The Body Speaks: Digestion

“I throw a ball against a wall and he returns with the same force. In relation to being, if I throw thoughts, words or actions outward, they return with the same intensity. ”


Through digestion, we process material elements of this world. Digestion thus includes:

1. Capturing the outside world in the form of material elements.
2. Differentiation between the assimilable and the non-assimilable.
3. Assimilation of assimilable substances.
4. Expulsion of the non-digestible.

  • The one who is hungry for love and cannot satisfy her, expresses this eagerness in the bodily aspect in the form of a hunger for sweets. The hunger for sweets always expresses a hunger for unattended love. The double meaning that is attributed to sweetness is evident: when we say of a beautiful girl that she is a hottie and that she is ready to eat it. Love and sweetness have a close relationship.
  • The desire for sweets in children is a clear indication that they do not feel loved enough. Parents often protest such an accusation by saying that they "would do anything for their son." But "doing anything" is not necessarily the same as "loving." Whoever eats candy craves love and security. This rule is more reliable than the assessment of one's capacity to love. There are also parents who stuff their children with candy, indicating that they are not willing to offer love to their children, so they try to compensate them in another way.
  • People who do intellectual work and have to think hard show a preference for salty foods and main dishes. The very conservative have a predilection for canned foods, especially smoked foods and loaded tea that they drink without sugar (in general, foods rich in tannic acid).
  • Those who like spicy foods denote desire for new emotions. They are people who love challenges, although they can be indigestible, diametrically opposed to those who only eat soft things: no salt or spices. These people shy away from anything that is new. They are shying away from the challenges and fear any confrontation. This fear can be accentuated until they have a papilla regimen, such as that of the stomach patient, about whose personality we will speak more widely very soon.
  • The porridge is baby food, which clearly indicates that the stomach patient has experienced a regression until childhood undifferentiation, in which you can not choose or cut and you have to give up even to bite and chew (activities are in excess aggressive) the food. This individual avoids swallowing solid foods.
  • An exaggerated fear of thorns symbolizes the fear of aggressions. The concern for bones, fear of problems - you don't want to get to the heart of the matter
  • But there is also the opposite group: macrobiotics. These people go in search of problems to which the tooth is driven. They want to unravel things and prefer hard foods. They get to avoid pleasant aspects: at dessert time, they choose something hard to crack. Macrobiotics thus denote a certain fear of love and tenderness and their inability to accept love.
  • Some people take to such an extreme their desire to flee the conflicts that end up having to be fed intravenously in an intensive care unit. This is undoubtedly the safest form of vegetarian without bothering. Some people take to such an extreme their desire to flee the conflicts that end up having to be fed intravenously in an intensive care unit. This is undoubtedly the safest form of vegetarian without bothering.


Food enters through the mouth and is crushed by the teeth. With our teeth we bite and chew. Biting is a very aggressive act, expressing the ability to grab, hold and attack. The dog teaches teeth to demonstrate its dangerous aggressiveness; We also say that we are going to "show our teeth" to someone when we are determined to defend ourselves. A bad denture is an indication that a person has difficulty manifesting their aggressiveness.

  • There are people who grind their teeth while they sleep, some with such force that they have to put a device in their mouth so that they do not wear them so much to grind. The symbolism is clear. The grinding of teeth is a recognized synonym of impotent aggressiveness. He who during the day cannot give in to the desire to bite, has to grind his teeth at night until wear them out
  • The gums are the base of the teeth, its bed. The gums also represent the basis of vitality and aggressiveness, confidence and self-confidence. But sensitive gums that bleed easily do not work. Blood is a symbol of life, and the bleeding gum tells us how, at the slightest setback, life goes away to confidence and self-confidence.


Once the food is crushed with the teeth, we salivate and swallow them. With the act of swallowing we integrate, we admit: swallowing is incorporating. While we have something in our mouth we can spit it out. Once we have swallowed it, the process is hardly reversible. Large pieces are difficult and even impossible to swallow. Sometimes, in life one has to swallow something against his will, for example, a dismissal. There are bad news hard to swallow.

