Ancient civilizations, The culture of Egypt

  • 2015
Table of Contents hide 1 Egyptian Society 2 Religion 3 Pyramids 4 Contributions to humanity

All ancient mute civilizations have marked history in extraordinary ways. This time we will know about a country, which has the oldest and brightest history of humanity, the Egyptian civilization.

Egypt, with 97% of desert territory, was a civilization that formed around the Nile River, in the northwest corner of Africa . This river is, since then, a treasure for the Egyptian population, since this has been a source of fertilization for the lands.

Egyptian society

Egyptian society began its organization in a pyramidal way, dividing from top to bottom into the following groups:

1st: The pharaoh, considered as a God, and the royal family.

2nd: Senior officials. (Rulers, priests, military chiefs, among others).

3rd: Peasants, artisans and merchants. (97% of the total population).

4th: Slaves, seen as objects that could be bought and sold.

On the other hand, the Egyptian woman played a significant role. More than in other civilizations, many of them were queens with power and beauty was of great popular recognition. Nefertiti was the best known queen in the time of the pharaohs, especially for her beauty.

This ancient civilization was ruled by a pharaoh, who not only took care of political and social laws, but also took care of the laws of nature. This is due to the fact that the pharaoh was considered a divinity .

With regard to priests, this class was very influential, as they represented wisdom and administered temples. Also, the scribes were very important because of their function of writing laws and transcribing sacred writings.


The Egyptians believed and worshiped more than one god. These were represented with animal heads and a number of rituals were celebrated. Some of these gods were the god RA, representing the Sun; Osiris, god of the beyond; and Hapy, god of the Nile River.


In Egypt it was believed in the life of the afterlife. This is why the funeral of the deceased and their graves are precisely what highlights and makes this civilization such an important and complete story.

The pyramids have been since the beginning the tombs of Egypt. These are some of the most important architectural works built in ancient times. Within these funerary elements, there is the previously mummified deceased (process by which the body is bandaged to preserve its real appearance). In addition to the mummy, their valuable belongings and all their grave goods were deposited. The pyramids are recognized for their construction in rock, their reliefs and their decorations.

Contributions to humanity

The Egyptian civilization enriched humanity thanks to the hieroglyphic writing. On the other hand, their mathematical needs led to the creation of the solar calendar and also contributed a lot to medicine.

The Egyptian culture is undoubtedly a civilization full of magical stories that have reached the film and literary world. It is a story worth knowing, and a wonderful place to discover and visit.

AUTHOR: Daniela Navarro, editor of the great family of


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