Cuadernillo Nº 8, Compilation of various themes by Alexiis



The opening of consciousness and the end of the world

Tale of the Bidis

The concept of "God"

The spirit

Reincarnation - Framework for action

From the stars: Level of knowledge

Desire to solve

Scythe of fear



Don Jaime was considered, for some time, a man a little strange; He was not exactly crazy, but his behavior was not what he considered normal in his town.

That day, when I saw him arrive at the main entrance of the hotel, I hurried out to greet him, as I was willing to find out why he was changing. I wanted to know what happened to make this man change from one day to another and become a withdrawn person with a permanent expression of sadness on his face.

He answered my greeting distractedly. He walked to the bar and sat at the sowing table to drink his coffee.

- "Don Jaime, what happened that day at the hotel for you to change so much?"

He looked at me for a moment. He continued with his coffee and his cigarette, and then told me:

- “Let's go to my house, there we can talk more calmly. There is a condition; You as a journalist should make everyone know what I'm going to tell you without changing a single word. ”

Already at home, and without any preamble, as if eager to take a weight off, he immediately began his story.

“What happened that night I have not recovered yet, and I think I will not achieve it in a long time. The employees had finished giving the last touches to the decoration of the hotel and I went to see if everything was ready, since the next day was the inauguration. When I left I remembered that I had not yet reviewed the party room, where the gala dinner would take place. I walked it almost halfway, feeling something very strange as I moved away from the door. It was like a very sharp sound but with a thousand different tones. At first I got scared thinking of a fault in the water or gas pipes, but I understood that that was impossible, and I started to get curious.

A large carpet had been placed on the same tile floor, and something in it caught my attention; it was as if by zones it changed color, as if a black layer, sometimes red, sometimes blue, but always transparent, covered the green of the carpet.

I reached down to see better and, in amazement, I saw that there were millions of points that moved quickly from one place to another, but always forming large groups.


I watched them very carefully and I could tell that they were beings, living beings, two-dimensional: THE BIDIS, which were long and wide, that is, lacked height.

His life lasted a few minutes and his vocabulary was so elementary that I could immediately understand them. Their bodies were impregnated by an emanation of energy, a kind of aura, which I could detect varied in color. These colors were white, yellow, red and black.

The blue color meant the usual state of these beings; the target SPIRITUAL EVOLUTION; red meant violence; yellow, falsehood, hypocrisy and selfishness; and the black extreme hate.

Each one understood the words pronounced by their peers interpreted and filtered through their own color or state. For example, while the word FORWARD meant encouragement or encouragement for a white, a blue interpreted it as an order to walk, and the same word for a black meant to kill his enemies.

Unfortunately, the colors they emitted could only be seen from above and, therefore, only three-dimensional beings could appreciate them. Their two-dimensionality made it impossible for them to see from above and, therefore, they did not perceive colors.

I carefully approached my ear to the carpet and began to listen carefully.

They talked about God's punishments and the causes of those punishments. They commented that they would only cease if they were able to kill the enemies of God. The WEST CURVALANTS would be in charge of fighting defending the DIVINE LOVE, which was salvation.

Somewhat restless I went to the other spot and they said the same thing, except that this time the defenders were the CURVALANTES DE ORIENTE, and, going from spot to spot, I knew that there were five groups of defenders of God and that, Apart from those already mentioned, they were: THE CURVALANTES DEL SUR, the CURVALANTES DEL NORTE and the RECIPIENTS.


I managed to locate a school where a teacher of the WEST CURVALANTS narrated to his students some passages from his past history:

- For many millennia we were in complete darkness and imprisoned, until one day, with much noise, death and destruction, everything began to spin.

When that cursed period the Spiral Period ended, the light appeared. We did not know where it came from or what it was, but there it was already there.

We could already communicate with ease and it was easier to find food, because not being imprisoned we could move more comfortably.

Everything was going well until the Bidis began to want more ground. We wanted to have more food than we needed and the discussions began.

Thus our days passed, between disputes and fights, until one day the gods began to punish us periodically. The great cataclysms followed each other at fixed intervals and in equidistant places throughout the Bidi universe.

