Full interview with Brigitte Champetier de Ribes - Clinical Psychologist, Director of the Family Constellation Institute of Madrid

  • 2015

Full interview with Brigitte Champetier de Ribes, Clinical Psychologist, Director of the Institute of Family Constellations of Madrid and author of several books, explains the evolution of this technique that has gone from being a psychotherapy to being a group connection that seeks healing by opening to a field that is beyond the field where the problems occurred.

Brigitte Champetier de Ribes

M17940 clinical psychologist
Director of the Institute of Family Constellations of Madrid

Born in 1947 in Morocco, since the age of 8 in Paris. In 73 he will live in Spain where he founded a family, he has three children.

Professor of Baccalaureate for 20 years, is now on leave to devote himself exclusively to Family Constellations.

Full interview with Brigitte Champetier de Ribes, Clinical Psychologist, Director of the Family Constellation Institute of Madrid

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