  • Precisely in these cases, a little liquid can facilitate the operation, especially if it is a good drink. The alcoholic is said to swallow a lot. In general, the alcoholic drink serves to facilitate or even replace other drinks. Alcohol is swallowed because in life there are other things that one cannot and does not want to swallow. Thus, the alcoholic substitutes the food for the drink (drinking a lot causes loss of appetite), replaces the hard and solid drink with the soft and liquid, the drink of the bottle.
  • There are numerous swallowing disorders, for example, the lump in the throat, or angina, which produces the sensation of not being able to swallow. In these cases, the affected must ask: What is currently in my life that I cannot or do not want to swallow?
  • Among these disorders is that of ofaerophagy, a condition that drives swallowing air. They explain more explanations to discover what happens in these cases. There is something that one does not want to swallow, does not want to assimilate, but conceals swallowing air. This covert resistance against swallowing manifests itself after belching and winding

Nusea and vomiting

Once we have swallowed the food, it can be indigestible, as if we had a stone in the stomach. Now, stone, like the fruit's bone, is a problem symbol. We all know how it can block our stomach and take away our appetite a problem.

  • Appetite depends largely on the psychic situation. There are many expressions that indicate this analogy between the psychic and somatic processes:
    That has taken away my appetite, or: Just thinking about it makes me dizzy. Or also: Nothing more to see it, my stomach is stirring. That has taken away my appetite, or: Just thinking about it makes me dizzy. Or also: Nothing more to see it, my stomach is stirring.
  • Dizziness indicates the rejection of something that, therefore, sits in our stomachs. Also eating messy and run over can cause dizziness. The nausea culminates in the vomiting of food. The individual gets rid of the things and impressions he rejects, which he does not want to assimilate. The vomit is a categorical expression of defense and repudiation.
  • Vomiting is `` not accepting. '' This relationship is clearly expressed in the pregnancy vomits. Here is expressed the unconscious rejection of the creature or semen that the woman does not want to incorporate . Following the reasoning, pregnancy vomiting can also express a rejection of female function (motherhood).

The stomach

The place where the food arrives next (not vomited) is the stomach, whose first function is to serve as a container. He receives all the impressions that come from abroad, which must be digested. The ability to receive requires openness, passivity and delivery capacity. Under these properties, the stomach represents the female pole. While the masculine principle is characterized by the power to radiate and by the activity (fire element), the feminine principle encompasses the capacity for acceptance, self-denial, sensitivity and the power to receive and keep (water element).

  • What represents the feminine element in the psychic field is sensibility, the world of perception. If an individual represses in the mind the ability to feel, this function passes to the body, and the stomach, in addition to food, has to admit and digest feelings.
  • In this case, it is not that love passes through the stomach but rather that we feel a weight in the stomach that later or later will manifest itself as adiposity.

In addition to the ability to receive, in the stomach we find another function, corresponding to the male pole: acid production.

