The Irdin language, Language of angels, Language of the Spheres

Irdin is the Language of the Angels, the Language of the Spheres, the language that communicates to all beings from the Fifth Dimension of Consciousness. It is the Universal Language that their souls know and speak beyond the etheric body and the Will Center.

Irdin is spoken in dreams. Respond to the language that any being of any dimension can elaborate thanks to the use of his Mind. Each of you manages this dynamic language with absolute perfection, even if you do not know it. Recognition is given spontaneously once the being has made contact with his Essence. It is the first manifestation of this intimate connection, not for that reason alone or therefore exclusive. It forms a tangible evidence of communication with the Source. It is an innate gift that accompanies the Awakening itself.

Irdin is manifested in blocks of ideas: each of the representations that compose it can be reproduced by symbols, phonemes, colors, tones or the idea itself. Irdin can express a thought, deed or action at a given time, to change its meaning - without altering its graphic or phonetic representation - at another time.

Irdin transmits blocks of ideas devoid of the feelings of the lower bodies, refers to clear and specific concepts on both abstract and pragmatic matters.

Universal knowledge -coded in Language- responds to the binary code and comes from a Matrix or subsequent Akashic Records that encompasses this and all dimensions, this and all universes. Irdin decodes in binary language the archetypal patterns implicit in any form, tangible or not. With its pure nature, devoid of prejudice and that "calls everything by its true name", allows direct contact with the Source. There is no school on its level that allows the transmission of this knowledge, there are in other dimensions - beyond the Seventh and the Akashic Records - where language is programmed and maintained in its form and spectrum.

Many terrestrial religions have regained the belief in this gift that flows intuitively and does not support any translation. The "Gift of Languages" that the Scriptures mention refers to Irdin. When man begins to leave behind the conventions that stipulate an end and principle of things and begins to move through Intuition - thus awakening the right hemisphere and restoring the pineal gland to its former functions - Irdin manifests itself spontaneously., as a Divine Blessing.

Irdin will connect the peoples once the illusion of the third and fourth dimension has been left behind. Irdin is not the language of the past or the future in linear terms, it is the language of the Perfect Present in its true conception and meaning.

Each universe develops its own and "local" languages. The characteristic turns of each dialect that starts from Irdin depend specifically on where it is used.

Irdin communicates to all the Creation peoples. It is the language of the Galactic Confederation. Rene all Interstellar and Intergalactic Beings in a representation of Love and Brotherhood.

Children are really open to the language, they speak it before they mature their organs of diction and the culturally assigned language, it is what is known as "babble." This is an early and not yet forgotten representation of the language spoken before birth and in the first years of life. Gradually children lose that capacity, since cultural conditions stipulate it.

“Taj tamidi nai, nabadi imios kios dei taridis ist nomadis pneum kip am ai ist ai daik num baris om nai.

Taj ta mai.

Tamid aim. ”

“Open your hearts, know that on a level of your own consciences all speak Irdin.

Open your hearts to the language of Love and Perfect Representation.

They are blessed and very loved. ”

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