The Silence of a World Convocation BEGINS TO LISTEN then let's join APRIL 13

  • 2011

The Silence of a World Call: it is already LISTEN !

Then: " " ... by Luz Celeste.

Can be.

The daily life of our life, the natural, sympathetic and cruel that surrounds us, but our heart is accelerated by events ... We begin to shout silently that we can choose to live better, and impact with our thoughts, actions and words (coherence) all our surroundings ... That is not simply a wish: <> ... No. It is deeper than that ... In silence and little by little we begin to feel in our hearts that this change must come from us ... The result, followed by that silence, with your inner self is: CHANGES.

And like any change: FEAR and Surprises ... but also pains, disagreements, illnesses, detachment, sadness, anxieties, bitterness, sleep, hunger, tiredness, anger, insomnia, physical discomfort, emptiness, fatness, weaknesses and above all things: QUESTIONS IN SILENCE : Because nothing fills me ?, What will happen to me ?, Why would I say that ?, That (e) is NOT ME !!, My God help me !!!, Will it be that I have gone crazy? What is this I am doing ?, I want to leave but I also want to stay ... What do I do ?, Because nobody can understand me ?, Will it be that I am getting older ?, That I do not leave or it will be better that I do not return? ! Etc, etc, etc ... this and much more PASS: IN THERE ... IN SILENCE ...

Initiative of: ONE ! 11

This space sister and brother of the LIGHT ... I will be dedicating it especially ... to YOU. Yes! To you. To you Jimmy, to you Héctor, to you Pavel Hernández, to you Marina, to my beloved Ali and Manuelle, to you dear Annie, to you dear Raquel, to you beloved Eleonor, to you beautiful Luz Castaño, to María, to Aracely, also to Melida, Francisco and Bruno, Carlos Enriques and Melida, and so to all my beloved companions of this portal ... that I have known for some time, with their thanks, devotion, forgiveness, astonishment, promises, prayers and also debates that lovingly form, to express in some way, all HIS SILENCE.

I AM Light Blue. My name of Service on the Planet is Adalay. Greetings from the infinite love of Father Mother Life God who unites us lovingly through everything created in this and in all planes of consciousness ... I come with our Light from heaven here on earth to encourage, support and make you feel in Some time when you read us, it is YOU who wrote these words ... That is my promise to you in the here and now. They are not alone. I was born a woman in a humble body and life, devoid of all the slightest that anyone can have physically, spiritually and emotionally ... I have passed and continue to do so, the most unusual barriers of our human life: without father, only daughter, diseases, loneliness, rejection, abandonment, hatred, misery, poverty, isolation, oblivion, struggles for everything, divorce, father-mother alone, more struggles for everything and TESTIMONIES to give away. About three years of life here, I felt that everything was weird: nothing WAS MINE: NOTHING . Neither people nor ANYTHING, and I just cried and cried in front of a tall shop window mirror, and in doing so I touched my jet hair and like magic I suddenly felt fine and my tears dried up: I listened inside of me, that something comforted me It was magical and timely. All my comfort in my childhood, in this place I was. The photos of the time, evoked me until the aromas of mothballs of that time.

From a very young age I knew it was SPECIAL but in my little mind I thought it was: that I was going to win the lottery. And I thought how I could attend to all the people, that one by one they asked me for help with that money? How innocent, but how significant at the same time.

Around me Nothing told me that I was That which I felt inside of me I grew up and developed against wind and tide: SOLA . And the relief and love I felt in front of the shop window, my mom tore it off, with threats at age 7. One day I thought being very young: Because nobody knows me as I am ? and in my chest I heard very clearly, a voice: << US Yes >> What Us: WHO? It was there when in retrospect I SAME, I reached my two years of age: AT THE GREAT ESCAPAR and the cries and it was true: MY ANGELS AND GUIDES IF YOU KNOW WHO IT WAS since return . Now is when I SEE AND UNDERSTAND, I will say more well: I allow myself and I open my CONSCIENCE to RECEIVE understand it.

The story is long and beautiful, but little by little I will be sharing and making you understand that I, like you, monthly receive so many glorious releases of changes, phases, moons, suns, planets, equinoxes, among other fascinating channeling, etc. but we are going through many times at times that do not match what we are reading, doing, much less thinking: NEITHER LIVING these brothers is what I want to encourage and support. And tell them that only with a little bit of intensity and open the heart RECEIVE AWARENESS WHAT IS COMING FROM HEAVEN FOR EVERYONE what has not happened to them in years, will they be able to live in days, in hours or in a moment. That is: AWARENESS. AWARENESS. NEW AWARENESS.

I know that they are Beings that feel how wonderful they are, but they get frustrated because even though their high readings tell them: <>, in practice and in their daily life, it IS NOT THAT (for now).

Awareness, but: AWARE ! 11

Thousands of questions I feel in my Heart ... coming from their consciences ... Divine help is coming as never before in our entire planetary history. It is here for all of us, it is the most EXCITING TRUTH ... Aja: << But what do I do with that? How do I start receiving it and using it? I am a wonderful being of light but because nothing goes well for me? ... Because everyone instead of supporting me, rather disappears? ... What do I do with all the info I receive ?. I better not READ MORE because I am overwhelmed ... Because they cost me so much to achieve my goals ?, <>.