  • The stomach reacts by producing an aggressive acid with which it intends to modify and digest non-material feelings, a difficult and annoying company that reminds us that it is not convenient to swallow the bad mood or force the stomach to digest it. The gastric juice increases because it wants to impose itself.
    But this causes problems for the stomach patient, who lacks the ability to consciously confront his bad mood and aggressiveness, to resolve conflicts and problems responsibly.
  • The stomach patient does not express his aggressiveness (swallows it) or demonstrates an exaggerated aggressiveness, but neither one extreme nor the other really helps him solve the problem, since he lacks confidence and self-confidence, an indispensable feeling for the individual solves his problem, lack that we alluded to when dealing with the topic Teeth-Gums.
  • The stomach sick person is a person who shuns conflicts. Unconsciously, yearns for the quiet childhood. Your stomach asks for porridge. And the stomach sufferer feeds on things that have been screened by the pass-through and that, therefore, have proven harmless. There may be lumps. The problems have remained in the sieve.
  • The patient with a stomach does not tolerate raw food, because it is raw, primitive and dangerous. Before he dares with food, they have to be subjected to the aggressive cooking process. Wholemeal bread is indigestible, because it still contains many problems. All tasty foods, alcohol, coffee, nicotine and sweets represent an excessive stimulus for the stomach patient. Life and food have to be free of challenges. Gastric acid produces a feeling of oppression that prevents recording new impressions.
  • Ingestion of antacid medications usually causes belching, with the consequent relief, since belching is an aggressive outward manifestation. With this one has reduced the pressure a little.
  • The therapy that academic medicine usually applies (for example, "Valium") reflects the same relationship: the drug chemically disrupts the union between the mind and the vegetative system
  • The basic attitude of projecting feelings and aggressiveness not outwardly but inwardly, against oneself ultimately causes stomach ulcer. The ulcer is a sore that forms on the wall of the stomach. The ulcer sufferer, instead of digesting the external impressions, digests the stomach itself. The stomach sufferer has to learn to become aware of their feelings, confront conflicts consciously and consciously digest impressions. In addition, the ulcer patient must admit and recognize their wishes for child dependence, maternal protection and the desire to be loved and pampered, even and precisely when these desires are well concealed behind a facade of independence, authority and poise. Also here the stomach reveals the truth.
  • Acids attack, corrode, decompose: they are unequivocally aggressive. A person who suffers a dislike will say: I am bitter. If the person fails to overcome this anger consciously or transmute it into aggression and swallows bad mood, or swallows bile, their aggressiveness and bitterness are somatized in stomach acids.

In stomach and digestive disorders it would be relevant to ask the following questions:
1. What I can not or do not want to swallow?
2. Do I consume inside?
3. How do I carry my feelings?
4. What makes me bitter?
5. How do I carry my aggressiveness?
6. To what extent do I run from conflict?
7. Is there in me a repressed longing for a childish paradise without conflicts in which I was loved and pampered without having to make my way to bites?

Small intestine and large intestine
In the small intestine proper digestion occurs, by division into components (analysis) and assimilation. The similarity between the small intestine and the brain is striking. Both have a similar mission: the brain digests the impressions on the mental plane and the intestine digests the material substances. The conditions of the small intestine raise the question of whether the individual will not be analyzing too much, since the characteristic function of the small intestine is the analysis, the division, the detail.

  • People with small bowel conditions tend to have an excess of analysis and criticism, everything has something to say. The small intestine is also a good indicator of vital anguish; In the small intestine the food is valued and "taken advantage of." At the bottom of the concern about valuation is vital anguish, anguish of not getting enough and starving.
  • More rarely, small bowel problems may also denote the opposite: lack of critical capacity. This is the case of the [Fettstuhlen] calls of pancreatic insufficiency.
  • One of the most frequent symptoms in the area of ​​the small intestine is diarrhea. That one of fear is done in the pants. Having poop means being afraid. In diarrhea we have the indication of a distress problem.
  • The one who is afraid does not entertain himself in studying the impressions analytically but releases them without digesting. There is no other choice. You retire to a quiet and lonely place where you can let things take their course. With this, a lot of liquid is lost, that liquid symbol of the flexibility that would be necessary to expand the anguished frontier of the I and thereby overcome fear. We have already said that fear is always associated with the narrow and with the desire to hold on.

· Fear therapy always consists of: letting go and expanding, acquiring flexibility, observing events: letting it run! The treatment of diarrhea is usually limited to administering large amounts of fluids to the patient. With this he receives symbolically that fluidity he needs to broaden his horizons, in which he experiences fear. Diarrhea, whether chronic or acute, always tells us that we are afraid and that we try to hold on and teach us to let go and let go.

  • In the large intestine, digestion is over. Here all that is done is to extract the water from the rest of the indigestible foods. The most widespread condition that occurs in this area is constipation, a genuine model of resistance: retention-tension and stubbornness-desire for revenge.
    From Groddeck, psychoanalysis interprets defecation as an act of giving and giving. To realize that symbolically the deposition has something to do with money, it is enough to remember a common expression in Germany of Geld-schieser (caga-money) and the tale of the golden donkey that, instead of manure, defecated gold coins. It is also popularly associated to step on dog bowel movements with the prospect of receiving a sum of money. These indications should suffice to reveal, without resorting to complicated theories, the symbolic relationship between excrement and money or between defecating and giving.
  • Constipation is an expression of resistance to give, of eagerness and retention and is related to the problem of greed. In our time, constipation is a widespread symptom that most people suffer.