These gods brought destruction and death. Thousands and thousands of Bidis died. In spite of everything, we continue to argue and fight against each other, so the gods continued to punish us, now they have stopped.

Very close to here was the last one. Today we will go see him and pray to God to help us, because the duty of the children is to pray until they are old enough and can go to war to defend the TRUTH.

Everyone began to move and then began to pray next to one of my footsteps. Then it filled me with horror. My footsteps were considered as the divine manifestation, that is, that I had killed thousands and thousands of those little creatures.

Suddenly I thought of the party of the next day and the catastrophe that would mean, for those tiny two-dimensional beings, that the room would be filled with people.

Time passed and the bidets continued to make war and kill each other. Once they won some, and others and the generations of those beings of such a short life were less and less likely to be saved. I raised one of them in the palm of my hand and an exclamation of stupor came out of that tiny being.

-"Oh my God!"

- "Listen Bidi" - I said - "I am not God, but now that does not matter."


I tried to explain what the situation was, and told him they should leave before the guests arrived the next day. Despite my efforts to express myself in the most understandable way, the frightened Bidi did not give credit to my words, and as I noticed in his expression that he continued to identify with God, I was forced to use words such as God's punishment, salvation, and so on., to achieve my purpose.

Finally, when I had understood my message, I left him again on the carpet and Bidi immediately went to work.

Soon a small group had formed around him that collaborated with him and together they toured the different groups and towns telling what I had explained.

People began to follow him in increasing numbers. Some of those who crossed began to join him. This made the chiefs and priests of the Bidi cult began to worry. Then they accused him of breaking the law and killed him, stating that they would punish everyone who thought like him.

His followers were divided and continued to work in secret, forming small groups that grew little by little, something that I clearly noticed by their color change. But this was slow, very slow, due to the secrecy they kept.

I thought I should try other methods for which I did not know this way of working. Watching the doors I started shouting at those closest to them:

-"Ahead! Forward is salvation! ”

- “Hear, hear, God speaks to us and tells us the truth. As you can see, the WEST CURVALANTS were right. If anyone had any doubt, they should not have it anymore and if they continue to doubt, they are a traitor who deserves exile and death. Let's kill the enemies of God! ”



Again war with more vigor every time. That was unfortunate. The night would end, the party would come and all those beings would die or at least millions of them.

As I pondered trying to find a new firm to gain time to help those miserable, I saw how some Bidis of each group were led to the edge of the carpet and then forced to move to a small strip of tiles. It was the banishment of those who thought that salvation was not in war but in the objective interpretation of God's words; those who thought that the voice of God had not manifested itself to give the reason to anyone in particular but to mark the way forward.

They were the followers of the one I took in my hand and who was subsequently killed for spreading my message. They were the damned for having dared to expose my message and their thoughts publicly.

In the region of death they would end up dying due to lack of food and low temperatures.

Jumping and trying not to step on where I saw stains on the carpet, I reached the tiles.

There I saw all the exiles doing strange rites and at the same time dying of hunger and cold, which didn't seem to worry them much.

But he needed to prevent them from dying, especially thinking they deserved to be saved.

I looked in my pockets and found an envelope with sugar. I began to throw it very carefully, trying to form food paths for all groups to meet

.- “See, brothers, see! God still trusts us, as we trust him. God sends us food and comes from that region that we all already intuit: the TOP. It is another confirmation; the UP exists ”.

Little by little, and without ceasing to practice each of their rites, the various exiles were approaching to form a single group. When they were all together, with a certain peace and quiet, they began to talk with each other. They analyzed their past and the origin of their current situation.


They concluded that the Spiral Period was the one that had them limited for millennia, not allowing them to see the TOP, That the Spiral Period was only the beginning, not a bad period, as the priests of the official cults said.

- “When the Spiral Period concluded, after the great cataclysm, THE LIGHT appeared. Over time, the disputes, struggles and hegemony for the defense of the TRUTH began, which, as we well know the exiles, was always partial and subjective, led us to wars and the current situation.

