Inner development, the deep

  • 2015
The real battles are fought inside . Socrates

Dear reader, you may have heard, and even read, about inner development, and although it seems like a novelty topic today, it is already of yesteryear, great characters in universal history knew and tried to develop it, many in their own way . People who have left a positive mark on their passage through the world, have achieved this inner development, examples abound, such as Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Mahatma Gandhi, the Dalai Lama, among many others.

Maybe you know people in your environment, maybe you don't even know they do, but there is something about them that makes them see and behave, different, maybe it's the way they talk or see, even their appearance. There is something about them that makes you want to be by their side because you learn a lot; they radiate peace, there is a special glow in their eyes that catches your eye, they have the famous "I don't know what, I know" that you can't describe. All you know is that they are kind people with whom time does not feel and always, they leave you a teaching, something positive, or at least they spread their smile and joy . I assure you that maybe those people work in their inner development .

If you ask yourself, how can I begin my inner development ? The answer is very easy, because the Architect of the Universe gave you all the necessary tools to achieve it, you have the password, you just need to give it “enter”.

You can start in different ways, for example, thanking all the wonders, goodness and blessings that you have and have had in your life and also, why not, thank for everything that did not go as you would have liked, with what you cried and you suffered, because thanks to that today you have become the person you are today. Think that, if you had not gone through that difficult situation, your life would be different. As the movie The Butterfly Effect says, according to a Chinese proverb, " the small flutter of a butterfly's wings can be felt on the other side of the world." Be aware that, if things happened, it was for something everything has a reason for being, so accept and thank everything that comes into your life.

For nothing in the world you lose your inner child, that little voice that is there, inside you, that tells you, "take a chance", "I want chocolate", "don't be afraid", "did you fall? Get up with a smile and say you're fine. ” Sometimes the older we have the more we turn off and bury that inner child, who has great teachings for you, who can see the world without judging it and smiling at every moment. Let yourself flow and surprise.

Meditation is a great and important step you can take to reach the desired inner development, because when you meditate you create awareness, light, peace, you listen to your inner voice ; you can connect with yourself, your ascended master angels or God.

Take care of your body, it is your temple, feed yourself healthily, opt for balanced meals, include more vegetables and fruits in your day to day, minimize your consumption of fat and sugars, your body will thank you very much. Nourish it with fresh and fresh air whenever you can, exercise it, it is not necessary that you kill yourself in the gym with heavy and long routines, you can walk or run, even dance.

Sorry, when you store negative emotions and feelings in yourself, you are building an increasingly tall and denser wall that prevents you from reaching your inner development . When you learn to live without judgment, hatred, resentment, revenge, envy, and all that blocks you, you can clear the mist of your eyes and see in people, wonderful beings with great gifts, you accept them as your neighbors.

Above all, accept God in your life and heart, recognize him as the creator of everything.

It is important that you know, that once you reach inner development, it is only the beginning of a long and arduous road, in which you have to form and discover it yourself, there are no routes or maps that you lead to the culmination, is a continuous learning in your walk. You can be sure of one thing, when you are already on that trip, you will not want to return to your previous life, once you dive into your wonderful and deep interior, you, your perspective, your vision Of things and of the world they will change, it will undoubtedly reflect it, you will leave your mark, your mark, you will have sown a seed in those around you, and you may not see it bloom, but rest assured, that at least one day, in some situation, a person you improved the moment.

AUTHOR: Daniela Navarro, editor of the great family of



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