January 2013 / The natural rhythm by Grandma Aya

  • 2013

“There is a natural rhythm of things that can be observed in nature. In that rhythm there is an implicit wisdom, which if observed is a source of great knowledge. ”Aya

The rhythm is the harmony of what is repeated, you just have to listen to the beating of the heart to understand it. Actually everything throbs in the universe, that throbbing is what gives the stars shine, it is what allows the stars to move, that the plants grow, that the sun rises, is the heartbeat of the galaxy.

This rhythm is a program that is repeated, at all scales, throughout the universe, so that there is harmony, unity in diversity, beating without stopping. It is contraction and expansion, sound and silence, stillness and movement.

Upon succeeding it also marks a natural time, marks the seasons, the sunrise, the arrival of the night, the ripening of a fruit, the birth of a baby, the growth of a plant.

Gaia is the guardian of the rhythm of things on the planet, she is the director of the beating orchestra, when this paradise was created the beings infused that rhythm like a divine breath, from that moment of infusion the natural rhythm began and continues until now.

This does not mean that this rhythm has not been interrupted several times, which for various reasons has stopped, to start again, at another level, reset.

On one of those occasions when he stopped, the moon was created so that the sky marked the harmony of the natural.

The feminine is linked to that pulsation, which is transfigured in phases, the moon is the manifestation in the sky of that rhythm that in its development is a process.

That beat is recognized by the heart of all living beings, it is the connection with the heart of the planet, it is the way to feel beings as old as I, the grandmother.

Earth and moon are twinned with the sun in the particular dance that moves them through the universe, in ancient times, the ancients were governed by the phases of the moon to count the days, that was the calendar, the natural rhythm of things, the lunar and solar rhythms, the solstices and the equinoxes. The dance twists of three moving in the universe.

During the Lemuria it was counted in thirteen periods, it was counted in phases of 28 days, they preserved the memory of the history of the planet, they also maintained the balance of the masculine and the feminine, recognized the cycles of the sister moon.

Observing the phases of the moon gives another vision of time, we invite you to return to the knowledge of the lunar, to feel the permanent rhythm of expansion and contraction, of the coming and going of the waves of the sea, to understand the changing of the feminine, to understand the illusion, the projection of emotions.

The sister moon is an information projector initially linked to reproduction, to the attraction between opposites to procreate, to the perpetuation of species on earth, that was her primary mission to be placed by the creators of Gaia.

In her same ascension process, sister Luna lived a metamorphosis, now she is an agent of evolution, of transformation of emotions to help transcend them, to reach the internal balance.

She teaches to heal distorted emotions by projecting in its heyday the reflection of the past of everything that has already happened and left a mark on the earth. She exists so that the distortions to be transcended are evident.

That is why I invite you again to recognize its phases, to live to the rhythm of its phases.

The animals retain in their design the connection with the lunar cycle that is associated with fertility, with life, with the songs of birds, with flowering, with the height of butterflies

Women also have in their biological program a link with the moon phases, so their emotions move at that rate, so the feminine accepts the feelings.

Each lunar phase with its nuances serves a purpose:

Novilunio's three-night window celebrates silence, the perception of inner light is amplified, the inner voice is clearer, dreams are premonitory, teachings are received. The emotions are calmer, the vision is held fluidly, the external is witnessed, the illusion is discriminated. Great ideas are created in the darkness and silence of the new moon. The land is prepared, the land is plowed.

Then it appears at night, that first line, a drawing in the sky, a romantic moon, which looks out in the afternoon, which shines in a smile. This phase is when the intention arises, it is an act of creation, something very small begins, a seed that is sown, an idea that is clarified, a cell is divided, a first movement, everything is in gestation.

After that night the order is to grow, the sister moon grows in rhythm of phases to reach the center, to the balance, to a state of being carried away, that nature takes its course, concrete what is only a possibility. So that in this cumulative action is the increase, nutrition, while the light continues to grow until it reaches its balance with the dark. The crescent phase has reached the middle of gestation, this first stage of the crescent moon has been completed.

The growth continues in mathematics, the energy is forged, increasing more and more light, the sister moon is gradually completed in the sky, becomes a cup, from there drink the poets, the magicians, those who do not fit, The seekers, the wise bellies. The energy goes up, the thought is activated, the action begins, the decisions are clarified, the paths to follow are opened.

It reaches its maximum increase, the Plenilunio, a three-night window with the sister moon reflecting at its highest level, with its light coming from the reflection, from the interaction with the sun and the earth.

At this point you can feel countless emotions, everything is more intense, sometimes with a chaotic sensation, an impulse out of control. Here comes the great opportunity to see yourself in the reflection.

The stay of the three days and nights of Plenilunio is the entrance to the so-called Hall of Mirrors. In that room comes everything that needs to be seen, recognized and healed. We invite you to observe yourself, to feel inside this room.

