February 2011: The Deployment of the Polaris Skies channeled by Talyaa Liera

  • 2011

It's beginning. The world of magic that they have been creating, blowing into life, is beginning to take shape this month. This is the month in which some of the difficulties and uncertainties that arose in late 2010 and early 2011 begin to disappear, leaving new forms and glorious new designs in place. The life they are creating begins now. You already knew this, right? They knew that they would bear fruit their efforts, their cares, their intense questioning and deep anxieties. They knew it, otherwise they would not have persevered. You would not be here now, assuming this, beginning to receive the gifts that you are bestowing upon yourself.

It is a glimpse of the heavens.

Feeling at peace with the life choices you are making is essential and is one of the rewards that this month brings, even if the feeling is only temporary. You already knew this, didn't you? That things will continue to change, emerge and evolve. Life is not static. It does not stay in one place. No, their experiences are constantly changing as they create the next and the next and the next. The better you feel with this state of constant flow, the more you open to the gifts that you are constantly giving away to yourself. Be present, then, this month with the gift that you will receive at some time during the month, of feeling at peace - truly at peace - with your life choices. Use that feeling later as a touchstone to bring them back to the center, when life seems to be spinning around you uncontrollably, a whirlwind that leaves you breathless. Use the feeling you are going to create for yourself as a guide, a way back to balance, that allows you to regain perspective when you need it most.

This is how the heavens are.

Balance. Perspective. A feeling of fullness. A feeling of perfection, if only for that moment.

Can you feel this? Can you feel the potentials of this in your life? For next year?

This month sets the tone for the rest of the year. If they choose, the opening they now feel will provide a resting place, a containment space, for Anything they intend to create for the rest of the year. So choose wisely. What will go with you to the seasons to come? What works for you now? What changes - large or small - are necessary to help them achieve what they seek? In fact, what change can you make at this time that supports your creation? Take a moment, right now. Why wait? THIS moment can begin your journey.

Close your eyes and imagine your future. See your I-To-Come, in six months. Invite your creation to join them. See her, smile at her. Then look deeper: what has changed? What little thing has changed for you? Let this be molded and take shape in the eye of your mind. The change could be symbolic, metaphorical. Just watch that little thing. Then return to Now. Take note and allow the change you will create for the garden that grows within your life through your imagination, magic and vision.

What to Expect This Month


The month begins with anxiety for many people, a firmer transition from the year before to the next. If they feel inexperienced and not progressing, they might be maintaining resistance to the same change and creation they want to make. Try to imagine what it would feel like to be in a state of openness and unwavering acceptance and flow. If only for a moment. What could they feel in their body, their heart? What could change in your thinking patterns?

As the month progresses, they will feel changes in the patterns of how they see themselves, as they become more firmly rooted in the new reality they are beginning to create. Seek validation in glimpses of your new Self when passing in front of a mirror, or in the numbers on the clocks, if you have certain thoughts about your path, or on faces in a crowd, the colors that appear as they pass, or a Some sense of inner knowledge and righteousness.

Affirmation: I AM able to create in my life the magic I am looking for.


This month can be challenging for some in the field of relationships. The impulse, the desire, is to connect more deeply with those in your life, but the quicksand of the I can generate a feeling of precariousness that can serve to undermine the attempts of greater closeness. Be patient; the path they are following through deep work with the inner self will prove fruitful in their relationships, but probably not until later in the year. Understand that you are not the only ones on this path and try to maintain compassion and love for those around you, that you may feel as sensitive, and be as nervous, and as deeply in your path of self-exploration as you are. Be kind. Give love Be prepared to receive love in ways you did not expect.

Affirmation: I AM creating the love I desire.


As the world slowly leaves its isolation and passes deeper into the connection, there are repercussions. A kickback. This is a long process, but it pays off unexpectedly this month. Just as the uprising in Egypt captivated the attention of the world at the end of last month and this month, more signs of growing discomfort with What It Is and how we relate to each other Through the community, or lack thereof, they will continue to surface. Understand that for the most part there is little political motivation for change; the impulse comes from a desire to be seen and recognized as human. Politics is simply the convenient method of creating change, a cause to hold on to. They are awaiting this month that new light will be shed on flagrant violations of human rights and a necessary reaction as a result. They are also pending widespread reactions to significant change, which has already been manifesting for some time as a deterioration of individual rights and freedoms and a perspective of public protection ( which manifests itself as an increase in police status).

They can combat this by increasing their personal connections through the local community. They go to a neighbor. Bring food to those in need. Organize a campaign to collect warm clothes. Sing with friends. Cook together. Cultivate something. They create art together with others. Expand your personal energy sphere to the world in a conscious way that seems fun.

Affirmation: I AM the change I seek to create in my world.

Global Policy

The uprising in Egypt will create an energy dominance effect that probably does not have tangible effects until September. Meanwhile, however, governments continue to repress and maintain what feels like control in an ever-changing world. It is a losing battle, but this will not be truly apparent for years. Until then, expect continued political unrest combined with an increase in government controls and draconian laws.

Affirmation: I AM able to hold the space for changes in the world to come.

Earth Changes

Together with the personal changes that are taking place, their reverberations echo throughout the world. Restless lately because of the reports of massive numbers of animals that die suddenly? Prepare for more, many more similar reports, as the months go by. In addition, several portals are going to be opening all over the world as of this month, which will create the opening for sudden human disappearances and events like the Bermuda Triangle. As energy increases in movement throughout the world, changing realities increasingly become the norm.

How to navigate these changes and help support the evolution of the planet? Simply being open to change. Realizing that impermanence is the norm. Using his imagination to visualize the future, but remaining detached from expectations. Loving his expanding Being and the way they are.

Affirmation: I LOVE the magic that I am creating for the world.

Global Spiritual Changes

Sing a cosmic Kumbayá this month as you connect more deeply with the energies of the upper heart that are beginning to become more evident. Feel your heart expanding now as you tune in more and more with the rhythms of the Universe. Globally, the planet is preparing this month for the upcoming party: greater openings, space-time reality portals, visits and spontaneous awakenings (sometimes even at the mass level). The visualization made this month helps set the stage for the coming months.

Affirmation: I AM connected to the beats of the planet.

Copyright © 2010 Talyaa Liera. All rights reserved. All material on this page is protected by copyright laws in the USA. and international and cannot be cited or reproduced without the express permission of the author. All authorized reproductions, quotes or copies, complete or partial, must refer to the author's name and the Polaris Rising website, www.polarisrising.com

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Translation: Margarita López

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