Therefore, brothers, now, thanks to God's help and away from these wars, we can finally join our hands and melt our energy and together raise our prayer to God. ”

When everyone got together and joined their hands, they understood the truth of what they intuited. I observed how in that relative peace some, the most advanced, began to awaken their intuition and even got to hear things like these:

“Now we are sure. If we work, we move, we can become TRIDIS. We will ascend in dimension and in that dimension the days last for centuries, the millennial beings and the thousands of millennia years. We will live in three dimensions. ”

As they continued their meditations I tried to see what happened between the warriors.

Everything remained the same, they continued fighting. Now the RETIRELIANS had won positions that, due to their military strategy, were moving faster and with less wear for doing it in a straight line.

I wanted to make one last attempt and with the sugar envelope I raised a small group of RECIPIENTS to better explain the situation.

Terrified they threw themselves into the void dying when hitting the ground. However, one of them fell into a good position and did not die.

When he had recovered from the fright, he ran to meet his family and began to explain what happened to them, but the army chiefs arrived and took him away.

I went back to those in the region of death to see how they were going. I needed them to know the Above so they could see the exit doors and walk towards them. He needed them to see them, so that they would be convinced and the misunderstandings would not be repeated again.


Watching them for a moment, I could see some of the brightest that gathered others around them. They had organized an ingenious rite that, despite its slowness, nevertheless managed to give the result that at least one could see the way.

The ritual went like this:

First, 12 of them were in the center and formed a circle. Another 7 approached, stopped a moment, made a small prayer and proceeded to perch on the 12 placed in a circle, thus forming a truncated pyramid. Then, 5 more repeated this operation.

Then another 3 approached. Again they prayed a few moments and perched as they could: first on the 12 of the base, then on the 7 above and then on the 5, thus forming an even higher pyramid trunk.

Finally, only one approached, remained silent for a few moments and began its ascent to the top of the pyramid, where it remained until the end of the songs that the spectators sang.

Then, the one on the cusp, descended to the ground sliding between his companions and alone began the march towards one of the doors.

The pyramid was intended for the one who was to know in which direction to walk.

I took the one who was leaving in the direction of the door and asked him why this ritual.

- “The first 12 that form the base of the pyramid symbolize the synthesis of your total manifestation and the first step is the symbol of progress, which drives us forward. Then there are 5 more that signify the firmness, the base of support to continue in our ascent in the pyramid. The following 3 mean the awareness of the three dimensions, which is achieved when it has been promoted through work and service, and the last is the definitive integration into the third dimension, which sees the path and starts the march towards the SALVATION."

A sympathetic smile was drawn on my face when the INITIATED Bidi finished his story. Holding it still in my hand I said affectionately:

- “How complicated you are! You focus so much on the rigorous following of the ritual that you forget the main objective. However, before you go I will ask you a favor; Come back and tell your fellow men to open their ears well, for I am going to speak to them. ”

-"Yes my lord".

-"Another thing; before going down, notice that there are several doors through which you can exit; not just one as you thought. ”

-"Yes my lord."

- “I am not your Lord, I am not God, but anyway, that is not important now. Remember well where you have seen the doors and tell yours that they should walk towards them because in a very short time many beings like me will come here and that, for you, will be a real disaster from which very few will save you. Have you understood? "

-"Yes my lord."

"One more thing. Some of you must go to tell this and explain it to those in the land of death, and then to the warriors. In addition, the first to go out the doors must return and convince the most rebellious with their safety. You must all get out of here as soon as possible. ”

Putting him back on the ground, among the other Bidis, I told them:

"Listen to this one, to this brother who carries a message from me."

Upon arrival I saw them move; I was throwing sugar at them, pointing their way so they wouldn't starve.

Another group, headed by the one I had lifted off the ground, began to move towards the region where the warriors were fighting.


When I looked at them I was horrified. They were exterminating each other with a weapon that, at their level, was terribly destructive.

Pushing each other they caused the fall in the holes of an electric plug located at ground level. Due to the accumulation of Bidis that fell on the plug, an electric shock that killed hundreds of them occasionally occurred.

