deforming the crystal structure of steel.

Drbal had the idea of ​​putting a razor blade in the pyramid in the hope that it would also destroy the blade's edge. He made a series of tests and, to his surprise, he obtained the opposite result to what he expected: he was able to shave up to two hundred times with the same blade. As he says, from March 3, 1949 until July 6, 1954, he spent only 18 razor blades of various brands, which meant an average of 105 shaves per blade. It goes without saying that he patented his invention and made the happiness of his countrymen.

Drbal's odyssey to patent his pyramid is too extensive to reproduce here, but what is interesting is to arrive at his theory of how it works. According to him, two factors come into play:

1- A rapid dehydration, which removes moisture in the inter-crystalline spaces of the blade edge. (In the case of organic materials, this dehydration is what produces mummification).

2- An action on the microscopic structure of matter, which eliminates the effect of "metal fatigue" caused by use. (In organic matter, this action destroys the microorganisms that cause rotting, which allows the preservation of the material subject to mummification for the time necessary for dehydration to proceed thoroughly).

What differentiates Drbal from French radiestesistas, is his scientific training. He declares that the disadvantage of the French is their "mysticism"; therefore, Drbal realizes experiences and verifies results, limiting himself to the conclusion that all living matter, including man, is subject to the influence of a biocosmic energy; the pyramid serves only to focus this energy. ”

The healing properties of the pyramids are also known from yesteryear. Belizal, cited by Flanagan2, wrote in his book Waves of Form, that the ancient Egyptians used a number of forms, including the pyramid, as sources of healing energy. He called this energy "Negative Green Ray" and declared that this ray could be used for healing inflammatory processes, wounds and abscesses, among other things.

The application of pyramidal energy in the field of health is based on the restoration of the energy balance of the sick person, by providing vital energy according to their need. This energy supply is made from the energy concentrated in the center of the pyramid. In this way, positive results have been obtained in pathologies of very varied systems using the direct method of exposure in the pyramid or indirect as with pyramidal water. Later we will expand this theme in detail.

The name pyramid seems to come from the Greek pur that was pronounced pyr which means fire, heat or light and amid which means in the center . According to Gerald Massey in his book Ancient Egypt: The Light of the World, the word pyramis refers to the ten measures or arcs that the god of fire, that is, the Sun, traced in his journey through the

Zodiac circle. As the Great Pyramids of Giseh, among others, apparently were built according to sidereal measures, the theory is quite plausible.

The controversy over the origin of the word pir mide is something of secondary importance, in comparison with the confrontations raised by the problem of the purpose for which they were intended. Egyptologists claim that the pyramids were tombs; Peruvian archaeologists and Central American scholars say they served as temples. And now, some pyramidologists argue that the pyramids were, quite possibly, resonators or energy accumulators 5.

We will not talk about the enigma related to the construction of the pyramids because of the length of the subject and because there is ample bibliography in this regard, suffice it to say that for many years, Egyptologists, archeology Scientists and other scientists raise theories and analyze possibilities in relation to how and why the pyramids of Egypt were built, as well as those of others regions of the planet

There are many hypotheses about how and why the construction of the pyramids, the most widespread is that the pyramids were built by labor slave in order to be used as graves or temples. Currently, however, it is considered that the work of the Great Pyramid of Cheops or Khufu, was carried out by the common workers of Egypt. It has been assumed that these were contracted during the flood months to move the large stones by water, while small groups of specialist stonecutters cut and prepared the large blocks of stone throughout the year. In one way or another, both the Egyptian and the Peruvian and Mexican pyramids have the common denominator of their wonderful properties on organic and inorganic matter, properties that allow their use No therapy in many different pathologies.


The living being should not be understood as a matter animated by energy, it is the energy that has guided the matter Nei Jing Ling Shu

Until now, science admits four types of fundamental interactions in the matter, or, expressed in another way, four fundamental forces, which let their influence be felt in areas called fields of forces, whose extension It depends on the mass of the particles involved in them. These fields are: strong nuclear, weak nuclear, electromagnetic and gravitational 4.