These and a hundred more questions are and are born every day of their souls ... And I know it because that way, I already traveled it and depending on the levels of consciousness and progress that I implement day by day, I can say with humility, that I still live and know I'll keep living it And at each level of progress I know that I need: pray, meditate and give permission to heaven: AWARE. AWARE. AWARE. AWARE. AWARE. AWARE. AWARE. AWARE.

Brothers, these messages of Faith, Love, Support and Hope that I will communicate to you will be addressed to all of you initiated and guided from Heaven, who need to SUSTAIN definitely in your world (in and around) everything that this planetary change brings, which sprinkled spring. And that speaks in SILENCE, of something we know as: LOVE <PEACE BUT FOR THE WORLD IN Yes, for the dense of this plane, for the duality, or as you want to say or see.

It is not and never will be that we will lose everything and we are crazy to tie…

It is not and never will be.

This is a Great Silent and Deep Revival that is ONLY IN OUR INNER WORLD, therefore, it ONLY develops slowly from the inside out. With each step and CONSCIOUS intension: we make it slow or very fast, preserving of course the first Universal Law that governs us: Free Will . This great Almico AWAKENING, as they make sense too, will never be in religions, dogmas, cultures, rites, juggling or influences ... IT IS NOT OUTSIDE OR IN ANY OTHER SIDE THAT IS NOT IN OUR OWN SOUL AND HEART. It is individual and at the same time everything in ONE. It is like an ONLY Seal imprinted in our Being that belongs to us, but at the same time it links us with a single will and life, coming from our Father Mother Life GOD and returns us to what we are: UNIVERSAL DIVINE LIGHT. Winged CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS of Father Mother BE! As explained by Our Arc Michelangelo: << We are intertwined with 11, 000 souls and in turn they with 11, 000 more souls ... and thus the entire planet ...: that is why WE ARE ONE 1 >>

The time on the LINE is over. !eleven

We have everything that we had never received before from Heaven here on earth: They are Angels, ARC ANGELES, Doctors of Heaven, Patriarch Elders, Cosmic Schools, Ascended Beings and Family Members, Guides (reincarnated and in Spirit), Christic Concerts, Teachers of all the Specialties, The Divine Mother, Universal Cosmic Rays, Devas of Nature, Beings and Brothers of the Intra and Supra terrain, Parallel Realms, Sylphs, Air Ripples, Elementals of all the KINGDOMs, all at our side caring for, and giving protection and constantly watch over our humanities ... and how NO? .. If that was the pact. They just need us to ask to REMEMBER: that it was done and it will be.

All our FRIENDS AND BROTHERS from heaven WANT TO SEE US COME FORWARD ... that is ALSO THEIR MISSION HERE ... then get to work ...

Let NObody be left behind ... If you read the WHITE BROTHERHOOD it is because YOU ALREADY RECEIVED THE " 'CALLED ' '... WE ALL as a SINGLE HAND ... in heaven and earth WE NEED YOU. Time is running out. DO YOU NOT FEEL IT?

The inner and profound work of changes and SPIRITUAL energy, in each one of us is already advanced ... Los Angeles and Masters of Heaven ... and nobody, not even THE DIVINE LIGHT ... can come if you DON'T GIVE THE PERMIT explicitly in each moment and in each place, so that they continue to evolve in our planetary help. We return to the Source of Divine Creation itself ... we gave our permission before returning, but again we must renew it and that touches NOW ...

New and Abundant Life: ALLOW IT! 11

Everything you might be wondering about what will come, is intrinsically linked to what we BELIEVE. If we think the worst ... we will see ... Remember that NOTHING we think nefarious, dark, fear and terror comes from the SOURCE OF GOD in Us. The entire divine plan on the Planet is life and eternal life. We are Lightworkers ... and so that you can RE-LIVE IT AGAIN, we have co-created positive changes of new eternal life many times before, for all creation. It is for this reason that we now return with experience, regrets and love, to HELP this beautiful planet MOTHER, in its normal evolutionary change, to move on to another cycle. Always for the better… It will never be bad for anyone… What are we afraid of DYING?… We must get out of that ignorance once and for all… Soon, our CONSCIOUSNESS, that black veil of falsehood, that our cultures have imposed on us death. Everything begins to fall by its own weight, and we light workers must be the speakers of those truths, which explode which volcano erupts, in and around us. Let us declare our SPIRITUALITY freely and naturally, and all the support and light of New Life will begin to materialize coherently and in the same way. Others have said and done it with aberrant situations, because NOT to do it, with something so DIVINE and PURE of the Skies of GOD in us.

To resurface and assume all that FORCE of NEW LIFE that is in your BEING, which is TRUTH and IF YOU CAN reach… you must open to RECEIVE, to Ask for everything that by divine law corresponds to you: here and now. That is NEW LIFE and in Abundance ... The veils of ignorance, oblivion, obscurity and falsehood in which for many centuries in duality, we have been irremediably immersed, also love many mistakes made in all our pasts, fall. But if those veils fall and we DO NOT take the PERMIT - LO, nothing will happen ... That's where it comes to experience the true FAITH, Hope and Constancy that has always been spoken.