The group of exiles finally managed to get to the place of fighting and camouflaging themselves among the warriors began to work. They explained the situation and the way to save those who were more predisposed to listen and many ended up understanding.

I could observe their progress by changing the color of the energy around them. They formed such a large group that they came to the presence of the wise who were working hard to achieve new, more powerful weapons that would kill all enemies.

- What happens? they questioned the new arrivals.

- God has sent us to communicate a message: that we stop fighting among ourselves and walk all together towards the exits that will lead us to salvation. There is very little time left and we should not waste it fighting, because soon there will be a great cataclysm that will not leave a trace of us, and the few that are saved will remember it for ever and ever .

- So God sends you with that message?

- As is.

- You believe then the elect of God, is not it? Well, with you we will test our inventions.

They had discovered that by taking the prisoners next to one of the walls they were immobilized, being easy prey for their enemies or dying of hunger and cold. Actually it was about leaving them attached to a spider web, almost imperceptible to my eyes, which was located between the floor and the wall.

Then began a tremendous slaughter without me being able to do anything to avoid it. The few who were saved did it because they got confused between the soldier Bidis and there, scattered among the others, began to work in secret to convince small groups of the need for peace that would facilitate them to reach evolution in higher stages.

Then, seeing the slowness of events, it occurred to me to lift the carpet and make them fall towards the exit doors.

- Ved, God tells us what the path is by making it easier for us to travel.

- No, God puts a difficulty in proving our loyalty. We must go to the other side.

- No. - S . - No.

There began a new battle there. I no longer knew what to do. From my agenda I cut some papers. With a marker I drew some arrows. He placed them so that the arrows would indicate the different doors through which they could exit.

The battles ceased momentarily, and everyone approached cautiously to the papers.

- A message from God! In spite of everything, he does not forget us and continues to help us. Here is the signal: the arrow shows us the direction we should follow.

- A moment, the message is not the arrow, but the paper.

- No, no, you are wrong. It is not the arrow or the paper, it is the ink with which the message is written. ”

- "No, paperologists are the ones who truly know how to interpret God."

-"It is not true. It's us, the philologists. ”

- "Neither one nor the other, but the tintologists, we are the only interpreters of the divine message."

- "no." "Yes." "No." Yes. "" No. "

- “War on the enemies of truth. The truth is ours. Let's fight to defend it. ”

At that time I had to make a great effort not to participate in that war, because I had the desire to start jumping on them. How to make them understand?

Looking at the carpet I saw that groups had formed that followed a Bidi that was standing tall. Then I saw several more groups heading for different doors.


I took one of those who stood up in my hand.

- “Oh, God, I am fulfilling what you ordered. I went to the gates of salvation and suddenly I saw paradise, I saw the sky, the sun, the mountains, very beautiful birds and things I had never seen before. I have returned and I have told my brothers what I have lived. They, seeing me so young despite my age, have believed me. I have shown you that living on the top and becoming aware of the three dimensions, time is different and one can live centuries. ”

- “Finally one! This, no doubt, went by the elevator. ”

I put him back on the ground and, although everyone was much older in the two-dimensional, they still remembered him and followed him with more faith.

He took another group head who was going to another door and said:

- “Sir, I am fulfilling the mission you entrusted to me. Although almost none of the brothers who went out with me wanted to return, I have returned to tell my brothers that I have seen paradise with very large people who move very quickly, vehicles moving at high speed, trees, huge animals and beautiful, insects bigger than me. ”

Well - I thought - this is going well. This one went out the street door.

So I interrogated several of those who led the groups until they died during the trip, which for them lasted for years.

Several groups crossed in one place, since they did not go to the doors that were closest to them, but to those who had seen the guide who marked them the way.

Its color was not as clear as that of previous generations, those who had had the opportunity to walk alongside the guides who had seen the exit doors.

When they all met, they were happy and talked.

- “Brothers, our paths come together. We invite you to go with us to paradise. ”

- "We also go to paradise and we have no problem going together to that wonder where mountains, the sun, clouds, beautiful birds and many other new things are seen."