Of these four force fields, it is the electromagnetic that we are fundamentally interested in in order to understand their relationship with pyramidal energy or biochemical energy, as the pyramids have wanted to call it Current logos

Electromagnetic action is essential for the existence of life, because it maintains the equilibrium of the atom, groups them together to form the molecules, and in general, maintains and Transforms the states of matter.

Magnetism is the universal principle that dominates and governs the infinite universe, keeping the various celestial bodies within a close natural bond. The Earth, the Sun, the Moon and all the other planets of our galaxy transmit their own magnetic emanations, which powerfully influence our existences6.

The Earth behaves like a large spherical magnet with a North pole and a South pole, and the energy of the magnetic field circulating between them7. The power of the Earth's magnetic field does not exceed 0.5 gauss at any point, and is generated by the ionosphere, that is to say by a layer of air containing electrically charged particles, which extends between 90 and 160 kilometers per on the surface of the planet8.

Life itself is also an electromagnetic phenomenon. Each atom of any substance constitutes a tiny magnet, with its corresponding magnetic field, generated by its electrical components; therefore, being composed of atoms, like all matter, cells also have their own electrical components. At rest, there is a measurable potential difference between the inside and outside of the cell wall, since the inner part of each cell appears relatively charged with a negative potential, while the outside is slightly positive. In other words, we can say that each cell is a kind of battery, with its own magnetic field.

Considering this function, we see that it is possible for a group of cells to vibrate at a certain frequency when they are in good health, but when this frequency is disturbed for some reason, a disease state occurs. That is, we could conclude that the signs and symptoms of a disease are nothing other than the external manifestations of the imbalance in the body's energy flow.

If it wasn't for the electrical activity of the heart muscles, the cerebral cortex and the structural muscles, electrocardiograms, electroencephalograms and electromyograms could never have developed. Perhaps in the not too distant future we can also talk about magnetocardiograms, magnetoencephalograms or magnetomyograms as we already talk about Magnetic Nuclear Resonance and applied magnetotherapy.

As we explained earlier, electromagnetic action is fundamental for the existence of life, because it maintains the balance of the atom, groups them together to form the molecules, and in general, maintains and transforms the states of matter.

Most of the electromagnetic energy comes from the Sun and the stars. The Earth receives a continuous bombardment of huge amounts of energy. The Earth is protected from this attack with the atmosphere and the magnetosphere with such efficiency, that the first one rejects more than half of said energy, leaving only two “windows” through which the radiations corresponding to light and microwaves pass; The rest is absorbed before reaching the ground. This whole set of radiations has been grouped into what is called the electromagnetic spectrum, cosmic rays being the most powerful of these radiations.

We do not believe that cosmic rays have much to do with the phenomena of the pyramid, but instead the solar turbulence, since if not directly, its consequences in all terrestrial electromagnetic phenomena are so remarkable, that everywhere we can perceive the effect of the eleven year solar cycle4.

We consider that the essence of pyramidal energy is magnetic, that is, a field of forces caused by electromagnetic energy in motion. We will see in future chapters how we have found a very close relationship in the biological and therapeutic actions of electromagnetism with pyramidal energy. Let us ask ourselves the simple question: Why does the pyramid have to be oriented towards the magnetic North-South axis of the Earth? In fact, if it is not oriented in this way, no results are obtained. That is, the pyramidal form is important, but its orientation is fundamental and this orientation is precisely towards the magnetic axis of the Earth.

The energy circulation of the human body has been known to Asians for millennia. Nowadays nobody discusses the energy circulation through channels or meridians that run through the human organism and circulate the vital energy throughout the body. Acupuncture, the ancient science of the Chinese, is currently recognized by the West as an established science that has recently begun to unveil its mysteries. Tai Chi is practiced throughout the world as a vital energy technique that seeks peace, health and longevity to those who practice it with perseverance.

