Patanjali's Yoga Paramahansa Yogananda

  • 2014

Yoga meditation reveals our divine nature.

From the cosmic library of truth, India developed the Yoga system, the "Science of Unity": unity of the soul with God; unity with the principles of eternal justice; unity with the universe and with all humanity.

The wise Patanjali formulated the Yoga system in eight steps designed to achieve this supreme goal:

.one. Avoid incorrect behavior ( yama ).

.2. Follow certain moral and spiritual precepts ( niyama ).

.3. Learn to still the body and mind, because when the movement ceases, the presence of God begins to be felt ( asana ).

.4. Once concentrated on the state of peace, he practices the control of the vital energy of the body ( pranayama ).

.5. When you own your mind, that is, when it is under your control thanks to pranayama, you can offer it to God ( pratyahara ).

.6. Then, the meditation begins: first, it is necessary to concentrate on one of the cosmic manifestations of God, such as love, wisdom or joy ( dharana ).

.7. What follows in meditation is an expansion of the perception of the infinite and omnipresent nature of God ( dhyana ).

.8. When the soul joins God which is the ever existing Joy, always conscious and always renewed -, the goal ( samadhi ) has been achieved.

The joy of God never runs out. He is enough; He is the purpose and purpose of existence.

True understanding comes when we perceive God as the great joy of meditation. And peace is the first proof of his presence.

To have peace, we must love more; but we cannot love people unconditionally if we do not know God. THE SOUL IS ABSOLUTELY PERFECT, BUT, WHEN IT IS IDENTIFIED WITH THE BODY IN THE FORM OF AN EGO, IT IS EXPRESSED DISTORTION DUE TO HUMAN IMPERFECTIONS.

If human beings were only those imperfect minds and bodies, there would be some justification for prejudices and divisions. But we are all souls, made in the image of God. Thus, Yoga teaches us to know the divine nature that dwells in each one of us.

Through yoga meditation we can know that we are gods.

Paramahansa Yoganada THE COSMIC LOVER.

Submitted by Silvana Fracchia

Patanjali's Yoga Paramahansa Yogananda

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