- “No, our guide told us that this is not paradise. Paradise is full of very tall people who move very fast, with amazingly fast vehicles, with large animals and even insects the size of ten of us. ”

- "Your guide lied."

- "No, yours was wrong."

-"Do not". "Yes". "Do not".

And the quarrels began again, and with them the war in which all the groups were soon. Again the old and terrible weapons were used, those that did not know how they acted, but their results were known.

Party time was approaching and I saw no way to solve that. Then I decided to save those who were a bit isolated, without participating in the war, and who were the result of what survived the killing of my messengers.

I saw that there were many. Some made the pyramids, others helped each other to walk upright leaning against each other, two by two, others simply tried to stand up, the most shouted for my help.

- "Our Father, help us!"

I gathered them and put them in my pockets, but I couldn't save everyone. There were too many and there were barely two hours left for the party. Then I went out to ask for help and some friends came.

As there was less and less time left, we came up with the idea of ​​bringing teaspoons from the bar with which we could lift many at once, especially those who formed the pyramids, those who worked in groups and those we saw alone, both trying to stand up, as if praying for the salvation of those around them, or helping each other and putting them on a large tray. Thus the rescue operation continued.

Since we no longer had time and there were still many scattered on the carpet, it occurred to me that we could move it to the hotel warehouse.

As we rolled up the carpet I thought sadly: “Again the darkness, the difficulty, the darkness. A new spiral period for the Bidis. ”

But suddenly, in the middle of the room, a light began to emerge that caused us concern and some fear. Gradually that feeling was changing and we felt a deep and vitalizing peace.

From that light a being slowly emerged that told us simply:

- “Thank you, brothers, for what you have done. From now on it is up to me and others like me, that we have less limited possibilities than you, to continue the work, because the lower the needy for help, the more effort is needed to lift him. ”

And little apoco was decreasing in size until it became a Bidi more among those who were now fighting with weapons so powerful that even the carpet was at risk of breaking.

We roll it up quickly and transfer it to the hotel warehouse.

A powerful new cataclysm had been produced for the Bidis. Another period of darkness began for them: a new spiral. In her they were no longer worth their weapons and their hatreds.

Would the entire period of light be forgotten? Bidis would go centuries and centuries. Would the difficulties come back, maybe the fights, the wars, or this time everything would happen differently? Would harmony arise? Would the previous experience have worked for anything?

Until one day the world of Bidis turned and a new cataclysm would be the signal for the beginning of a new period of light and with it ...


What is your concept of God?

Impossible to answer that question in a few lines. But I will try to give you some brushstrokes that make you reflect. Look: everything that exists is connected through the universal soul or breeding ground where the universe is immersed. And everything that exists is part of a body or organism that we call God. In the case of man, we have a physical body of similar vibration to that of God: it is what we call the visible universe. We have an energetic body that we call astral and that in God is Life. We have a mind, which in God would be called Thought. And we have a spirit, which in God we call Love.

All right. You know that each cell has the ability to generate a complete body because the physical body is like a hologram where each cell is the representation of that whole body. The physical body is also a representation of the astral body, this one of the mental and this one of the spiritual. Each part of the astral has or contains the complete astral, each part of the mind to the complete mind and each part of the spirit to the complete spirit. That is, everything contains the All.

But let's go a little further in the philosophical concepts of the cosmic hologram. Man is a multidimensional being; therefore, its being is formed by energy planes of different level of superimposed vibration, but at the same time in constant interaction. And however the All is in each of the parts, if we take man in an integral way, but simultaneously as one of the parts, we will conclude that all the information of the creator exists in each created thing.

Now, not all information is contained in the same book, but each level of vibration contains only the complete information of its dimension. So, obviously, all the books together form the Great Book of Total Knowledge.

Seen this way, it can be concluded by saying that every man is God because he has all the necessary information to be a creator. It is only necessary to learn it. What is achieved through a mechanism called "evolution."


JA Campoy


What is the spirit? How does it manifest?

It is the highest vibrational frequency in the universe, also called Love. And how does it manifest itself? For it manifests itself when it disrupts, vibratingly speaking, the other energies: mental, astral and physical.

