Ense spiritual teachings with messages from Master Enoch , Akalisun digital book

We are pleased to present you the digital book of our sister Akalisun, here is an excerpt: ———————– Master Enoch told me to write this book to facilitate the process of all human beings who want to grow and be everyday better. We are all eternally students and teachers. When I was told in 1988 that I had to prepare myself to be a good spiritual guide, I felt bad because I knew I was not prepared, and what is worse, I was lost and not knowing where to start. That is why I sought help in other human beings who were considered spiritual teachers, and thus I went from one disappointment to another because I did not find in them what was sought. This search led me to take advantage of my good wishes and the illusion, little by little, became a disappointment. At that time I did not know that the really important thing is the message and not the messenger. Thanks to all of them I have been able to get here, for which I am eternally grateful, especially to my Spiritual Masters who have been with me despite my mistakes and my falls. You learn more from mistakes than from successes, although what has cost me the most to learn is not to look outside what we have inside. That is why I write this manual with the desire to facilitate this process that for me has been difficult and lonely, but also enriching and fascinating. In this manual I convey my personal experience, but the most important are the messages of Master Enoch that I have channeled in these years and that have taught me so much. Unlike other Spiritual Masters, Enoch teaches about daily life, helps us find the bright side of things and answers questions we all ask ourselves. I hope and wish that this manual will help you and facilitate your walk along the spiritual path. With love at the service. Akalisun 1-TEACHING


Wanting to be more spiritual implies a series of changes and sacrifices in our lives. Many are called spiritual and the only thing they have done is replace a thing that no longer satisfied them with a new one. They have not understood that being spiritual is a continuous work that forces you to a series of changes that you have no choice but to accept. Some choose the spiritual path simply because they don't like their life. They seek an incentive or support to continue living. Others because they find in this a food for their egos. These are the ones who want to know everything, they do all the courses they can but then they don't put anything into practice. They lose money and, worse, the time they could spend working to be happy. There are those who are only interested in the power that knowledge gives and know more than anyone else. These are the most dangerous because they have no scruples, they take advantage of the good intentions and goodnesses of the people and believe that by doing a weekend course they are experts in the field. Spirituality is wanting to be better every day and for that you have to work hard and leave many things on the road. Also let go of people who are not already in your vibration. Think differently generating new ideas, change the customs and concepts, which have already become obsolete, change the mental chip . Until now we had information that was valid for us and we were satisfied with the answers they gave us but that has changed. The acceleration that this planet is going through means that many things are changing and very fast. Of course, the human race as being linked to the earth also has to change. We cannot stay in the old man we were, we have to be that man capable of seeing things under another prism. Without fear, with courage and looking for information that we don't have and that we need. Nor can you keep the first thing a person tells you that everything he transmits is based on his personal experience and his way of being, or worse still to believe that the only truth is that which is taken from the books. written by men and manipulated according to their convenience. In the Age of Pisces men acted under beliefs that marked them in all aspects of their lives and true or not, no one put them in question. The power to exist did not exist, they were subject to different religions, beliefs and customs. Age of Pisces, old man: He believes that God is a judge and vengeful He believes that God is out of him He deserves punishment for his sins He is born a sinner At this time the human race has evolved and what were once unquestionable truths They have become meaningless teachings. In their time they served some humans who had a very limited conscience, but the time has come to remove the straw from the seed and behave as what we are, children of God, co-creators with him. Age of Aquarius, new man He knows that God is within him We are able to create with our thoughts All beings have the right to be happy There is no sin There is neither evil nor good, everything is adequate if we learn of our actions The first time one of my Masters told me this last I did not understand or accept it, so I want to explain it to you: Every human being is in a certain vibration . Depending on its vibration, it will act. You and I would be unable to kill either in the name of a nation of a political party or of religious ideas. However, there are people who are spiritually still asleep and believe that if they make a terrorist attack they reach God more easily. They have to evolve to realize the damage they cause and the uselessness of their actions. Hence the fact that there is neither good nor bad. Of course it is bad to kill but for the conscience so limited of the terrorist it is a good because he believes that with that act he is with God. Then, when one day we uncover the veil of ignorance and decide to find answers to questions we have asked ourselves throughout our lives such as: Who am I? What have I come to do here? What is my mission? Only at that moment we find that a new world opens before our eyes, a world that gives us the possibility to: FLEE: From a reality that we don't like. SEARCH: Answers to the questions we ask ourselves. CONNECT: With other realities that make us forget ours. FIND US: With new capabilities we didn't know we had. DISCOVER: That what has happened to us has also happened to other people. CREATE: our own religion. FEEL: That we are not alone. RECOGNIZE: Our own weaknesses and potentials. THINK: Gradually differently and individually. OPEN: To the truths of the Universe. LEARN: Detachment and not tie yourself to anything or anyone. SACRIFY: Your wishes whenever necessary. LOVE: To be able to love others. LIVE: Every day as if it were the last of your life. GIVE: To others what you want them to give you. SERVE: To everyone who needs to be served. The latter is perhaps one of the most difficult lessons to convey because it has to be felt. If you do not feel that you have to serve your neighbor it is very difficult for you to do it because you will not even realize when the Universe gives you the opportunity. Before your eyes will go unnoticed. It is important that you have the clear concept. If you are not willing to serve you have not yet entered the spiritual world. ———————–

From this link you can download the complete book:

AKALISUN - Spiritual teachings with messages from Master Enoch

(Enoch) If you wish to contact her you can do it in A hug in the Light,

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