Bulletin # 8 Series 2, Sacred Geometry, an excellent pedagogical tool

  • 2010

Sacred Geometry and Education

Sacred Geometry gives us a wide range of comprehensive tools for children and young people now, as well as introducing us to the Laws Universal so needed by boys and adults. Sacred Geometry is the basis for developing any school subject while allowing to re-build the ethical, energetic and physical principles of a new society.

Depending on the orientation of your school, it is sometimes preferable to call this module Universal Geometry, Applied Geometry, Geometry and Art, Art History, Art and Philosophy ... at your discretion, so as not to have to use the word 'sacred'.

Sacred Geometry is the metalanguage, seal and pattern of creation itself. It contains the structure and patterns of everything that exists. Together with the Light and the Sound it confers beauty, rhythm and harmony to this multidimensional universe. Architect Oscar Senmache

Infinite benefits of Sacred Geometry

Having a good base in Sacred Geometry from an early age brings infinite benefits for the student. Below is a list of therapeutic, educational and even spiritual benefits. The integral study of Sacred Geometry:

Wake up the right hemisphere of the brain

It is the left hemisphere meditation

Connect and harmonize the two cerebral hemispheres

Allows the child's spatial location

Connects children to telluric / cosmic forces and other sources of energy and knowledge

Help children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Help children with mild autism

It allows us to develop mental visualization (that is, see how on a “screen” in our mind)

Allows the understanding of Universal Laws

Help to understand mathematical principles

Increase creativity

Develop visual-spatial intelligence

Activates the pineal and pituitary glands.

It makes it easy to reach the alpha and theta waves

Open the psychic / intuitive and spiritual field

Sacred Geometry is both the meditation of the left cerebral hemisphere with the ecstasy of the right hemisphere, both in perfect harmony.

What is sacred geometry?

The word geometry comes from the Greek and consists of two words: geo that means earth and metria: that means measure. It would be the beating of the Earth as well as our own beating. Everything that exists in this third dimension is based on geometry and archetypal forms, which underpin everything that exists. It is the vibration and energy that precedes matter.

From one state of consciousness to another

Sacred Geometry is the study of geometric shapes and their metaphorical relationships with human evolution and the Universe. It is the study of the fluid evolutionary transitions of the mind, emotions, spirit and consciousness, reflected in the subsequent transition from one form of sacred geometry (State of consciousness) to another (more Information). When we consciously activate a series of raw proportions or sacred geometry, we are tuning our own personal frequencies to coordinate and operate in accordance with the dominant harmonica.

The harmony between the individual and the cosmos

Gisela García shares (more information): “Plato said: God geometrizes. We can also affirm that it is a science that studies the harmony between the individual and the cosmos. Sacred geometry is a metaphor for the ordering of the Universe, it studies the proportions, patterns, systems, codes and symbols they represent the source of life of matter and spirit. It is the fingerprint of Creation, the birth of all forms. Some authors refer to Sacred Geometry as a way to open the heart and evolve consciousness through models.

geometric This teaching is said to have begun in Egypt and then in ancient Greece and its foundations have been practiced by various civilizations. The importance of Sacred Geometry is to balance the two hemispheres of the brain […].

Sacred Geometry allows the synchronization of the two hemispheres since the perception of the images, the colors, the forms, the mystical experiences and the meditative levels that are achieved with the contemplation and the realization of drawings Mandelic, are processes that are performed in the right hemisphere. Everything related to geometry, which involves mathematics, spatial order, proportions, iconography and reasoning, is processed by the left hemisphere. In this way, the left hemisphere with Sacred Geometry, gets involved with the mystical experience and does not question it, it does not slap it, on the contrary, it supports it because it achieves a l framework Gico, an intellectual understanding to explain more subtle states of being. In science we see how Sacred Geometry is the matrix to create life. DNA, whose function is the preservation of life, has a helical shape based on a spiral of unfolded dodecahedra. Geometric patterns are found in the molecules of all physical elements, in the chemical formulas, in the sound waves, in each particle of Our complex universe. Without the Sacred Geometry that forms the order of the atoms in the elements such as oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and magnesium, there will be no Life as we know it.

When we consciously activate a series of raw geometrical proportions or so-called sagradas in our body, we tune into the harmonic geometrical network of the Universe. At each point of the body where there is transmitted or received energy, three-dimensional mandalas are activated, which are changing, just as our thoughts change.

Activating Sacred Geometry allows the heart to expand and connect to the unified field of universal energy that allows us to be part of the global network of consciousness.

What is the relationship between Sacred Geometry and the awakening of consciousness?

As part of the methodology for the education of the Third Millennium, as well as the re-co-building of a new world, it is unpredictable to begin by experiencing the experience of Sacred Geometry and the principles of the Universal Laws that Sacred Geometry entails. It is part of the awakening. Indeed, Sacred Geometry is a very powerful tool to help in the search for spiritual awakening. It brings us to the knowledge of oneself, of our true nature as well as that of our surroundings, allowing us to open the levels of understanding necessary in a higher octave of consciousness to act with wisdom, love and service. In this aspect, Geometry becomes Sacred because it contributes to this gradual awakening, as any discipline or science like mathematics should do. Any universal principle or law, whether of a physical, electromagnetic or spiritual nature, is likely to manifest itself in any context, because it is a Law. For this reason, any way of knowledge can be sacred if this aspect is taken into account, it all depends on where our attention is fixed and, in this case, the peculiar geometric way of knowing reality.

Why the Sacred Geometry is a very useful pedagogical tool?

Sacred Geometry is an extraordinary pedagogical tool when entering the Third Millennium, because it contributes in a very didactic way to recover that lost connection with reality, allows to reveal to that Higher Self or innate spiritual essence that we are all. In that state, then, we can recognize the wisdom and perfection in everything created, experiencing Unity among all and all things, in order to fully fulfill the mission that corresponds to us on this wonderful planet.

Wisdom, Love and Will is the perfect triad to make manifest the divine part in our Human nature.

1- Sacred Geometry allows the archetypal structuring of energy.

2- Sacred Architecture confers rhythm, beauty and harmony to creation.

3- Energy Dynamics imply the knowledge, understanding and conscious use of Cosmic Energies by the Human Being in its evolutionary process.

Form, Light and Sounds form the Creative Triad fundamental for the Education of the Third Millennium.

Also the Mystical Magic is very interesting to introduce it in the educational system of the new millennium, since it implies the recreation of the Cosmic Laws, making use of the fun that encloses the Magic as a pedagogical tool. All these techniques are very useful in spiritual awakening. (Excerpt from an interview with Oscar Senmache, architect, professor of Sacred Geometry in Lima, Peru, 2009).


Seek information about Sacred or Universal Geometry in my culture, present and past.

I am looking for application tasks, such as doing useful things with polyhedra, for example making a calendar with a dodecahedron.


Álvarez Ponce de León, Carlos Arturo

2009. The Power of Life in Sacred Geometry and Biological architecture. Ed. Psychogeometry. Mexico.

Melchizedek, Drunvalo

1990. The ancient Secret of the Flower of Life. Volume I and II. Ed. Teohua. Mexico.

Winter, Dan

Line of educational videos with animations about the physics of Consciousness.

Recommended movies

Movie Donald Duck and Sacred Geometry (The Wonders of Mathematics)

Interview on television in Lima, Peru of Architect Oscar Senmache.

Recommended Web Pages




Practical exercises

You can find the practical exercises of Sacred Geometry to do in your school or home as well as templates of platonic solids to color and cut in the pedagooogical notebooks "Holistic education is possible"



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