You will have noticed that when one vibrates with love, that is, when one falls in love, one slowly loses lucidity and incongruities and follies are committed. For its part, the astral convulses and generates dispersed vital energies; and, as a consequence, the blood pressure is accelerated, generating hormones, both analgesic and aphrodisiac, that lead us to have the intense feeling that everything is wonderful ... Hence, when a love relationship is broken, for whatever reason, it is said that pain is felt, both physical and mental; you call it "pain in the soul" and it has been the cause of the creation of many verses and songs. Or not?

Well, to enter the spiritual world, from physical life, is very simple; it only consists of looking at another and seeing yourself reflected in him, because he has everything you have, although maybe his skin is a little darker or you dress in a different way. But behind you are; and in saying "you" I speak of spirit, because all that is manifested is spirit.

I will give you an example: who are you? Tu pelo, tus manos, tu hígado, tus ropas, tus joyas, tu casa, tus emociones, tus pensamientos, tus palabras, tus obras, tus errores, tus aciertos…;en fin, que todo forma parte de ti en diferente grado de manifestación. Y al decir “ti”, no digo tu personalidad, porque ésa es cambiante, sino al dueño de ella que tiene una personalidad.

Por tanto, es erróneo decir “mi espíritu”, puesto que eso significaría que hay otra cosa por encima de él; es mejor decir “yo, espíritu”, tengo una mente, unas energías y un físico que forman parte de mí. El espíritu, pues, es la expresión de la conciencia de cada ser humano en su manifestación más elevada.

El Amor es unión, integración, sinergia. Por ejemplo, cuando se abraza de verdad a alguien, uno se intenta fundir con el otro, integrarlo en nosotros. La expansión de conciencia dada por el conocimiento integrado – por experimentado – nos hace percibir a los demás como parte integrante de nuestro organismo, independientemente del nivel en que se encuentre, es decir, sea físico, energético, mental o espiritual.

Comprendo que no es fácil definir lo que sólo se intuye. Y es que el que está al final del camino conoce el principio y conoce el final, pero el que está al principio conoce sólo unos pocos pasos. Y todos, en el camino de la vida, nos movemos a nivel de hipótesis; hipótesis que iremos confirmando – o modificando – en función de las “experiencias” que vayamos viviendo; y digo “viviendo”.

Son muchas las escuelas de pensamiento, especialmente en Oriente, que afirman que para elevarse espiritualmente hay que “disolver el Ego”. ¿Tienen razón?

Lo que hay que hacer es conseguir hacerlo evolucionar para que se integre con los otros egos. El Cosmos integra, no disuelve.

La soberbia es rechazable, lo mismo que la vanidad. Pero y el orgullo? Es rechazable tambi n el hecho de sentirse orgulloso por algo?

No, es algo natural. Cuando se hace algo que va en sentido positivo, el ser humano se expande el astral y penetra m s energ aa trav s del plexo solar. Por eso se dice que se hincha el pecho . Es la sensaci n de expansi n energ tica. Otra cosa son, por supuesto, las manifestaciones negativas del Ego.

A qu te refieres exactamente?

A que la clave de los males humanos, el principal escollo para una correcta interrelaci n humana y un arm nico desarrollo integral de ola personalidad, est en las manifestaciones negativas del Ego. Y me refiero al ego smo, a la egolatr ay al egocentrismo.

Mira, el Ego es, por naturaleza, centr peto, es decir, absorbe cuantas energ as encuentra a su paso y, por tanto, quien se manifiesta egoicamente termina por quedarse solo; pero, antes, los dem s, quienes estaban a su alrededor, han eliminado paulatinamente su emisi n energ tica hac a l, por lo que le empieza a salir mal las cosas, dejan de contar con l, le olvidan en sus proyectos y, finalmente, le retiran el afecto. Curiosamente, a medida que se produce esa retirada energ tica, el ego co se atrinchera m s en sus posturas intentando convencer a los dem s de que es l quien est actuando correctamente. Hasta que se queda solo y no le queda otro remedio que, tras pasar su desierto particular, volver a solicitar la energ a de sus antiguos amigos, pero ya desde posturas m s humildes. El ego co es susceptible por naturaleza. Nada es suficientemente bueno para ly su organismo se resiente.