Chi means energy. All his conception is that solidity is false, exactly the same as in modern physics. These walls, scientists say today, are not real, they are only pure energy, but electrons move so quickly, at such a terrifying speed that it gives you a feeling of solidity. The same is true with the human body. What physics has just discovered just now, Chinese Taoists have known for thousands of years: that man is energy17.

At present, scientists propose to call pyramidal energy biocosmic energy, or hadron energy to differentiate it from magnetic energy itself and propose the following definition:

Pyramidal Energy Concept: It is the biocosmic energy accumulated in the center of the pyramid. This energy originates in its form, arising within, around its structure and directly from it, in many different ways. These energetic vibrations become, together, in fronts of waves. By adding the rhythm or compass, resonance arises, which creates a movement of molecules within any matter placed in this energy field, extending for indefinite periods depending on the consistency of matter 2.

The generator of this energy source is a pyramidal structure, of rigorously exact dimensions, which constitutes, among other things, a resonant cavity. These pyramids, of easy construction, as we will see later, will work according to established parameters and specific norms.

Currently it seems that energy is the most important thing for man. At this time it has taken a place in the group of controversial issues because it is no longer just the equivalence between mass and energy that many say is reflected in Einstein's formula, but other types of energy have appeared, at least in popular speech, such as: cosmic energy, pyramidal energy, bioenergy, etc. 9.

When talking about “pyramidal energy”, we mean, therefore, a type of energy related to the magnetic field, which is found everywhere, but which the pyramid “organizes” in such a way that its existence is revealed . As with the magnetic field, which is always present and yet, a magnet is its form of presentation.


Therapeutically we have observed great similarity between the effects of electromagnetism and pyramidal energy. As we explained at the beginning of this work, we have been working with electromagnetic energy for more than ten years in the treatment of SOMA conditions that are currently difficult to treat. The results obtained in our research on electromagnetic therapy were presented at the X Forum of Science and Technology obtaining Provincial Relevant Award and subsequently published in the Cuban Journal of Orthopedics and Traumatology 13.

For a better understanding of the therapeutic action of pyramidal energy, we will make a brief summary of the biological and therapeutic actions of electromagnetism that have already been fully tested, published and coined in practice by various researchers.

In nature every living being is subject to the influence of the magnetic field, it has even been argued that "magnetic energy is the elemental energy on which the life of the organism depends".

The development of life is inextricably linked to magnetic radiation and both plants and man and animals are affected, for better or worse, by this phenomenon which, in innumerable occasions, is inevitable. For all this it is vitally important to know how the magnetic and electromagnetic field influences living beings, in the first place, but also to know how man can manipulate it and obtain benefits from its properties, either by direct application, or for the development of systems and equipment that improve the quality of life in general.

In the process of research on the properties and possibilities of use of the magnetic and electromagnetic field (CM and EMT) in medicine, biotechnology, agriculture and other branches, 18 databases were consulted among which are: Medline, Excerpta Medica, Predicast, Infotrac, Life Science, Cab Abstracts, Cordis, Health Care, Biomundi Data Base, BioScan, Seconline, Market Studies, Agri (FAO), just to mention the most relevant. In this way, almost 2000 records on topic 14 were located.

Biotechnology research trends on the application of the magnetic and electromagnetic field (BIOMUNDI Consulting):

The most recent research on the influence of CM on living organisms has raised new expectations about the role that electromagnetism can play in clinical medicine. In general, it is stated that the human body is a true universe of dynamic electromagnetic interactions and that they have fundamental importance in the physiology of organisms in conjunction with the biological aspects associated with it.

It has been demonstrated for more than 20 years that a very weak magnetic field is associated with brain waves, specifically with alpha and delta waves; Similar waves are also associated with the human heart.

The physiological importance of this weak CM in the regulation of the structure and function of the tissues and cells of the human body has been verified on numerous occasions by research work developed for this purpose. . In the literature consulted it is reported that electromagnetic force, one of the four fundamental forces of nature, is essential for the maintenance of the structural and functional integrity of human tissue, cells and genes.