It's like looking with your family, getting warm on a winter night ... it's exactly the same ... It's an inside decision ... that consciously MUST be taken and benefits us all ... nobody will do it for us and I need you to move forward, we are ONE with the SOURCE of BEING. The planet needs you, the Universe needs you, the Cosmos needs you, The Galaxy needs you, the Central Sun of the Galaxy needs you: Can you see it ?, can you FEEL IT NOW? ... that WE ARE ONE 1: in you “Here and Now ! ”11

The call is WORLD-UNIVERSAL. Change the most beloved land, change the Solar System: we all change. Likewise, the call is for you and each of you who are reading these lines and want to call a friend or friend and get excited. He finishes reading and looks for his family and calls his children to meditate, pray and connect with the UNIVERSE ... The call IS NOT for an AWAKEN Elite Group that has already achieved its PLAN and from far away, they speak to us ... the call of the Planetary Ascension is also yours and mine, belongs to everyone ... It is ours here on earth and in many more kingdoms. That is why my call for CONSCIENCE and unconditional support: To You; 0

That it is true that we see thousands of dear people, known and not so much, who DON'T WANT TO KNOW THIS OR THAT and have decided to continue "SLEEPING": it is true. But as my guides told me on May 26, 2006 ...: <> < ... >> ... It is something like that we would like to eat a green papaya, or a green mango ... do they see it better? ... That means that despite wanting to help them and insist, as they are not ready or in their time, we only have observe them and wait: THAT THEY MATURE and / or evolve spiritually, according to their free will. Let us understand, then, that YOUR Teachers and Guides will also be working in depth.

Help Celestial Teacher

A new compass of HELP opens. And as above it is below, say the Masters.

Master Jesus says it in the channeling of April 11 , through the Rosa María Mammitah Christian channel: <> Everything is perfect and coherent, the plan is coherent: ALLOW, ALLOW >> the teachers say ...

To that and many more things WE MUST BE AWAKEN… it is true that IMMENSE TONS OF DIVINE LIGHT IS COMING TO OUR BEING… but the nothing of the dark, they make and will make war in and around… obviously including ourselves, because we were the ones who CREATED THEM in some way, ever…

The so-called Energy.

It is time for the Union and it is the Vocation of my Soul that speaks. We are NOT ALONE NEVER ... and now less ... because in each edition, through this Tarima Portal for everyone to WAKE GLOBAL SOUL ... they will also have someone simple, humble and Warrior LIKE YOU, who with only 10 years of CONCENT celestial guidance, he has barely a year and a half that he found out on the internet, that all HIS changes, HIS life itself, synchronicities, communications with Guides and Angels, sleepless nights, leaving everything, retreats, his strange pains and healed alone, loneliness, laughter, cries, numbers, dreams, nightmares, forebodings, hunches, sorrows, joys, longing to return to another place and especially MIRACLES ... is a Divine Planetary plan, which concerns all with me and with me all. I am like any serious sick person who discovers how to heal and when leaving the hospital safe and sound, you need to look for and tell other possible HELP: THAT IF YOU CAN !

And here I am for you ... and for everyone who connects and is already connecting, with the changes in your life that are impacting us ALL, well, DO NOT FORGET THAT WE ARE ONE !!! And if YOU are well: we will be well, EVERYONE ... We will help each other ... it is a DIVINE ORDER. We are Electric and ENERGY expanded, and will be in harmony and perfect harmony with the Universe. The means exist, the instruments also, the human and celestial help is… ONLY YOU LACK with your INTENSION and Free WILL on the table. No matter what profession you are, what we are doing, whatever we call ourselves, how old we are, let alone how much you have expected. Nothing matters as much as START.

In the next edition and with the support of the Brotherhood, my GUIDES AND THEIR GUIDES will develop ideas, suggestions and concerns that they have ... that is the idea ... that we are very close, and that we finish and continue ADVANCING with love, without doubt and much less With fears and hopelessness. I did it with a lot of Divine help and here I am to tell everyone: You will too . !eleven. Remember that these feelings are of low energy frequency and in those "states", the marathon and tenacious work of OUR personal and Planetary Masters and Guides is very ineffective ... Remember also that my intention to deliver this grain of sand, to this Divine Plan, is and will be carried by all the wonderful Beings that always and always accompany us, so that no one stays behind us . They will be suggestions and general paths, so that everyone adapts to their daily lives and their own circumstances. The roads and locations will be many ... the goal of CONSCIOUS ASCENSION is one. What you want to say is that the methods we use do not matter, but the common goal of achieving it. Always with Light, Peace and Winged Love of the ONE: Our God the Father Mother.

Then, to connect everyone with HIS UNIVERSES, which are inside as well as all HIS TRUTHS, ANSWERS and Reality ... NOT outside ... NEVER OUTSIDE. Take care that we need them.

I am Light Blue

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