Beware of emotions

  • 2015

Authentic love cannot be emotional, because emotion is born and love is eternal. In the excitement, I feel other or the others . And that is the denial of love that is unity . When I get something I wanted or find someone I wanted to see, there is an emotional state of joy. And sad when the opposite happens. But both attitudes and states are illusory. None of that is reality. All this is a pure lucubration of the mind. Me and the other are so only separated by our mind, but not in reality. It is clear that this contrasts with the false belief that we have been educated that there is a reality that I call yo and another that I call the other .

The reality is one. So there is only separativity in the mental concepts with which we handle ourselves commonly. That idea of ​​separativity is, by the way, the cause of all our calamities on a personal human level, on a social level and on all Humanity. In true love there is no the other . To love is to feel in each other. This is true in reality even if our minds resist admitting it. But if I don't think about it, I don't feel it and I don't live it that way, I'm not living true love but a mental resemblance.

This explains all the depressions, emptiness, anguish, loneliness and sadness that afflict Humanity. Love it or not, know it or not, God is more me than what I think I am. That is a union that cannot be denied because if it refused, that being that I call God would be a false god or a simple concept or word. We live in an imaginary world, a world where we believe there are diverse people, who must be loved differently, even in some cases, people who must be hated. It is the world of separation, which only has a basis in our separatist mind that makes us see real multiplicity where there is only a multiplicity of forms, manifestation of the only Being that It is love, unity. We are living with the pretense of believing that this world of visible forms is real when the only reality of it is permanent change and its instantaneous transience. Emotion is a form of unreal imagination. Sensations are alterations of the senses. And the senses are only instruments of the body. And the body is the illusory way with which we are most identified in our existence.

That is why we are afraid of losing it, because we believe that we lose everything we are. That is the mistake and that is the cause of most of our fears. Being identified with our body, our entire existence revolves around the needs and satisfactions exclusively of the body we believe we are. In the satisfaction or denial of that complacency, happy emotions appear sadly or vice versa, just by changing a favorable or unfavorable thought in your mind. The illusory, the existing, stops over time. Only "what you are" is out of time and permanent. " When the process of the transitory movement of emotions is understood, serenity and peace flood the soul. The emotional balance so necessary to be happy, will not be achieved while living with serious errors in our mind. What are these errors? Each one has to discover them in himself, but the most serious and mother of many other mistakes is to believe that I am that idea that has been formed in my subconscious through false external programming and the identification that we have created with our body, the character of our personality that, at all costs we want to impose and affirm on others. For all this, we can affirm that just as love is of your true self, of your most intimate nature, the emotions are of your little self, of your little character, of the falsehood of you .

While we are slaves to our emotions, we can observe that all those attitudes of altruism, kindness, generosity, service ... remain in the self-indulgence of the small personal self that is thirsty for pleasant emotions. All service, love or concern for others is nothing but a service and self-gratification, if one is living enslaved to the personal self. Such people would do very well if they analyzed and examined, from where they are serving others and wanting to be generous and useful ...:

And this is very simple to see, if in their work they are looking for emotions of joy in the results of their services, when they are successful and, on the contrary, they feel sad and depressive when the results are not favorable, they should see that it is It is necessary and urgent to change your self-centered attitude and act from an attitude of generous love, which is the background of our most intimate nature, which remains serene even in the most adverse circumstances and is not dragged by any emotion. Self-centeredness separates us from others, and authentic love makes the distance between me and the other equal to zero.

AUTHOR: Darío Lostado


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