The first word, lesson of Master Beinsá

  • 2013

"Good prayer" - prayer.

Sing "Everything in life is achievable."

Do you have a given topic? (- "No"). Then write about: "The influence of good thoughts and feelings."

Well, you must know how to juxtapose the good thoughts that Nature gives you . Man must feed good thoughts within himself, so that he does not destroy the meaning of his life. He must feed good feelings within himself, so that he achieves what he desires. You, for example, have certain desires, but you do not know the origin of your desires. Man's wishes play a big role. Now, when man refines in this way, he understands his feelings, because each feeling has a certain aspiration. Now I do not speak for feelings in the ordinary sense, for disposition, this is another matter. Feelings always give an internal aspiration. We can resemble human thought to that captain who is in the sea, and from afar he aspires, go somewhere. But he needs good feelings to achieve his goal. Good feelings, these are a Divine impulse, this is the influence of the Divine Spirit that works in the human soul.

Now, you sometimes stumble on the achievements of things or feel that there are some things you cannot achieve. You do not know the cause of why you cannot achieve essential things, I speak of essential works that you want to achieve. These achievements are not ones and themselves. These are different. You, for example, cannot make a flower grow without water. You cannot make a flower grow without light. You can ask why it is so. That's right, it has been observed that the light that the flowers have collected within themselves during the day, during the night time they build the material they have collected and put it to work.

Now in the lives of young people, what is the most difficult? Every difficulty that man encounters, for example, man feels that what he aspires to is unbearable for him, and he becomes discouraged. Now you must have a way for your achievements. Say, you can have a well, you can have the desire to draw water, you can have a bucket, but you have no rope. You are aware that something is unlovable. The other situation: There may be rope, you don't have a cube. Then two conjugations are necessary: ​​a cube and a rope. The third situation is that you must get down to work to work. When you lower the bucket and after filling it, you must take it out. So in every job you start, see if there is rope and bucket.

There are other difficulties that may trip you. Two things are necessary. Now, what can we resemble the rope? The rope is that invincible faith that man must have. Now, the other thing that can trip a young man is that this cube is so big that he can't take it out. Imagine now that this cube is one hundred kilos and you have filled it. Another difficulty comes. You fill the bucket, you can't take it out. So why do people have to help each other? As one cannot take out the cube, a second will come, a third, they will help each other. So, if the cube is small, this work can be done. If the cube is large, then in the world there must be help, understanding.

So I say, in consequence of this a series of needs appear for the study of things in the world. This is a simple job. But imagine that the one who helps you wants half of what you are going to get. You begin to negotiate on how much you will give him. The law is in Nature: Two people who work, what they take out, will divide it in half. In the animal kingdom it is not like that. In animals, which do not understand this law, strong animals take the largest piece, for the weak there is little left. There is no sense there, desires dominate. Psychologically you have to understand. Sometimes you are not ready to give people the right. Theoretically you give, but when you reach certain areas, you are not ready to give the right. These are moments, I will not affect them.

There is an area where young people always stumble. Take the law of eating. You are so hungry that in a given case you are not ready to give in. After feeding you are ready to give something. But while you have not eaten, you say: "I will satisfy my needs." Hey, well, imagine that you want to meet your needs and the food is given to you, as contests now occur in the world. The other who has arrived, is stronger than you, he understands more of humanism, you think about whether to give him the right or not. He begins to think differently, to use his strength. It oppresses you and takes your food. This occurs in animals. Look at the animals, in the same way they solve the question. The strongest dog will always drown the weakest and take the food. And they know, a weak dog when he sees the big one, drops what he has on the ground. I ask: in what order do you expect? A psychological situation that stumbles people. Hence the proverb that nothing is done with good in the world. Well, the strong solve very well, but the weak what do they have to do now?

You must be prudent. The weak, in no way can be stronger than the strong. So I want us to put the question of what and the young, and the old, have been sent to live on Earth. You have not been sent to fix your life. You think you can fix your life. It can be done, but you should know where you can fix it. That's why now you have to study. Nature has already taught man how to use Divine Love. The only thing in the world that fixes life, this is Divine Love. And you, when you think of Divine Love and connect with God, your mind should not be tied on the outside. You can look at the external forms. You must have full faith that what you want, Divine Love will help you achieve it. Since each desire is a Divine impulse. When you do something, we say that God does it. Therefore, God is the strongest. He will never leave you, no matter how weak you are. As he can, he will get the jobs done. But don't get discouraged, this is a law. You will ask if it is so or not. Try it! You will try the works.

Now the other situation. The other situation that we must keep in our mind is the following: You cannot have results, no matter how beautiful the seeds you have, you cannot have results until these seeds are not sown. Then the sowing will be from you. If you have the seeds and samples to him, to him, you tell the question scientifically about what will give light, but you have to sow the seeds, you should not wait for what People sow. In Nature, this is what you are given, if you sow it, you will have achievements. If you do not sow, you will keep this, how small you have. And often the misfortunes of life come from this, that you have not sown things. You have expected someone else to do something for you. And this is fine. This shows that everyone lives harmoniously. If people help each other, this shows that they have understood the Divine law. But suppose that people have not understood the Divine law. Because there is and another understanding of the Divine law. What is sown in Nature is for you. This, what you have not sown, you cannot use. So I say: Every good wish is a seed, we can say, that God has sown in your heart. If you don't take care of it, don't water it, you won't have fruit. You must water it so that you have fruit.