· It clearly indicates an exaggerated desire to cling to the material (greed) and the inability to yield.
But to the large intestine corresponds another important symbolic meaning. If the small intestine is related to conscious analytical thinking, the large intestine corresponds to the unconscious, in the literal sense, to the "underworld." The unconscious is, from the mythological point of view, the kingdom of the dead. The large intestine is also a kingdom of the dead, since it contains substances that cannot be converted into life, it is the place where fermentation can occur. Fermentation is also a process of rot and death. If the large intestine symbolizes the unconscious, the night side of the body, the stool represents the content of the unconscious.

And now we clearly recognize the other meaning of constipation: it is the fear of letting the content of the unconscious come to light. Is the attempt to withhold funds repressed. Spiritual impressions accumulate and you cannot distance yourself from them. The constipated patient can literally leave nothing behind.

· Constipation indicates that we have difficulties in giving and releasing, that we want to retain both material things and the content of the unconscious and do not want anything to come to light.

· Ulcerative colitis is an inflammation of the large intestine that manifests itself in an acute form and tends to become chronic and causes pain and frequent deposition of bloody mucus. Here, too, the popular voice demonstrates its great psychosomatic knowledge: in German it is commonly called Schleimscheisser or Schleimer, that is, caga muco, the hypocritical, obsequious and flattering individual capable of everything for ingratiating himself, even sacrificing his personality, to renounce his own life in order to live the life of another in a kind of symbiotic unity.

Blood and mucus are vital substances, symbols of life. (The myths of many primitive peoples tell us that life arose from the mud or mucilage.) Blood and mucus loses the one who fears assuming his own life and his own personality. Living one's own life, however, requires distance from the other, which causes some loneliness (loss of symbiosis). This is afraid of suffering from colitis. Fear sweats blood and water from the intestine. Through the intestine (= the unconscious) offers in sacrifice the symbols of his own life: blood and mucus. It can only help you recognize that everyone has to live their own life responsibly, because, if not, they lose it.

The pancreas

The pancreas is part of the digestive system and has two main functions: exocrine, which consists in the production of essential gastric juices, of an eminently aggressive nature, and endocrine. Through endocrine function, the pancreas produces insulin. The production deficit of these cells gives rise to a very frequent condition: diabetes (blood sugar).

  • The diabetic (due to lack of insulin) cannot assimilate the sugar contained in food; Sugar escapes your body with urine. Only by replacing the word sugar with the word love, we will have clearly explained the problem of the diabetic. Sweet things are nothing but substitute for other sweetnesses. Behind the desire of the diabetic to taste sweet things and his inability to assimilate sugar and store it in the cells themselves is the unrecognized desire of the realization loving, coupled with the inability to accept love, to open up to him. The diabetic - and this is significant - has to feed on `` happenings '': substitutes to satisfy authentic desires. Diabetes produces hyperacidulation or vinegar of the whole body and can even cause a coma. We already know these acids, a symbol of aggression.
  • Again and again, we find this polarity of love and aggressiveness, of sugar and acid (in mythology: Venus and Mars). The body teaches us: he who does not love becomes sour; Or, formulated more clearly: he who does not know how to enjoy becomes unbearable. Only he who is able to give it can receive love: the diabetic gives love only in the form of sugar in the urine. He who does not let himself be impregnated does not retain the sugar. The diabetic wants love (sweet things), but he does not dare to look for it actively ( A sweet thing does not suit me! ). But he wants it ( What else I would like, but I can't! ). He cannot receive, since he did not learn to give, and therefore does not retain love in the body: he does not assimilate sugar and has to expel it. Anyone doesn't get bitter!

SOURCE: http: //soloivana.blogspot.com2009/06/por-medio-de-la-digestion-procesamos.html This article was extracted from the book The disease as a path .

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