Master KPK, or Dr. Sri K. Parvathi Kumar

K. Parvathi Kumar was born on November 7, 1945 in Vijayawada (India) in a traditional family. At 10 he felt inclined to the path of Yoga thanks to the inspiration he received from his father's example.

He studied Economics and Law at the University of Visakh and specialized as a Financial Advisor. He works as a Certified Accountant and is a successful professional who has managed to introduce spiritual values ​​in professional and business life.

In addition to being an advisor to many professionals, he is also a friend and guide to many clients. It is a source of inspiration for professionals and businessmen who relate to it.

He is in charge of promoting many good social causes in India through his associates and acquaintances. When he was 25 years old he came into contact with the Yoga of Master CVV through Master EK and since then he has not ceased to be associated with the work of World Goodwill and the Planetary Hierarchy.

Master EK invited him to formulate and structure the World Teacher Trust in 1971, whose organization is currently the international president. Since 1984, he is also president of many other social and charitable foundations in India. Little inclined to speak, he is magnetic when he teaches Eternal Wisdom.

Travel (only if invited) through India, Europe, North America, South America and Africa. And he teaches about a variety of topics related to Ancient Wisdom. Start on the Path of Synthesis through sound. He works for the spiritual fusion between East and West, as Initiates like HPBlavatsky Alice.A.Biley DK and EK will begin to do.

It transmits the Synthesis to the groups through group meditation, group work and periodic group coexistence. Sri K. Parvathi Kumar is a teacher in Ancient Wisdom, writer, curator of a certain degree, social worker and exponent of the Raja Yoga Path in the line of Master CVV, Krishna and Patanjali.

Above all, he is a family man and a man who shows spiritual values ​​in the family, social and economic fields. It is a source of inspiration for many truth seekers scattered throughout the world. He is a Brother dear to many in the East and West.

For more information consult the book: Master KPK-An expression of Synthesis Short Biography Sabine Mrosek Ed. Dhanishtha WT: T: Global

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