The biochemical and electromagnetic information that flows from the RNA genes and from this to the protein is not unidirectional. The reverse flow can be assimilated by a viral DNA which could be inserted into the human genome or detached and moved to another place to link to another portion of the chromosome. It has also been shown that the magnetic field, even if it was weak, can lead to a state of excitement to cellular contributors. These forces can regulate the molecular structure of genes, hormones, traffic factors and enzymes, and influence their orientation and physiological disposition 14.

In general, there is a fundamental question:

What is the mechanism by which the electromagnetic field acts?

Some authors raise this idea:

When an electric current circulates through a conductor in the presence of a magnetic field, the so-called electromotive force is induced in it. The conductor can be a cell, a gene or a protein. When the electrical potential varies between the faces of a crystalline lattice, such as a protein, there is a small mechanical deformation that causes the reorientation of the molecules and atoms of the structure in question and therefore change their spatial position.

It has been demonstrated by several researchers that there are tissues in humans that possess such piezoelectric properties. These structures can be genes, cytoplasmic components, bone-shaped collagen collogens, and the effects mentioned refer to the conversion of electromagnetic oscillations to mechanical and mechanical vibrations. vice versa. In this way the structure of genes, growth factors, proteins, hormones and DNA, among other formations, are controlled by this mechanism along with other more general ones such as biochemical actions.

We can also point out that according to the data obtained from recent studies about the influence of non-ironic electromagnetic radiation on biological systems, new methods are opened For the use of electromagnetism in the modification of biological processes and in the manipulation, generally understood, of living organisms.


At the CELLULAR level, the following are verified:

- Activation of repolarization and permeability.

- Faster mitosis.

- Increase in DNA

- Activation of the metabolism of ions and oxygenation.

At TISULAR level they are checked:

- Development of collateral vascular circles.

- Reabsorption of edema.

- Accentuation of the phagocytic activity of leukocytes.

- Activation in the formation of fibrous connective structures.

- Osteoblastic activation.


In general it has been proven:

- Decreased rhythm of cellular respiration.

- Alteration of the cell proliferation mechanism.

- Alteration of carbohydrate metabolism.

- Altered hormonal response.

- Effects on membrane transport

- Effects on intracellular calcium concentration.

To briefly clarify these actions, we will talk about the three effects of electromagnetotherapy:

- Magnetization effect.

- Metabolic effects.

- Therapeutic effects.


- Molecular orientation: the molecules are aligned in an orderly manner.

- It is revealed at the membrane level.

- It depends on the permeability of the cell membrane and the restoration of the Na-K pump.

- There are microorganisms with magnetostatic properties formed by membrane and certain substance that contains iron.

- Before a CM, collagen fibers facilitate the architectural orientation of bone trabeculae by developing a better and faster bone callus.


- Tissue repair

- Trophies: Increased protein synthesis = increased DNA synthesis.

- Stimulants: Stimulate vision in twilight, among others.


- Painkiller

- Antiedematous

- The most general mechanisms of circulation are adjusted.

- Relieves and can heal: the painful and inflammatory conditions of SOMA and other systems.

- Inhibits the development of pathogenic germs



1- Normalize the cellular energy state.

2- Restores the ionic balance across the cell membrane.

3- Improves blood irrigation.

4- Promotes oxygen supply.

5- Produces changes in the hormonal response.

6- Promotes the intracellular concentration of calcium.

7- It can alter the cell proliferation mechanism.

8- Inhibits the development and function of bacteria.


- It has analgesic, antiflogistic and bacteriostatic action.

- It has cumulative effect.

- Its action is lasting.

- Well used does not offer any danger to the patient.

We have included these synthetic data on electromagnetotherapy because we believe it is essential that these elements be known to be able to assess the fundamental characteristics of pyramidal therapy in all its dimensions. The close relationship between the two energies and their similarity of biological and therapeutic actions makes the mysterious world with which the pyramidal environment has sometimes been surrounded more understandable and acceptable.

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