The full moon has always been celebrated and it continues to be celebrated on earth, with ceremonies, rituals, magic, the harvest cycle, these nights tend to expand, to dare to do things, to say what feel, urge to complete what had begun.

We talked about the opportunity to see each other, to observe the emotions these days, in this window, to surrender to the experience, to discover if it is the past that repeats any wound, if it comes from childhood, if it is the child Inmate who needs containment, if it comes from another life, from another person, from some entity.

By becoming a witness, responsibility is taken, the past is clarified, the door of dimensions is opened, the heart is reached.

Again the sister moon begins to wane, during this period she returns to the center, darkness and light in balance as it decreases. The waning is giving space to the growth, the harvest is collected, what has been done is evaluated, what is not working is corrected, the introspection is returned.

On an emotional level, the intensity decreases until returning to the center, a great opportunity to calibrate, leave behind what is known, what does not work, diminish what is not wanted and increase what is wanted and ascend to a higher level .

Each time the influence of the moon on Gaia will be felt more, above all, there will be turbulence while the cycle is restored to a new higher frequency.

So I say goodbye to my, waiting for my invitation to be heard and activated.

Grandma Aya

Moons / January 2013

Ebb. January 1 2013 brings in its frequency the reflection on power, control and patriarchy, start by observing them in you.

Ebb. January 2 If you focus on the negative, you bring to your physical body emotions that feed on your energy, which lower your vibration.

Waning January 3. Getting the creative, divine voice is given in intimacy, it is facilitated if you write, if you sing, if you meditate.

Waning January 4. Focus on what you want for your life one and many times, in enjoyment, so you can get it flowing, without pushing

Waning fourth January 5. Put on the scale, weigh what was said, what was done, stop to return to your center.

Waning January 6. Going inside is the best way to tidy up the contradictions you see outside.

Waning January 7. Accepting what we have is one of the most important tasks of emotional healing, if we resist what existence is giving us we suffer.

Waning January 8. Always keep your vibration high is to observe your emotions without getting hooked, if you get hooked quickly release the guilt, the autocast and return to the center.

Waning January 9. Everything has its time, its rhythm, it is useless to try to accelerate something that has not yet matured, the constant is change, the lesson wait patiently.

Waning January 10. Leave the fatalistic view of life, fatalism is a dark, depressing entity, appreciate what has been learned and move on with hope.

Novilunio January 11. From darkness, from silence, creation is born, the light is from allowing with vulnerability that life is born.

Novilunio January 12. When there is chaos in your environment you can stay in the eye of the hurricane to stay in the center.

Novilunio January 13. The physical separation of someone loved opens the ancestral wound of abandonment and the opportunity to heal it is amplified.

Growing January 14. Moving in a timely manner means following the sequence of synchronicities that guide you.

Growing January 15. When changing beliefs many people who were close leave your life, letting them go lovingly is desirable.

Growing January 16. While defining the things that no longer apply to you, observe patiently until the new ones arrive.

Growing January 17. The intuitive voice is always present, it never stuns you, but always whispers that you choose what gives you peace.

Growing January 18. The old paradigm of defense, of perpetual resistance, the struggle inside and outside, it is time to let it go.

Fourth growing January 19. The external can be confusing, while the internal never lies, it always shows the truth.

Growing January 20. Birth is the glory of the continuation of life in the universe.

Growing January 21. Respect and honor your past, your ancestors, so the healthy ones, without judgment, appreciate all that has been lived, take it to your heart and let the emotion come out, recognize it, let yourself be compassionately carried away.

Growing January 22. Speak from the heart telling your truth, follow the first intuition, breathe it, express it compassionately.

Growing January 23. Purify your words, your thoughts, do not allow fears, let your throat express itself with singing, with mantras, with poetry.

Growing January 24. Make your enemies Hoponopono and transform them into your teachers, your friends.

Growing January 25. Your heart is linked to the heart of your country, of your territory, remember to send the best of you when you think about it, when you feel it, when you speak it.

Plenilunio January 26. Watch where emotions come from, express them creatively, let them out turned into roses, perfume, poems.

Plenilunio January 27. Choose the coherence in your life, if you feel or think something with which you identify, live it, walk it, beyond what is right, of what has been learned.

Plenilunio January 28. If you have a toxic relationship with someone, take a break, retreat until the wound that produces it heals.

Waning January 29. When you take a position for or against something or someone, you are giving strength to what you like.

Waning January 30. Purifying yourself can also progressively diminish what you eat, toxic emotions, situations that take away your peace.

Waning January 31. A new cycle begins, one more turn to the spiral, thanks the step ascended.

Abjini Arráiz


January 2013 / The natural rhythm by Grandma Aya

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