The other situation: When talking about these works theoretically, it is very easy. It says: You must tie friendship with someone . No, you must first know how to tie friendship, there must be a reason. After this the second situation: You must maintain this friendship. Simultaneously you cannot be friends with all people. Behavior you must have, there is an internal connection that connects people. Then we can say that the road we walk on is not a flat road, but this is a road that is extremely changeable. Let's say that in the beginning you can take many things to take them alone along the flat path. But imagine that you reach a path that has 85 degrees of slope and you climb this path. I ask then: how will you do it? Whatever you carry, you have to leave it. And when Christ said: "If we do not deny ourselves, " He understood that this steep Divine path will come, where you will leave everything below to achieve your goal. You will not trust him, you will trust only what you can get in the given case.

You somewhere need not many thoughts. A thought with which you can go out and achieve your goal, this is important for you. Therefore, you will see with what thought you will rise above. Which thought is the strongest and which feeling.

Now here an awakening of the Divine consciousness is required. You don't need to know how things have been created. Imagine that you get on a contemporary airplane or a car. It is another who drives the car, but you feel that you are traveling. Your car has to move. How will it travel, how are you going to drive it, this is another matter. When you enter the Divine life, you will not think about what will happen. Just see if it goes or not. If the car goes - it is Divine; If it crashes somewhere, it is human. If some things are unlovable, you have entered the human area; If things are attainable, you have entered the Divine area. When you are on this Divine path, you will go to the final goal you have. If that Divine consciousness arrives in every work you start, it will go, then the works will go well. Imagine that a feeling of fear is born in you. In this area, every thought and every feeling of fear - these do not do the Will of God. Fear is just a feeling that keeps you from things. Fear will always stop you from going somewhere in life. But fear is not a human feeling. Fear is an animal feeling. It is not that without fear you cannot. But fear should appear when you put a heavy load on your back, and that fear says, "Don't do it, you can't get it out."

Now, how are achievements in life distinguished? On a Divine path, man gradually has to be enlightened, expands, strength acquires the human mind and heart. More you, in a human process, when you enter, gradually your mind and your feelings are clouded there. You finally start to falter.

Now how are you going to differentiate whether the direction in which you move is Divine or not? If in the direction in which you move the light is increased, you are on a Divine path. If little by little this light diminishes, you are in the opposite direction. This is the human. Now such a reasonable young man has to understand. Life is severely determined. Do not fear in life. You will be connected to the Divine in whatever conditions you live, God will take you out of these. And what is to be scared? You have a captain, however bad it may be, God lives in him. God lives, but until you begin to believe in this.

So I say: There are people in whom God is manifested; there are people in whom God is not manifested. So how do you have to act? So you are often not manifested. Sometimes you do not act absolutely fair. With someone you act politely, kindly, it is nice to you, more with some you are negligent, not careful. But put in your soul the thought of whether or not you understand, set aside, put in your soul Divine Love and build upon it. Wait, but at the same time and you work.

I say: About these works as new things are spoken, they have to be understood. Why is the young man in the new order, in the Divine order? But this Divine order is a descent. The young man descends, the old man rises. As a result of this the young man sings, the young man does not feel difficulties, since he descends downwards, but this does not depend on him, this without him wanting it. The old man, however prudent, says: "Life is heavy." What is heavy? Is all this what the old man has collected, can he get it up? Look he has to leave. So now, while you are young, jobs go easily. When your work is rushed, you are old. It is not that life is heavier, but the ground on which you move changes. Or put another way, psychologically put: When you are under the influence of Divine Love and during the descent, and during the ascent the work is easy. When human love arrives, there work changes. There, in human love, all difficulties appear.

So now, solve the difficulty. Sometimes, when something appears, you can't solve it - you are in the human area. There are unresolved things that were in the past, now they are solved, and now there are difficulties that will be solved after a while. When the Divine arrives in the world, difficulties will more easily be solved. People need very little to have Divine Love. Because love sometimes and he swallows. Thus it is spoken, that love is immutable. How are you going to explain yourself, when the love of two people changes? It does not change, but it is swallowed, it has gone somewhere.

So it is good that man, in the worst conditions, has that invincible faith. What does faith appear then? Faith is a way through which love is maintained. So it is in the physical world. You have an invincible faith to keep love. This is already the scientific side - let's think. If you do not think, you will only be influenced by the consequences that may occur. In life we ​​see, for example, when the right arm stops working, the desire to move appears on the left arm. Where thoughts cannot achieve certain things, feelings appear. Where feelings cannot do something, comes thought. What are both hands for? - To help. What are the two ears for? - To help. What are the two eyes for? - To help. So if you understand the law of the two, this is a correlation.

