Diseases of the territory, conquering my interior territory

  • 2016

Human beings like animals have an instinct. That instinct seeks survival: having food, shelter, security, reproduction, fighting and flight, etc. In our reptilian brain the instinctive functions for our survival are housed. The situations of insecurity that we live in, those that make us feel that our survival is at risk activate this brain by programming it in a way that acts impulsively. Various situations can lead us to generate reactions of this kind, from the most extreme to others so everyday that they are often seen by us as "normal." Some of them are domestic violence, displacement, abandonment of parents, terrorist attacks, attacks by peers, etc., which activate our reptilian brain who acts fighting or fleeing to survive. These experiences are recorded so deeply in us that if we do not become aware of them, they end up dominating our life.

Within Eastern cultures concepts have been generated where the disease is related not only to the biological part of the human being but also the whole set of experiences, emotions, thoughts, etc., associated with the disease. From the perspective of the Indians (those of India) we talk about the chakras as wheels of energy found in our body, with functions, colors, organs, emotions, associated diseases; Chinese medicine tells us about elements also associated with organs of the body and that in imbalance can generate certain diseases. From a psychological and more western perspective we can talk about neo-Jungian archetypes, psychosomatic diseases and the School of New Thought. All this is not countless scattered information, with different theories and postures, but instead they are related to each other and that observing with a broader mind can lead us to a healthy life, in coherence and with greater well-being.

The interior territory and various positions

The experiences related to survival correspond to the Muladhara chakra or first chakra, the element is water, the archetype is the Innocent and the thoughts are all those related to trust and territory; but that territory can only be balanced when not only the first but the second chakra or Swadhisthana chakra is balanced.

The first chakra is the security in the territory, the self-knowledge of reality and corporality, the desire to live. It is the rooting of man, his ability to have his feet on the ground, he is in charge of processing the energy food. The adrenal glands are those that defend the territory, responsible for survival, if we have no security, if we continuously strive to protect our territory it is these glands that keep the organism in stressful situations through the synthesis of corticosteroids. The first chakra governs the spine and kidneys, also represents the amount of physical energy and the will to live. Since it relates to Mother Earth and therefore the material, it also has to do with money, food, security. If you do not feel safe, if you consider life and the world to be a rugged place where you should seek survival then you probably have an imbalance in this chakra. In imbalance this chakra can produce dependency relationships that lead us to ideas such as “I can't live without you”, if the chakra is blocked the person has problems with feet and legs “I don't have feet on the ground”, “I imagine things that are out of reality. " Overloaded this chakra generates anxiety and stress.

Swadhisthana chakra or the second chakra is the loving contact with the mother in which I discover that there is an other where we meet the other giving life and love, it is our ability to give and receive love and pleasure; It produces physical and sexual pleasure, passion for the things we do, ability to get closer to others, the ease to project in society transcending, leaving a mark. This center is related to the testicles in men and the ovaries in women, in general the entire sexual apparatus and gonads, with the emotional world. It keeps memories of the past that deeply affected us, it is the creative energy. It is here where dependencies arise by sex, excessive sexual desire or the total loss of sexual desire. Overloaded produces anger, aggressiveness, addiction, worldly emotions.

The first and second chakra are those who feed the water element of Chinese medicine. Water is what preserves the information. Information is the tool that has consciousness to give meaning and meaning; It also saves energy and vital essence, gives will. Water corresponds to the kidneys and genitals, the adrenal glands that, as we had said, seek to defend the territory, the bones that give firmness, the metabolism, the bone marrow that gives confidence and the brain. When the water is spent the brain goes into decline, osteoporosis occurs in the bones, problems occur in the genital areas.

On the other hand, given the lack of security in our territory, the shadow of the Archetype of the Innocent appears. The Innocent is expelled from paradise and must conquer his inner territory, but acts from his somber aspect: "I have no one to trust", he is afraid of not being accepted, of being abandoned ; That is why, in his need for acceptance, he generates dependence and seeks his father and mother in the relations he establishes with others. So in his fear he seeks to be safe in the company of another and thinks "I cannot live without you", "my life without you makes no sense" .

Exercises to recover the interior territory

To regain confidence, security must first conquer our inner territory. We must start by working on our self-esteem.

  • Using healing phrases like I love and accept myself as I am, I feel safe in my territory, repeating them constantly throughout the day.
  • Another practice you can perform is to massage the Zhi Shi seat of the will, this is the resonator of trust, located between the first and second lumbar vertebrae three inches from the midline, which brings out the fear you have saved.
  • Perform exercises that connect you to the ground to unlock your first center, one of them consists of standing with the feet at the same distance from the shoulders, straight back and legs slightly bent, breathe calmly while maintaining this position Everything you resist.
  • Recognize the unmet needs of the inner child, without judging it, give yourself a hug with love filling you with the protection you did not have when you were little.
  • Perform breathing exercises establishing a constant rhythm, start a relaxation allowing the stress that you have subjected to your body and your mind to decrease for so long.
  • Making a process of conscious acceptance where I enrich myself with the situation, I learn from it, there is a change in me.
  • To clean the first chakra you can perform exercises such as moving the toes, turning the ankles, turning the knees, shaking the legs.
  • To clean the second center, turn the hip in circles with the hands at the waist, raise the legs to chest height, turn the trunk.

When we conquer our interior territory we will be able to surrender ourselves in the Totality

Author: JP Ben-Avid

Editor of the hermandadblanca.org


Aldana, Graciela. (2003). Of archetypes, stories and paths. Creativity and innovation editions.

Roa, Hector. (2016). Lecture series Health, energy and awareness. The 5 Elements and the 12 Archetypes of consciousness. International Association of Sintergética.

Brennan, Barbara. (1993). Healing hands Martinez Roca Editorial.

Form. Retrieved on August 18, 2016 from http://www.formarse.com.ar/chakras/primer_chakra.htm

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