Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A message for Lightworkers

  • 2015

The last guide for the Lightworkers of our friends, the beings of the fifth and sixth dimensions known as the Collective:

Greetings, friends!

We are happy to have the opportunity to speak with you again today.

You are noticing the powerful energies now flowing to Earth and feeling the changes at every level of your being.

This sounds maybe cliché. However, look at their lives.

Notice the areas of your daily life where you are no longer so severe with yourself.

Notice where you are most capable of giving thanks for abundance constantly flowing to you, regardless of your external circumstances.

Notice how they no longer want to be involved in a battle with others based on the ego. Notice how they have stopped judging others and themselves. And how they only want to fulfill their purpose, laugh more, eat more pure foods, sleep peacefully.

Certainly those have not been their main concerns in past lives, except for the lives in which they were given the opportunity to concentrate on them, and they have been few indeed.

In other words, you have begun to create your life from the inside to the outside, instead of the reverse, which has been taught since you were in the cradle.

Look now at the full truth of the matter — that there is no “matter, whether it is a physical object or external circumstances.

Everything is energy, in the sense that everything belongs to an endless stream of Life and of living. Everything belongs to the continuous experience of being and its desire to see more, experience more, and be more.

An endless expansion — that is why they have come, and to celebrate that they are here.

And now these energies are giving them the wave of the forward movement on which to ride, so that they can do the same.

Are there still areas in their lives where they feel they are struggling? Where do they worry if they can pay the bills, if the children are going to behave wisely, if the politicians are ever going to “be honest”?

Are there still times when you see the images of refugees on your TV and hear news of natural disasters or other calamities, and despair of whether this Earth will be free someday?

You have waited a long time and feel — well, where is that great change?

And we will surprise you by saying that this great theater that is acting all around you, this beautiful illusion that is your physical life, was not written by someone else.

You are the ones who have to write it again if you are not happy with the script or the story that is unfolding right now.

And you are rewriting it again. We see that daily they require clarity, truth, honesty and an end to violence in ways that would have been unthinkable fifty or one hundred years ago.

We see them creating with these empowering energies, not only their new Earth but a new life and a higher consciousness within themselves.

And we see them remaking the very material from which their bodies are made.

For it is the crystalline structure that they are assuming now, leaving carbon-based matter in which humanity has existed for so long.

What is it about becoming Light?

It is letting go of belief in separation. It is letting go of the need to survive and all that fear begets within you.

It is to assume the characteristics of the Higher Self - to liberate the ego in the sense that one does not forget one of the individual self but rather releases the fear and pride of the lower self.

You have merely sought to survive for millennia.

They have lived in communities where the community or family locked their doors against all others.

And perhaps they have compassion for the belief in the need for separation, the need to believe in the lack and impermanence of life, because during all those many centuries their Earth was a very low density site .

You lived as you felt you had to live in those times, and yet those survival instincts, fears, worries, and separations exist within you, believing that they are necessary and that they serve the purpose of keeping you in life

And we would say that now the time has come when you have chosen to let go of this survival way of living that even those who have many millions of dollars live.

Survival is an energy, more than a lifestyle, and it is one that you are releasing now in the midst of these fine and very high vibrations reaching the Earth plane.

She gladly receives them, even knowing about the sudden movements and disturbances that His land, air and seas experience as they release the toxicity of the old Earth in favor of a higher way of living.

You must have felt these disturbances — not to be engulfed by them but only to allow them time to clear the old toxicity and the old low vibrations from their hearts, minds and bodies.

As you see these changes and feel them strongly running through you, know that these strange electrical frequencies are not here to wrap you, damage you or take you away from what has kept you safe and well in the past.

You are here to open the door of your heart of hearts and say, "Let us show you how you look living in Joy, in Peace, living in the Love of your Divine aspect." "Let us show you that your Angels and your guides are with you. at all times and that many trillions of higher beings are encouraging them in this extraordinary moment of Ascension. ”

For it is so, that even the smallest refugee child, apparently frightened of what he is experiencing, is a great Higher Being of Light, trapped in the whirlwind that is an Ascending planet.

So look up and know that we are with you.

Look up and see that your being and your Divine Self are pouring your Love for you.

Well, how is it possible that they were going to travel this path alone? You have never been and never will be.

Namaste, friends! Know that you are not merely walking on your Rainbow Bridge to your Ascension.

Its beautiful energies are the Bridge itself.

AUTHOR: Caroline Oceana Ryan


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