What is the correlation of two to one? The law is true there. In a given case in each condition, how do you act? 1: 2 or 2: 1 - correlation have. Let's say that you are now scientists. How are you going to translate this in geometric form? You will give it form and space, you will know how to act. If it stays as a mathematical correlation, then you will understand the works, but you will not know how to work. Just now you begin to study Divine geometry. For you to achieve anything in life, you have to understand Divine geometry. You can't achieve something - you don't understand geometry. You say: "Can't you do it differently?" There is no other way. The geometry you have to understand it very well. You say: "One towards two." Now and in ordinary school they say 1: 2. Now suppose that one, this is God, and two - this is you. Correlation you have. What do you have to do now? That you think well of someone, this is that you find the mathematical correlation you have towards him and the geometric position. Now, if you cannot achieve something in life, you will say: "I am weak in geometry." Young people now need a study of geometry. Now I say the rule, how will you start the study of geometry?

Sometimes you go to some man, you don't know what to talk about. You are aware of saying something, but you are not aware of how to say it. You don't understand the geometry then. Long speeches are not required. Only one word is required, but you only know how to say it. There is no what, geometry is difficult now in life, people understand these laws well. When someone comes to go through a place, he looks for a place to go, looks for the thin side, to make a hole to get out, to find a place. And this is all the difficulty, you don't know the first word, you don't know what to say. And so far the scientific people search. There is a lost word that people search for and have not found. When you cannot achieve certain things, you do not know the first word. You talk a lot, but this, what connects things, you don't know. And so far they look for the lost word. Everyone searches. These scientific research to extend life, for health, thousands of things are there, but so far they have not found this word.

And so, for you you have to know, you must look for this word. He says: "Ideal has." You are looking for some ideal. The ideal is this word. The work is not as easy as you think. It is very difficult, it is very difficult when man does not have the first word he has lost, and it is very easy when he already has this word. You enter a restaurant, you have this word - a metal coin. You put your hand in your pocket, you have, you are happy. But imagine, you get in and there is nothing in you. The restaurant and he doesn't know you. Show him the first word. This is for clarification only. When you hope and have faith, you aspire towards this word. When you despair, this word is not there. When God said that the light be made, and the light was made. Just for one word He said. "Let us make man" and he did it. He says and things happen. It is this, the first word in the world, that creates, that gives space to the spirit, to the human heart, to human thought. Sometimes you say: "I will become a good man." Then another thought comes to mind: "Maybe I'll get there, maybe not!" This fork you have, this is not from the good life. In the good life there should be no fork. The fork must remain outside.

Now you will look for the lost word, since people do not move towards this word to find it. Now, it is the Divine Love that will lead you to the lost word. Now, imagine that I speak at a meeting of old people, 80, 90, 100 years old. Can I tell you about this that I speak to you? Can you say to an old man: "When you finish school"? The old man, when he is in school, then, has the desire to study and can study, he is in the Divine process. If you differ and say that my work is finished, your work is finished.

Imagine that I count you as old people, what will you understand? How do old people talk? You know? Often old people are so cautious, since they have very little energy, they don't waste their energy. Two prominent English poets, one goes to visit the other. As he was sitting for four hours, when he got up, they said with one word. One, the one who visited his friend, said: “I am very grateful for the good conversation we have had. I see that you are happy. ” That four hours you remain seated and that you say that you are happy, when you have not said a word, this is already a telepathic transmission of thoughts. If you go somewhere and people don't speak to you, this is already like these two Englishmen. Keep in mind that to achieve something, you need Divine Love. Now in life look for the lost word. What will be the meaning of your life, what will be the achievements in the future, this is an undetermined idea. One day, when you achieve this, then in you life will change. This, in that world they call growth. The growth of man occurs consciously and unconsciously. People now grow unconsciously.

How many of the things I've told you remember? What is the most important rule? In every situation, when man hears a beautiful speech or in Nature somewhere, he has to see what he can understand and that something remains. Every day something must remain in the human soul, some gift.

Now, what you have understood, you will try to apply. That is why now comes the law of prayer. The man must pray. Isn't it true that when you have a friend, you want me to do you a small favor? You will write letters to him, if he is far away, if he is near you will speak to him. If you speak to him nothing, if you expect him to remember himself, it is possible and that he remembers, and that you remember.

How do you remember? The man has to do a small favor. A young boy goes to a rich sick man who had no one to serve him. He leaves, takes the vessel, brings water and the patient is very grateful. The sick person knows that the boy is hungry, he has bread - he gives it. If he had not brought water - then the young man has agreed that the old man needs water, then the old man remembers that the young man needs bread. Correlation is this. You do something that is necessary for someone. Please, please This is a talk. That you carry the vessel, this is a talk. So always try to do favors for those who need, and your life will be corrected. That is why man, when he goes to God, has to study what God wants from him. The Lord wants something from the people. If you remember the Divine that is required, and the Lord will remember what you want. If you do not remember what He wants from you, and He will not remember. Love for love, right for right. Or how are you going to translate it? If you manifest love, and others will manifest it, if you do not manifest love, and others will not manifest it.

But now let's not get distracted. Remember: Those Divine desires that are placed in your heart, give it place.


The first word, lesson of Master Beinsá

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