La sinton a afectiva de un ser humano se produce cuando se da, sin esperar nada a cambio. En ese momento, la generosidad (cosa contraria al ego smo) es la llave que abre los muros y baja a los que se encuentran subidos en el pedestal. La humildad permite que los dem s se acerquen y te den energ a. Y todo ello permite que los dem s manifiesten sus mejores sentimientos.

En definitiva, los planteamientos ego cos llevan a la separaci n, la ruptura y el aislamiento. En el plano f sico suele manifestarse fundamentalmente con alteraciones hep ticas y pancre ticas. Las personas con soberbia en sus planteamientos tambi n tienen problemas circulatorios o de retenci n de l quidos porque no se establecen buenos canales de eliminaci n de residuos.


Es verdad que, antes de encarnar, decidimos las l neas generales de las principales experiencias que queremos vivir en cada nueva vida?

Yes Cuando el ser humano est desencarnado, su esp ritu es consciente del momento evolutivo en el que se encuentra y del camino que a n le queda por recorrer. Raz n por la que, al volver a encarnar, procurar intentar corregir los defectos de personalidad adquiridos en anteriores existencias. Y, al mismo tiempo, intentar compensar actuaciones anteriores con aquellos con los que se ha relacionado en otras vidas, adem s de cumplir los pactos realizados con otros esp ritus que se encuentran todav a pendientes.

Es posible elegir el marco de referencia familiar, social, econ mica, cultural, etc. De hecho, es el momento en el que tambi n se establecen, como ya dije antes, pactos puntuales con otros esp ritus.

Y por qu no recordamos nada de eso una vez encarnados?

Porque esa informaci n queda registrada s lo en la memoria perpetua, ubicado en el subconsciente.

A grandes rasgos todo aquello que venimos a vivir lo hemos predeterminado antes de nacer; adem s, no hay garant a de que, una vez encarnado, se cumpla el plan o programa. El Cosmos dota a los seres humanos conscientes de una herramienta fundamental para evolucionar, que es el libre albedr o. No existe el determinismo. Por eso se procuran las oportunidades para conocer a aquellos esp ritus con quienes se ha pactado y se ponen delante las circunstancias a superar; pero el resultado final de cómo se vive o se resuelve la experiencia forma parte, siempre, de la decisión y la responsabilidad del propio hombre en cada momento.

¿Cómo se fija ese “programa” en el nuevo ser concebido? Porque la configuración física la “aportan” los padres, ¿no?

El ser humano no es, como ya he dicho, un simple cuerpo físico, sino el resultadote la interrelación de lo físico, el astral, el mental y el espíritu. Pues bien: ya desde el mismo momento de la concepción, el espíritu desencarnado aporta a las células incipientes la energía necesaria para que tenga vida. Aunque el espíritu, como tal, “entra” por primera vez en el nuevo ser cuando han transcurrido tres meses desde la fecundación y el riesgo de aborto espontáneo prácticamente ha desaparecido. Luego, a partir de ese momento, efectúa cortos viajes con el fin de ir familiarizándose a todos los niveles, especialmente a nivel físico, con cada célula que conformará su cuerpo, su soporte físico. Pero la incorporación definitiva no se realiza hasta que hay una razonable seguridad de que ese cuerpo va a nacer: lo que ocurre entre las 48 y 72 horas antes del alumbramiento.

Como puedes apreciar, existe una gran interrelación entre los dos planos de existencia, el físico y el energético. En realidad, son dos aspectos de la vida que se complementan.



Dicen que cuando la guadaña del miedo realiza su tenebroso vaivén, sólo aquellos que tienen su cabeza levantada en busca de nuevos horizontes son los que corren el riesgo de perderla, mientras los que se humillan, los que la esconden, son los que consiguen sobrevivir en un mundo donde el fanatismo y la ignorancia hacen presa fácil de aquellos que no quieren que nada cambie.

Vivir de acuerdo a unos ideales es un riesgo que muy pocos se atreven de asumir. De hecho, las sociedades, las civilizaciones y las culturas se suceden unas a otras en función de los riesgos que asumen unos pocos en beneficio de la generalidad.

Así, los planetas que albergan civilizaciones heterogéneas se ven impelidos a la creación de sociedades armónicas como única salida a sus crisis existenciales, y la Tierra no es una excepción. Por eso, en estos momentos de cambio generacional, no es de extrañar que estéis viviendo situaciones donde parece haber desaparecido todo signo de cordura, donde los extremos y fanatismos tienden a hacerse más patentes como vía para mantenerse a ultranza en un mundo donde la aceptación de las diferencias será el “modus vivendi” del futuro; un futuro donde todas las formas de manifestación social, como son la política, la economía, la educación o los medios de comunicación, girarán en torno al respeto como norma fundamental de convivencia.

Mientras la guadaña del miedo siga siendo movida por los brazos de quienes desean seguir manteniendo sometida a la sociedad de la que forman parte, ésta no podrá ver los nuevos horizontes a los que irremisiblemente se dirige. Afortunadamente cada vez son más los que han perdido el miedo y han entendido que “perder la cabeza” por amor es siempre un mejor camino que enterrarla para que nada cambie, tal como el Maestro Jesús enseñó con su parábola de los talentos.

Con amor, Acael


A lo largo de su historia, el ser humano de la Tierra ha intentado de ampliar su nivel de conocimiento tratando en principio, de descubrir quien era él, cómo estaba constituido, cuál era su origen y cuál su destino.

Con el paso del tiempo, ese deseo de encontrar respuestas tuvo otras motivaciones menos trascendentales y más relacionados con su propio ego. Ya no se trataba de averiguar qué era el ser humano, sino que sus descubrimientos iban dirigidos, en gran medida, a demostrar que el Cosmos había cometido errores que él podía subsanar. La explotación del hombre por el hombre, las guerras fraticidas, el horror de la enfermedad y la muerte son consecuencia directa de un mal entendimiento de la utilidad real de la inteligencia humana.

Cuando deis el próximo paso evolutivo, descubriréis que lo que hoy os puedan parecer errores del Cosmos, son la manifestación de procesos más elevados de consciencia, donde la sabiduría se expresa, a veces, de forma menos convencional de lo que vuestra ciencia es capaz, hoy por hoy, de admitir.

La vida es, para muchos de vuestros científicos, un acontecimiento sin razón de ser, un hecho anacrónico, absurdo, dentro de un universo dominado por el caos. He aquí la primera lección que el hombre del futuro deberá aprender:


Con amor, Acael


Una de las cosas que más distinguen a los seres humanos con deseos de evolucionar, de aquellos otros que consideran que con lo alcanzado no necesitan nada más, es la curiosidad y la implicación. Nada hay más arriesgado que seguir los dictados de la curiosidad. La implicación conlleva el compromiso – un factor de riesgo considerable -, pero ninguna montaña se ha escalado sólo con mirarla, y desde luego el horizonte que se ve desde lo alto de ella está más alejado que el que se alcanza desde el valle.

Desde que venimos siguiendo la trayectoria del hombre de la Tierra, no ha dejado de sorprendernos el hecho de que el progreso de tantos sea debido a tan pocos. Ha sido la curiosidad y la implicación con sus semejantes lo que ha movido a unos pocos “locos” a buscar caminos que pudieran permitir a la humanidad terrestre salir de los atolladeros en los que periódicamente se ha metido. Filósofos, literatos, artistas, políticos, científicos, investigadores…, gente que ha roto con lo trillado y se ha puesto a caminar por senderos que la generalidad consideraba peligrosos o utópicos; gente a la que no ha importado la burla y el escarnio de sus “sesudos” contemporáneos; personajes que han entrado en el mito y la leyenda tan sólo por no conformarse con lo comúnmente aceptado como verdadero e inmovible.

A todos ellos queremos rendir desde aquí nuestro más sentido homenaje. Ellos son los que hacen cierta la frase:


Con amor, Acael

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